What kind of alcohol do you prefer?

Rum 'n' Coke for me please. 3 y.o. brown Havana Club preferably. And lots of ice.
Urg! Ice destroys good whisky.

Nah that ain't true. Water acctually does some shit when mixed, like realease ensyms? or something. Adding flavor. Im not talking like, pouring water in it, but just some drops. Might be bullshit, but that's what I heard.
Guinness, followed by Stella. I'd rather take water with lemon than cheap American beer.
Right now I'm at a Marriott in Rhode Island for a wedding and last night me and my cousin hit the hotel bar. We started talking to some self-proclaimed millionaire and the guy was a riot. He bought our drinks all night and bought me that glass of Macallan, which was awesome.

He wanted in your pants.
Beer, but only when I can pour out the beer, clean the glass, and fill it with pure water instead. Tastes magnificent.
Not a heavy drinker, but... a couple of shots of whiskey straight up and my roommate and I will be playing Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine till 4 in the morning

Alcohol makes you sleepy huh? No other explanation for going to sleep so early! :P
I used to be able to take straight shots of any kind of alcohol, but after i got sent to the hospital for alcohol poisoning, i almost vomit at the smell of alcohol. Nowadays i just chug mixed drinks, usually just a shitload of Long Island Ice Teas, gets me shitfaced in notime. Dont like beer.
I used to be able to take straight shots of any kind of alcohol, but after i got sent to the hospital for alcohol poisoning, i almost vomit at the smell of alcohol. Nowadays i just chug mixed drinks, usually just a shitload of Long Island Ice Teas, gets me shitfaced in notime. Dont like beer.

Alcohol poisoning? Seriously?

You dumb shit!

I say that with all the love in the world by the way.
Well i was young and stupid. It was me and two of my friends, we gathered all our money and put it all on the counter and said "just get us shitfaced". Shot after shot after shot. Last thing i remember was walking out of the place, then complete black. I do remember a short time lapse were i was inside the ambulance. Then i woke up in a hospital with a freaking tube stuck into my arm attached to some bag of liquids. When i regained enough consciousness to walk and talk, two police officers took me in their car to the police station were they interrogated me. Apparently we had been stopped by a cop car, i was sitting on a rail and fell backwards and passed out. I felt like shit for several days after.

Good times.
Nah that ain't true. Water acctually does some shit when mixed, like realease ensyms? or something. Adding flavor. Im not talking like, pouring water in it, but just some drops. Might be bullshit, but that's what I heard.
Yes, a few drops can enchant the taste of some whiskys, but ice adds way too much water when it melts.
Whatever gets me drunk. I used to drink a lot of bourbon back in the old days, then it went to straight vodka but these days I don't drink often enough to have a real preference.

Let's just get maggoted as ****.

Liquor often leaves me feeling sick to my stomach. It just feels ****ed up down there. Like terrible shit is happening.

Wine makes me feel hot for some reason. Like burning up.

The only bad thing about beer is it makes my mouth taste like ****ing shit after a while and makes me extremely dehydrated. No amount of water can quench it.

Liquor often leaves me feeling sick to my stomach. It just feels ****ed up down there. Like terrible shit is happening.

Wine makes me feel hot for some reason. Like burning up.

The only bad thing about beer is it makes my mouth taste like ****ing shit after a while and makes me extremely dehydrated. No amount of water can quench it.

Sounds like drinking is too much of a chore for you.
Cider - weird locals or Old Rosie when they are available, but Strongbow is fine. See also: Kopparberg
Strongbow is only fine to the same extent that kebabs are. I'll only stoop to it when I'm drunk enough not to notice the taste.

Otherwise, agreed. I don't think they have Old Rosie in the Lewes Road Sainsbury's anymore though. And I forget which pub has it on tap.
I will be playing Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine till 4 in the morning
Good to hear mine isn't the only house where Puyo Puyo is played into the late night. Shame everyone else in the house sucks and barely understands chaining.

Anyone else like Sambuca? I always seem to be alone.
Jim Beam is all I really bother with but I'd go with Jack Daniels if could afford it..
Smirnoff vodka is alright but I cant do shots without getting sick quick :(
I ****ing hate alcohol. Makes me feel like total shit, unless i'm blazed to begin with.

It feels like somebody's injecting me with some sort of deadly chemical that spreads throughout my entire bloodstream, making me feel like a slow and uninhibited douchebag. My stomach gets sour, my limbs feel like they're made of lead, and my head feels like it's spinning around in circles.

Keep it green bitches.
It feels like somebody's injecting me with some sort of deadly chemical that spreads throughout my entire bloodstream, making me feel like a slow and uninhibited douchebag. My stomach gets sour, my limbs feel like they're made of lead, and my head feels like it's spinning around in circles.

Is it just me or is this exactly what is supposed to happen?
Sounds like drinking is too much of a chore for you.
It's just not worth the headaches usually. That's mostly why I pretty much quit. Well, I still get drunk at parties and gatherings, but that's it. I was drunk several times a week for about 15 years.

But the last few times I got wasted... very very bad things happened.
It's just not worth the headaches usually. That's mostly why I pretty much quit. Well, I still get drunk at parties and gatherings, but that's it. I was drunk several times a week for about 15 years.

But the last few times I got wasted... very very bad things happened.

despite the tom foolery you may get yourself in, take a couple b-12's before you start and go to town. I just started taking them and after one of the more extended nights of drinking I felt lovely in the morning.
Strongbow is only fine to the same extent that kebabs are. I'll only stoop to it when I'm drunk enough not to notice the taste.
The problem with me is that I love kebabs. And that, as a general statement, applies to a lot of my tastes. I'm as happy with cheap food as with beautiful cuisine, and as satisfied by shitty coffee as by perfect. I'm not proud of myself. But there it is.

I know there's a pub around here that does Old Rosie (I normally get it at the Turf) but I can't remember it either. It might maybe possibly probably not be the Roundhill on Ditchling Road.
Speak of the devil. I've just been invited to "Oktober Wein Fest". I guess I'll check it out.
Top 5 in approximate order of how often I go with them:
1. Vodka tonic
2. Guinness
3. Screwdriver
4. Whatever Hefeweizen they have on tap
5. White Russian

I like turtles. I mean vodka.
Real ale all the way, baby.

Wine or whisky will do in a pinch, if I can't buy decent beer (ie. if I live in Ireland). I never bother with Vodka.
Vodka and Red bull... just a shame red bull is banned in denmark :(

Otherwise - beers (danish beers to prefer)
Vodka and Red bull... just a shame red bull is banned in denmark :(

Otherwise - beers (danish beers to prefer)

when i was bartending i'd have a few of these during my shift. they're great (besides the obvious shit in the red bull) as they open up the arteries and get you drunk faster...that and they taste pretty good.

just remember your b12 ladies and gentleman and enjoy a hang-over free morning.

*in before somebody discredits b12
lol Jaegermeister(or whatever) and red bull is better.
I've got a bottle of B12 here that I've had for a while. I'm not even sure why I bought anymore. Anyway, I'll be sure and test this out when I go to Oktober fest.