what kind of bosses?

this thread is to discuss possible bosses in hl2 not theorise upon the live stages of a headcrab, ive just thought, perhaps the final battle will be with the citadel itself! :O
Hehe, I wonder what weapon would be powerful enough :P

You could pick up rocks with the manipulator and throw at it I guess.
trizzm said:
hmm. actually, i don't think that the gonarch lays down little headcrabs. if you look more closely (which is hard), you notice that those transparent beings ressemble the gonarch a LOT more than headcrabs. they actually have a nutsack hanging below them, whereas headcrabs have this type of leech-style mouth/orifice.

also, this is not in the subject at all, but why is everyone whining at the zombies having green blood? isn't it obvious enough that the headcrap drinks up all the human blood to then replace it with green blood in order to control the body?

as to the gonarch being the final evolution.......since they are parasitic it might depend on what its host is. Maybe if it parasited a hippo, that had a large scrotum.
I believe that the baby headcrabs (and they are baby headcrabs: it's the model name) look like Gonarchs because they can turn into them. Some baby headcrabs have the sac fall off and they grow into headcrabs. Or, the sac stays, and they grow into gonarch.

Like ants. All ants start off as identical larva, but then the can grow into workers or queens.

Oh, and on-topic, I bet the boss is the entire citadel. Fighting your way out, maybe?

Edit: D'oh, Giller beat me to that conclusion. :P
lol i think the endboss will be nihilanth :P
you know what would rock, if the end boss was GODZILLA! lol imagine after all the fihgitng.. and the big bad greeny shows up! ahahahah i would be like OH shit! lol


Another possibility for the baby headcrabs' sacs is that they're actually yolk sacs that just happen to be in the same position as the adult's egg sac. Or not.
Mechagodzilla said:
I believe that the baby headcrabs (and they are baby headcrabs: it's the model name) look like Gonarchs because they can turn into them. Some baby headcrabs have the sac fall off and they grow into headcrabs. Or, the sac stays, and they grow into gonarch.

yeah, i guess that makes sense. but if the sac stays, how is the headcrap supposed to leech on a corpse? unless the evolution theory is BS and they don't need a body to evolve all the way to gonarch.

who esle thinks we'll have a few gonarchs to kill around city 17? a gonarch that's changed a building into an infested nest would be nice to clean up.
I'll bet Michael Jackson is going to hold Alyx out of a window and drop her... then Gordon storms the building and fights the Gecko because his car insurance skyrocketed after his car was blown up by a strider... (PICTURE) ... You wont be able to hit Gecko because he is kung fu fighting, fast as lightning, and he can breakdance...
trizzm said:
yeah, i guess that makes sense. but if the sac stays, how is the headcrap supposed to leech on a corpse? unless the evolution theory is BS and they don't need a body to evolve all the way to gonarch.

who esle thinks we'll have a few gonarchs to kill around city 17? a gonarch that's changed a building into an infested nest would be nice to clean up.

I hope Gonarches pop up at least once. :D

I don't think the gonarch does any head-latching. The only thing it could stick onto that would be large enough would be the garg. or maybe nihilanth.

I guess baby gonarches eat in the same way adult gonarches eat: somehow that doesn't involve a mouth.
Maybe they get their nutrients from those health pools somehow? Or they could absorb material from the ground, like plants. Maybe the egg sac has a dual use, as the orifice on the bottom has teeth in the concept art, IIRC...
I dont think we will even see Gonarch, I have a funny feeling that the combine have over run xen, thats why the vortigaunts fled to earth and are now in alliance with the humans.

Aside from the controllers, grunts, vortigaunts, gargs and the nihalnith i merely classed the rest of the xen aliens as wildlife....headcrabs, bullsquids, houndeyes and what have you...
Samon said:
I dont think we will even see Gonarch, I have a funny feeling that the combine have over run xen, thats why the vortigaunts fled to earth and are now in alliance with the humans.

Aside from the controllers, grunts, vortigaunts, gargs and the nihalnith i merely classed the rest of the xen aliens as wildlife....headcrabs, bullsquids, houndeyes and what have you...
if there arent any gonarchs , where do the headcrabs come from ?
The citadel is the boss, because the citadel is secretly.... UNICRON!
Perhaps xen has evolved Eber, you dont exactly know what has happend in that time do you? no you dont
eber said:
if there arent any gonarchs , where do the headcrabs come from ?

Who knows..Guess we'll have to wait till it comes out.

Because this:

Samon said:
I dont think we will even see Gonarch, I have a funny feeling that the combine have over run xen, thats why the vortigaunts fled to earth and are now in alliance with the humans.

Is just speculation. On another note, Vortigaunts fled to earth and are now in alliance with the humans BECAUSE Nihlanth no longer rules them. And we humans saved their ***es. :E
This is getting way off topic. I'm gonna create a thread for headcrab evolution, under rumors and speculation, so if you wanna talk about it, go there plz.
Samon said:
Perhaps xen has evolved Eber, you dont exactly know what has happend in that time do you? no you dont
you n00b, dont talk annoying shit it needs a mother to make children and a gonarch to make headcrabs !
Well all though I do agree with you eber, I think that headcrabs are gonarch offspring, you have to keep in mind that they're not gonna show us every little thing about Xen. Following your logic, I could say Nihtla-however-the-hell-you-spell-his-name came from a gonarch, because he had to come from somewhere. You've proven that the headcrabs had to come from somewhere. Where they came from is very different.

People like you make it hard to argue for the same proposition :(

And again, this is completely offtopic. Closed. . .wait. Damn.
I bet Eli gets a headcrab on him and he turns into a zombie scientist wierdo and starts beating you with his fake leg.
But I bet you will have to stop the citidel (spelling) somehow. :cheese:
Thats a given, stoping the citadel and more than likely the combine with it. But I beleive there's more to it than stoping the combine. There has to be something deep and dark tahts not leaking out. Its not just C17 thats under control of the combine its many places, even if it was just C17, There would be more resistance, cause of somekind of foreign aid. Theres significance in C17, thats why Gordon is there, or else he could be in NYC, or DC, trying to save them.

As for the bosses, I wouldnt mind fighting the actual Breen, while hes in some giant mechanized suit, like in matrix revolutions, only much bigger.
maybe everyone thinks you go crazy except Alyx
so then you have to fight everyone in black mesa with Alyx

or the combine somehow get you to join them
then u have to help them kill everyone in black mesa

or you act like you join the combine then start to stealthly kill the combine off under cover :bounce: heh