What Kind of Mod Would you like to see for HL2?


Apr 19, 2004
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I am very curious as to what kind of mod you guys would like to see come to HL2. Like if you have a request, you could voice your opinion here.

I for one would like to see someone make a GoldenEye Mod, for Single Player.
Have it be Like the Orinigal one Rare made for the N64.
But Of course have way better visuals and Omg! Physics.
And have a extra missions and stuff. For Example the one were you go to the island in the Dam level. That was taken off due to time.
Well what do you guys want to see?
I'd like to see my mod tbh ;)

But, Majestic's is also on my want to see list :E
tbh. i cant goddamn wait to see what this VERY BIG thing is that pimurho's working on. dunno if its a mod or what, but it sounds good :p
ComradeBadger said:
No just PiMuRho, Fenric and qckbeam too... all that talent :E
cool, i never noticed that all of them were working on it :O, what could it be :(
a guerilla warfare mod where the conventional army is realistically fun and where the guerillas are more fun fun.
anything , aslong as theres no more WW2 mods, WW2 has been modded to death almost. Some realistic Mafia/ gangsta mod would be intresting, but id also like to see Comrade Badgers mod :D
It's something very, very BIG

and I don't recall any of us saying what exactly it was. Badger's just guessing :)
They're making a mod that encompasses the life of a gay zombie.
It's set in a pre-revolutionary Russian mir, and politics play a big role in the game.
:bonce: :bonce: :bonce: :bonce: :bonce:

I would like to see an American revolutionary war game, with muskets, and lots of melee fighting after you shoot your first shot. Bayonets, axes, knives, and maybe a club or two :)
My favorite type of theme is futuristic scifi with a dabble of cyberpun mixed in.

But there are two concepts that I really want to see:

1. Customization - the ability to create and nuture an online persona that is uniquely yours.

2. immersion- I want the game to play as if you actually are there. No intermissions, cutscenes, and third person should be used sparingly. For example say your trying to land a space ship inside a cap ship. Should have to maneuver to the landing bay yourself. Land yourself (maybe auto pilot can help. And only then do you get to leave your ship. Your then free to walk around inside the cap ship to your liking.

I know this has been done before but not to the extent that suits my liking.
After speaking to our legal department, I can tell you the following about our project:

It's a ******* game, where you ****** against **** and *******. Various ***** will be ****** with you, but you'll have to watch out for the ****** ****!

In all seriousness, we'll be announcing something soon, and it'll be worth the wait, I promise.
A mod that continously coded, mapped, modeled, for itself day and night until it has created the greatest adventure of all time.


Maybe that's what you mods are up too.
That would be nice :)

Sadly, the only ones coding, mapping and modelling are us 3...
I like The GoldenEye Idea.
I belive will Recreate the Bylamore Dam level from goldeneye.
But Way better.
I wanna see a shadowrun mod :/

There are quite a few cyberpunk mods being made, but I don't think any of them mixes in the fantasy element that shadowrun also has.
Like magic, elves, trolls etc. Boy, I wanna see one based on the source book.
Something with a similar command system to Natuaral Selection would be good. Would be a nice FPS strategy with vechiles (I know there are things like Battlezone 1 and 2 which was First Person and had a comm bunker that allowed you to issue orders to vechiles from an overhead map, but thats getting old)
I have actually been thinking up of a mod as usual after watching The Last Samuria. I am trying to work out how you would incorporate a fighting game into an engine where youa re free to move around. I mean.... its only me thinking. You never know one day I might think up of a mod that I have my heart set on :D

Infact I actually had a good idea for a samuria game. But anyway.... I would much rather just see Corporate Anarchy come out.
One way is to allow the player to select the enemy he wants to focus on, then have a soul calibur 2 like fighting system.
Won't that be shutdown pretty fast? What's with all these people making mods that are almost gauranteed to be shut down within a month or two of there first good, working release?
A decent RPG, don't care if its a sci-fi one or a fantasy one just as long as it has an epic story line (and of course is fun to play and the story is presented properly).
I wanna see... a good mod :p

...and this http://www.dystopia-mod.com/
(No, I don't like it just because it has the same name as my nick. And NO, I didn't choose my nick based on that, I've had this nick for years)
Dystopia said:
(No, I don't like it just because it has the same name as my nick. And NO, I didn't choose my nick based on that, I've had this nick for years)

I believe you.....
I thought I knew what was PiMunRo working on.... now I'm afraid to say anything.. :eek:
A multiplayer mod, 1 team are the C17 resistance and the other are the combine/metro police(or whatever they are called). The c17 will be weaker but will use guerilla tactics and be better at hit and run and ambushes and they will be able to set up traps and stuff like that. The combine would get striders and vehicles and helicopters and scanners. The c17 would NOT get gordon and alyx or any main characters. I am not sure how a map would go, it could be objective based like the c17 just took over a building(maybe a prison or somthing) and the combine have to take it back, but the c17 could get a few minutes to set up traps and get in position. Or another map could be where the combine have to arrest an important person to the resistance and the c17 have to stop them, maybe ambush their convoy or whatever on the way or just defend the VIP somewhere.
Sprafa said:
I thought I knew what was PiMunRo working on.... now I'm afraid to say anything.. :eek:

Pi Mu Rho

My name has nothing to do with Munro.
Well, not to be conceited, I would really like to see a mod idea that I came up with a short while ago. Search the Gen Edit forums and you will find.
Of course, of all the mods I want to see completed, mine's on the top of the list. But, I'd like to see something done that's pretty much unique. A break from the usual fare of WWII, communism invading, or the world turning out crap in the future. They all tend to be simply team-based deathmatch, with weapons matching the period.

Hmm...*picks random thought*...you could try a mod inspired by the many Japanese monster capture/training/dueling things, like something inspired by Pokemon. Although I'm not keen on the actual Pokemon universe, the concept and playstyle of the game is quite good. Just, don't actually base it on a brand name, or you'll be closed down by a group of Angry Lawyers. The bad kind, not the sort who code RTS games out of a FPS engine.
Ohh, or you could do something inspired by Dungeon Keeper, where half the game is about taking care of your little beasties.

-Angry Lawyer
I wanna see a mini-mod wich doesn't change any graphics, but makes the game controlled by writing commands. A mod that improves your writing skills, a writing mod :D
So you wouldn't use mouse and keyboard like you usually do, but you would have to write a command for anything you do.


Move forward 20 meters
Turn left 45 degrees
Look up 38 degrees
Center view
Climb up
Change firemode

haha, this got to be the worst idea in a long time :D
I personally think it would be fun... for some (short)time :p
"Typing of the Dead" and Crimsonland's "Typ'O'Shooter" gamemode were very fun imo... for awile :LOL:
The problem I see with the modding community, is that their is way too many mods. Not that many will make it. I want to see visionary unique mods come out that all differ from their styles. There really only needs to be 2 to 3 WW2 mods, to take in the full scope. Same with realistic shooters, or futuristic shooters.

I would like to see a Mech Mod out there, I think that's a good idea (probably because i watched Gundam Seed).
I think a lot of people are focused too much on shooting things. you can only have so many mods where you point and click. I there there should be some more melee mods out there. Like kung fu fighting or some really neat sword control system.

There is so much possibility in the HL2 source engine, there's no reason that you should be wasting your talent and time on something that has been done before. You can do something really unique. Think of a movie, book or tv show or something that you really like and think is doable in a mod and think about the idea of persuing it (provided it's not like Saving Private Ryan or something)

Say you watched the Lord of the Rings series, and wanted to make the LOTR games, only good and with animals you can ride and a wicked multiplayer option.

I like that trading-card game idea, it's not bad... Maybe you could do a Magic Card game or something, and you could watch the battles or help control it... There are no limits.

And don't feel concerned that some company is gonna come knocking on your door. They can't. It's a free mod made in your free time, so they can't charge you. They could charge Valve if valve bought the rights to the mod from you, but they won't. If anything they'll support it, because it's free advertising.

As a final note, I'd like to announce that a friend and I are beginning developpment on OUR unique mod that was tried and failed for HL1 by some other people (for very good reasons). I suppose it's an action-RPG type game. Immersion and Emotion is the focus we're tuning to. Initially, we're doing a singleplayer, with an incredibly interactive and beleivable AI. It's based off a movie and we may announce it officially in the near future.
How about a mod where you kill people with new mod ideas? :upstare:

Hehe, just kidding. I'm one of those people.