What kind of nerd are you?

That MSN "digital IQ" test only will present how lazy you are.(with all the PDA and labtop questions...) I think there are better tests out there to really tell if you are a nerd or not. Any specific links to other "nerd" tests?
61 , some of it I didnt do because I dont want to depend on a machine to , pay my bills for example.
They only needed to ask one question

How long are you on the computer per day?
Your score is (out of 60)
Congratulations, you are a barbarian. The good news is that you are all man. The bad news is that you have been left off human evolution. You probably don't have an opposable thumb. Do not worry. Your species will discover fire in 30,000 years.

lol, i didn't even select any.
While your manliness dominates your personality, you occasionally break out into sweetness. You won't admit to liking Titanic in front of your guy friends, but you might occasionally shed a tear if that improves your chance of scoring with chicks.
Originally posted by Direwolf
92....although I'd do most of them if I had money/time.

Me too. I dont think thats really fair. I would have a network in my house if I could aford it. And Bluetooth and all that.

man i wish i could aford it:eek:

i got 47
most of the questions werne't applicable. I got 101, though I think I deserve more. I didn't buy my computer online, I built mine, booyah, that should add points, no?
crap- 197 here, mostly because of the computer classes I take, I hook everything together and mess with stuff constantly...
I noticed writing your own virus and clearing internet history were big boosters.
135, though that test was lame. I get no points for NOT having my homepage at MSN/Yahoo/AOL? I laugh at people who have those as their homepage. Ah well.