What kind of nerds do you hate most?

Also, I hate nerd girls for some reason. The ones that everyone says "HAY HOW R U" whenever they enter the chat. They're like... black holes.

I'm talking about you, Phobie.
What the hell are you talking about? Phobie isn't a singularity.
The kind that gets in the way of me playing Rock Band or guitar hero at best buy because they play every song. Three times.

I don?t know if this qualifies them as Nerds, but kiddies who think of all kinds of ways to disrupt online playing sessions and post their findings on forums saturated with attention deprived children. Using techniques like throwing flash bangs in front of team mates or something else ridiculously queer.

I know it probably makes them feel like they?re affecting people to a certain extent since their parents either abuse / ignore them, but we don?t care, we don?t want to see what they?re like on the inside, we don?t want to try to change them.

Mass suicide would change them for the better I guess, but that'd require them to socialise. The bane of an unfair world.
The bane of an unfair world.

Does, "spotting" a friendly sniper in the dark with your flashlight in Day of Defeat source so he can be seen by every other enemy sniper count as one of those, "kiddies" you mentioned? :rolling:
I hate ps3,xbox 360 and wii fanboys! and also the anime nerds:dozey:
Oh, and fanboys of any particular platform, INCLUDING PC. God I hate PC elitists.
I thought this was stupid until I really thought about it. I thought I loved all nerds. Nerds are kind of my favourite type of people.

I REALLY hate those nerds that think they're cool. They're usually like gothy looking, but really tall and skinny and most always spotty. They listen to terrible music and pretend like they're really awesome, wear trench coats and Metallica T-shirts and New Rocks. I don't really know how else to describe them. They probably also really like Linkin Park and/or Evanescence(sp). They're the type of kids that people tried to talk to in high school but they were obviously way too cool to have any friends. A lot of the time they have behavioral/learning difficulties (ADHD etc).
To be honest, I stopped hating people once I turned 18 and realised, deep down, everyone's pretty rockin' to share a pint with regardless of their interests.

-Angry Lawyer
Not into that logic. I try to like everyone, but some people are just plain idiots.
I don't really hate any nerds, hate is such a strong word. That should be reserved for people like Ian Huntley and numerous other dropkicks.

I do wish some nerds would just chill out a little bit though, like those who like to find the worst in every game. Example:

"<developer> are so shit, don't they know that a 1946 Luger pistol had a clip of 5 rounds and not 6??!!!!one111!!!"

Calm your jets son, it's a video game.
Nerds with too much confidence annoy me. They're meant to keep quiet lol
Nerds with too much confidence annoy me. They're meant to keep quiet lol

lololol you're stupid.

I hate Angry Lawyer. He's so damn awesome but he lives in the UK, thus unable to share said pint with me.
I don't really hate any nerds, hate is such a strong word. That should be reserved for people like Ian Huntley and numerous other dropkicks.
Hopefully everyone realizes that; it'd be pretty pitiful to really HATE (certain kinds of) nerds just for who they are. Such an awful is only reserved for one man: Jack Thompson. :O
lulz fail i liek 4chan intarwebs raep
A stupid filter, to me, sounds insanely stupid. What makes you better than the next guy just because you write prettier? Sure there are lots of idiot manners on the internet, the ones that annoy me the most are 4chan injokes being endlessly perpetuated and really, really random "humor" (rape in every sentence etc).
I c what u did thar :O
I like nerds. They taste nice especially when they're mixed together.
I like nerds who do not realize they are actually speaking about geeks, then pile up 7 pages of the same thing.
EDIT: 8 now.
joining a nerd forum and calling people nerds, clever.
Yea, I admit I'm somewhat of a nerd, but I'm talking about the hardcore annoying asshat nerds.

Also - About this geek/nerd thing, who the hell cares. Really.
That's such a stupid distinction to make. I'm not a geek or a nerd, I'm a normal person with nerdy interests.
He could share a pint with me! Hooray!
Not if he doesn't want cooties he won't.

I think I went through a similar change as AL at around 18, but rather learning how to tolerate annoying/nerdy people, I finally learned how to tell them to F**K RIGHT OFF.

Seriously, ever since high school I have always been a magnet for annoying, nerdy little zitty kids who thought they could be my friend on principle just cause I didn't hang with the popular kids. I mean, I was pretty timid and nerdy myself back then (back?), but it's not like I didn't have my own friends. Still, these shits would always be hovering around me like a ****ing parasite, whittling away at my patience with their incessant gabbing about stuff I couldn't care less about, but I'd never have the heart to tell them to leave me the christ alone and get their own damn f**k buddies to annoy.

Not until I actually left high school, that is. >_>
wow, I tell 'special needs' kids to f*ck off when they start gabbing about random shit to me.. You have the patience of a god..
I thought this was stupid until I really thought about it. I thought I loved all nerds. Nerds are kind of my favourite type of people.

I REALLY hate those nerds that think they're cool. They're usually like gothy looking, but really tall and skinny and most always spotty. They listen to terrible music and pretend like they're really awesome, wear trench coats and Metallica T-shirts and New Rocks. I don't really know how else to describe them. They probably also really like Linkin Park and/or Evanescence(sp). They're the type of kids that people tried to talk to in high school but they were obviously way too cool to have any friends. A lot of the time they have behavioral/learning difficulties (ADHD etc).

You pretty much described my brother. Hes trying to grow his hair really long so he could be even more cool.

He makes me lol.

but I'd never have the heart to tell them to leave me the christ alone and get their own damn f**k buddies

Wait... what? You were their f**k buddy? Wow, you really did have a lot of patience.
I'd have to say RPG nerds. Anime nerds come close, but I don't know enough of them to hate.
I don't know why some people cannot keep subjects that the large majority of people don't care about to themselves. This applies to every sub culture you can find lurking around your local high school.

Saying that I'm not in high school anymore and haven't been for some time now. I hate everyone equally. See I was/am a geek but most people could see past that and not be a complete jack arse for no reason. Probably helps to have been in one of the only schools in the state running the "smart kids" program which bumps people past year 9. Don't get me wrong I still met my fair share of dick wads with nothing better to do but they all came from the lower year levels. Which is funny really because I may be of the geek personality but my body sais otherwise. I regularly flattened idiots on the way home.
Wait... what? You were their f**k buddy? Wow, you really did have a lot of patience.
I knew I'd regret that wording. :P

Another one - the kind that think they must be in constant competition with another group of nerds. Console vs. PC, Star Trek vs. Star Wars, etc. Especially if they're arguing their point to someone who doesn't even ascribe themself to either group. :sleep: