What kinda man are you?

Pick your fav

  • legs

    Votes: 5 6.5%
  • butt

    Votes: 31 40.3%
  • boobs

    Votes: 19 24.7%
  • tummy

    Votes: 7 9.1%
  • other

    Votes: 15 19.5%

  • Total voters
Hmmm....love all of them on my girlfriend....if i had to chose....butt i think....:dozey:
Can 'other' mean anything, or does it just mean what we all know it should mean?
Its the arse that really seals the deal with moi!

A great arse can change a girl from mediocre to fapable.
The most interesting thing about these sorts of polls are that it is almost always arse that comes out on top. However girls never seem to realise that, and always get upset that their boobs aren't big enough.

They should work on firming that arse up instead of moaning about their boobs. At least they can change their arse.
Why thank you <3

Boobs, damn you D:
Although butt gets an honorable mention
You don't look at the mantle piece when you're poking the fire.
But you do when you're poking the mantlepiece :)
Hmm.. the most meat is on the butt, but the legs are more tender and have a more delicate texture to them. So it depends on whether I need to survive on it for a long time, or if I just want a nice feast.

No idea why anyone has picked boobs, the things are full of fat people! Think about your cholesterol.
It's a combination of breasts and abdomen. It's a fine line with the former, I cannot stand overly large breasts.
First of all eyes, then stomach (a sexy stomach drives me mad), then butt and legs, tits are always last for me.
It's pretty much a tie between arse and tits, but I voted for the former.
Face, duh.

With that said, legs would be second.
Eh, if a person looks like a horse then I don't care how great their body is.

There's a girl that looks like a horse? Let me at her! :bounce:

I'm was joking earlier of course. I voted for legs but if those legs come attached to a bitch, she can keep on walking. Personality comes top of the list every time.
The face attracts me the most, but when it comes to the body, I think it's how everything flows together. Women are one of the most artistic looking things on this planet. So it's all about how it flows in.

But if I had to pick specifics, I am a total leg man, legs are sexy

Edit: and oh, the curve that women have on their lower back is super sexy too
I go for the whole package... a well proportioned girl is awesome.
In 6 days God created the Earth, the Heavens and THAT ASS!

I'm an ass guy. Gigantic asses put me off though.
[edit] OH WTF ^

I like big tits... AND SOME FINE ASS!

(4:15 on the time)
I'd have to say the butt is awesome. Nothing like a nice ass to get a chubby from.