What Languages Do You Speak?

Majestic XII said:
1, Swedish (so i basically can understand all the nordic languages since they dont differ too much.)
2, English
3, Japanese
4, Spanish
5, German

you can speak Japanese fluent?

Taking japanese class?
sharp said:
you can speak Japanese fluent?

Taking japanese class?

I have about 3 hours of Japanese every week. I dont talk fluent yet, but i know all Hiragana and some other stuff. Its a hard language, so you need some years to practice :)
sharp said:
Nice :)

I can remember a webpage telling about how it is to learn Japanese... funny story :cheese:

here it is: http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~thoureau/japanese.html

Heh, yeah, ive seen that one before... its true though :)

The grammar isnt sooo hard... its very logical if you think about it. Like: Watashi no [no = owning something... in this case, the name] namae ha[ha(wa)= points to the subject in the sentence] Henrik de [short for desu, means "and"] jûnana sai desu [desu = something you have to say to be polite] Thers load of small particles like ha, no and so on, but you only use them to tell people what you mean basically :)

You need to think alittle more... but its logical :)
Also just two English and Afrikaans
I'm fluent in both, I think. :)
Swedish, English and a little Spanish.
Dutch (well duh), English, and I'm supposed to know German and French too, but in practice I can only read it.

Maybe Latin counts too, but of course that's translating-only.
Mr. Redundant said:
only two for me

I can speak English
En Ek kan Afrikaans Praat

Afrikaans? LoL

That is almost Dutch, I know what you are saying. Only ek = ik (means 'me' or 'I' )


Alot of words in 'Afrikaans' does exist in the Dutch language :)
Wow, I feel very very dumb after looking over this thread. Its amazing how many different languages you lot know. I mean, I only really know English. I know a little of French but other than that....

I also feel kind of bad because everyone knows English but I dont know your languages. :(
English...and yeah, thats it :D

Yay simmo! If there's a moderator admitting to being unilingual, I'm not such a talentless freak after all!

But, just out of interest guys, what made you take up these languages? Convenience? Just wanting more knowledge? First/family/historical languages?

My mother's side has Scottish, English, Irish, Welsh, and (very distant) Italian ties. My father's is pure-bred English... apart from the fact that I traced the family name back to Germany, and then even further back to Russia :imu:

Just call me Mr. Europe!

But can I speak Italian, Russian, German or Gaelic? No.

*hurls abuse (in one language) and then goes home to cry*
I speak d00d speak, crappy english, and street, werd sup my niggas?!
I took five years of Spanish for the credit, so thats where I go it. I've found that any Spanish speaking person can make their way around with Italian fairly easily too.
GhostValkyrie said:
You speak Gaelic? Sweet.

I think your crediting me with more then I deserve ;)

Replace "speak" with "read".And "Sweet" with "its taking 13 ****in years"
Trust me the Irish school system is THAT bad.Though I suppose I have myself to blame as well,only taken an interest this year as I have a teacher who can teach.
Though Claiming I have an understanding of the oldest vernacular in Europe does count towards something. :thumbs:
Voodoo_Chile said:
Trust me the Irish school system is THAT bad.
Bah! If you want a bad education system come to the province of Ontario in Canada. Its amazingly messed up right now.

We start learning french in grade 1 (around age 6), and literally until grade 9(around age 13) all of our french vocabulary has come from crappy crossword puzzles. We were taught very little, and it wasn't the teacher since we had several different teachers throughout those years.

un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six... heu... lol :)

Y a-t-il des quebecois dans la salle?
I just got 4/21 on my French Verb test.
I failed at conjugating etre(To be)
russian, english, german(as much as one can get from a class, so not too great :p), spanish 1, and I know how to tell people that my name is sheep and I am cheese in french.
Spanish and fluent English. Understand portuguese and French to a large extent, I can also speak some small amounts of portuguese
I speak English and Cantonese. A little Mandarin.
I can read old Chinese too, if that counts.
Hola, me llamo Patrick. Yo hablo español y inglés. Me gusta Half-Life 2 y mi computadora. Mi deporte favorito es el hockey. Yo tengo un hermano muy cómico y simpático. Mi madre es bonita y mi padre es un trabajador. Me gusta ir a la escuela porque yo necessito un educación. Mis maestros son buenos y mis amigos son divertidos y simpáticos. Quiero jugar Half-Life 2 ahora o pronto. Tengo que jugar Half-Life 2. Gabe Newell es grande.

¿Es tú computadora un bueno computadora o un malo computadora?

Yeah, I speak Spanish and English.
Edcrab said:
But, just out of interest guys, what made you take up these languages? Convenience? Just wanting more knowledge? First/family/historical languages?

Nope, if I had a choice I would only have learned english as second language, but I was/am forced to learn some german, french and latin (or old greek, but I chose latin) as well.
English, Turkish, and French. muahahaha looks like i'm the only one here that knows Turkish.

Sizi hep domuz gibi oglanlar. Sizin annelerin aminasi siktirim. Hepiniz essssssseklar! SIKTIR GIT!
Danish is my first language ofcourse, as you can tell I do know english aswell ;o) I can read most Swedish and norwegian wich I do understand as long as they dont speak too fast.
i can speak, read, write english i suppose. can't speak a word of any other language apart from the odd words i still remember from french/german/spanish/latin classes. i can still understand someone speaking in those languages up to a point, dunno it's weird, i can understand them but i dunno how to say anything back.
I can speak/write Dutch, English and German. Read/write French a bit and speak it .... welll... barely, I can understand people if they don't speak like a machinegun (which is hard for French people)

edit: oh yeah and a few words in swahili: jambo, kwaheri, mzuri,
The Mullinator said:

Ha! Got you beat there.We had to go over counting in Irish this year,which is the year before the "Leaving Cert" year.
A hAon,A Dó,A Trí,A Ceithre,A Cúig,A Sé,A Seacht,A hOcht,A Naoi,A Deich.(1-10)
Swedish, English, very little French and extremely little German.
And a tiny bit of French (been learning it for 4 years and I can't even say "I live in England" (J'abite dans l'Angleterre...? I don't know! :( )
And, last year we took German... I picked up German straight away, and at the end of the year I could speak more German than I could French! I've just about forgotton it now
English and learning German

I wish the US was like other countries and focused more on foreign languages.
I speak the language of love (no, not french. Okay I speak a bit of french, even though I'm absolutely crap). My engineering teacher is teaching me the language of logic (101011100101). I can speak American (but I can't do the accent)
SHIPPI said:
And a tiny bit of French (been learning it for 4 years and I can't even say "I live in England" (J'abite dans l'Angleterre...? I don't know! :( )
And, last year we took German... I picked up German straight away, and at the end of the year I could speak more German than I could French! I've just about forgotton it now

habite* the rest is *heavy french accent* ...correct
English, norwegian, german, swedish, danish and a bit of spanish...