What made you buy Orange Box?


Jul 2, 2003
Reaction score
So what made you guys buy the Orange Box, for me it was Peggle Extreme, at first i was a bit sceptical about the "Deal of the century", but when i saw today that Peggle Extreme was in, i was instantly swayed into buying it. :thumbs:

What's your story?
So what made you guys buy the Orange Box, for me it was Peggle Extreme, at first i was a bit sceptical about the "Deal of the century", but when i saw today that Peggle Extreme was in, i was instantly swayed into buying it. :thumbs:

What's your story?

Maybe he's making a joke... Bit weak, though.
I have just pre-ordered OB off steam. I really only wanted EP2 and Portal, however it was cheaper to buy the whole lot that these two separately. The $5 early discount and the added extra of peggle tipped the balance. Haven't come across peggle before but its an interesting diversion. Not bad for what is in effect a free gift.
The countdown is for Episode Two and Portal. I don't like multiplayer games too much but Team Fortress 2 could be a nice surprise.
Bad news for me is that some retailers in the country I live, Italy, indicate the release date on october 19th.
Good news is the price: 40 euros is really the "Deal of the century" and... Valve will be allowing purchasers to gift away copies of the games they receive in the collection if they already have some of them? That's a fantastic idea!

look at Gman in the sun D:
****ing All Of It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Valve For Rulers Of World!
Nothing. I'm holding out for the black box to make a return :|.
Right, is the Black Box still alive on Steam or is it entirely gone?
Right, is the Black Box still alive on Steam or is it entirely gone?

No one knows, but I'm expecting that closer to release more packages will be announced, with combinations of Ep2, TF2 and Portal. A package similar to the Black Box will probably pop up, or else you could buy the games individually.
Iron_cube said:
Right, is the Black Box still alive on Steam or is it entirely gone?

Not yet. And it probably won't be as good a deal as the Orange Box - they really want to push that.

The way I figured it, get to play TF2 a few weeks early, and still save about $25 over buying Ep2/TF2/Portal separately. :D

edit - oh, and Peggle is hella fun, even if I finished it in about half an hour.

This post is the perfect example of why the 10 char min is bullshit.
I wonder if UseAbuse really gave me a free steam blackbox after all, heh.
I wonder if UseAbuse really gave me a free steam blackbox after all, heh.

He hasn't got his yet either. If you want to find out why don't just e-mail Daniel at Valve (I think he was the one who was in charge of the contest)

I for one believe UseAbuse.
Yay I can finally play Episode 1 for the first time today!!!! I didnt even think i would be able to until october 19th.:D
Hello, this is my first post here. I purchased the Orange box earlier on pre-release cause I think I have been patient enough... ;) At first I was a bit miffed that there was no 'Black box' package because I already have HL2 and ep.1...I spent a while contemplating it and really, £26 for Ep.2, Portal and Team fortress 2 is a steal...And I can give the other 2 extra games to my friend who will be getting broadband internet in his flat in a few weeks...Good timing.
Here is what I think the deal on the Black box will be like this...Probably many thousands of people will end up with free 'gift' versions of Half life2 and ep.1...And of those thousands, many of them will probably want to play ep.2 and Portal and other games that Valve has to offer after they get through playing their free gifts...
All of this is great marketing for Valve's business, which I am happy to support because they make such excellent products...I am confident in them, hence why I pre-ordered the Orange box...I am happy to donate the extra games to a friend because I enjoyed them so much I want t share that experience...
Anyway, about the black box...They will probably hold of the release of a dressed down package like the 'Black box' until well after the initial release in order to attract the people who recieved the 'gift' versions of the other 2 HL2 games...
I can see the sense in the whole Orange box thing when I look at it in this context, everyone wins...
If people were getting just the 3 new games for £26/$52 then people would probably not complain as this is actually a very reasonable price and they are also getting 2 extra games to give away for free that will broaden the fan base and help keep valve in the business of developing top quality games! And relax...

Ps. Cool forum
welcome to the forums..

i buy because I am a member of these forums, and it would be stupid not to buy a game which you know everyone will be talking about in 26 days..
Episode two without a doubt. P0rtal and TF2 are just bonuses thrown in by the awesome valve.
well, i preordered it for the tf2 beta, but i bought it for ep2 and portal.
Bought - for the 3 games (mostly Ep2)
Pre-ordered - for TF2 Beta
Primarily for Episode 2 and Portal. TF2 could be a laugyh though.

look at Gman in the sun D:

Dude wtf is that seriously :DD

I am asking for my mom to buy Orange Box from Steam, I will give the money for her, but she is only one who has credit card. Visa Electron. And Orange Box will come next month, with some 10 bucks more price to the markets, without that weird Sun-GMan game :D
Ha, I'm only 14 and I've got a debit card, meaning I can only spend what money I've got, so I can buy anything I want :D
Episode Two was the only reason I bought Orange Box. Portal and TF2 are just extras.
Ep2 and portal primarily. Although Tf2 beta and free peggle sweetened the deal :D
Yeah like the above 2 said...I got it for the next Half Life installment but I can't complain about Portal and TF2. Also they threw in a copy of HL2 and EP1, which I can give to my friends so that's good for something I guess. Oh, and Peggle extreme is really fun too.
I wasn't planning on buying orange box but I did. And here is my theory why.

When I submitted my info to Steam's survey, my brain was studied exhaustively in the guise of mental health. I was interrogated, x-rayed, studied thoroughly. Then, everything about me was entered into a computer where they created a model of my mind.

Then, using the computer model, they generated every thought I could possibly have in the next, say ten years, which they then filtered through a probability matrix to determine everything I was going to do in that period. So you see, Valve knew I was going to buy the orange box before it ever even occurred to me. They know everything I'm ever going to do before I know it myself. How about that?
1) I can't play HL2 on my 360 because it starts complaining about PAL 50 and 60 settings on my LCD monitor and I can't be ****ed to work out what to do, but even so, HL2 in a new, upgraded graphical form is no bad thing, so thats straight away two reasons

2) I haven't given Episode 1 a proper play through by myself. I played it at a mates and we just sort've messed around in it. My PC wouldn't be able to run it anyway so a perfect performance on the 360 is, again, not a bad thing.

3) I'm more than certainly going to want to play Episode 2 when I finish 1. Hell, what am I saying - I want to play 2 right now.

4) Two extra games, both which I'm not that fussed about but how the hell can anyone complain for a gaming package including 5 games?
The Tf2 Beta and Peggle Extreme are gona be gret time fillers until the big day, come on people 3.5 weeks to go, WOOT WOOT