What made you happy today?

I just farted. That felt pretty good.
Tomorrow, I am going for a long trip, that really made me happy.
You've used three IP addresses since you signed up, one in Chicago, one in LA, one in New Delhi. Your IP addresses are also red flagged on several blacklists.
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You've used three IP addresses since you signed up, one in Chicago, one in LA, one in New Delhi. Your IP addresses are also red flagged on severeal blacklists.
99% sure this is a bot.
Definitely a bot, but it's all good. It's OUR bot.
I'll contribute to this bots data mining scheme.

I watched this a second time and it made me happy.
I'll contribute to this bots data mining scheme.

I watched this a second time and it made me happy.
There is something endearing about these robotic quadrupeds. Also, lol at the banana peels.
This is the heights of dumbness.Can't one person can go to different places and have different ips. I wonder about these idiotic logic of tconsidering it a bot. I keep on travelling and you check it again...it will show you on another ip.
I was relieved to see my years old password that I can't remember autopopulate the pw field. Annnd I picked up a new bottle of Sriracha earlier. gud eats ahead