What made you say "cool" in HL2

It made me say cool I was about to setup turrets in Entanglement level. I was like "OMG, can i actually control those things". I didn't know I could reactivate the turrets after they had fallen, so it made the whole sequence much more thrilling.

It also made me say cool when lots of manhacks attacked my squad, and all the freedom fighters started screaming "HAX!!!". I was like wtf, who's hacking?
When i first stepped out into the plaza...the ambience, the scanners hoverign around, cp units patrolling, citizens wandering and of course the citadel looming in the distance.....wow.
What made me say "awesome" was when Freeman teams up with Aleyx again and you enter the basement where they turn off the lights and they throw the red flares.
I think I was at this point at about 12AM with no lights on.
I thought that that moment was one of the most outstanding.
Another part was when you were in the apartments as they were getting raided. You can hear the CPs marching up the stairs. Even though I knew I couldn't die (no health without HEV suit) I still panicked and ran like a madman. Such a good way of freaking you out.
kupoartist said:
I saw this sequence for the third, maybe fourth time... Pure gold every single time. Seriously, I'm pretty sure it's the best scripted action sequence i've ever seen. From the moment that dog throws that car to the point that he goes one on one with the dropship, I was laughing my head off: and that was after seeing it twice, maybe three times already :)
I had saved it right before that, and reloaded it like 3 times myself! :cheers: Laughing all the way. Such a classic moment I LOVED it.
Other "coolies":
Entering the plaza
The "ride" in the citadel, said OMG and cool a billion times
strider fight in the city square
finding out what my gravity gun could do at the end :D
RPG...love it
Playing catch w/ dog.
Alyx telling me to be careful. Was like, hell ya biznitch, WHO'S YO DADDY!?

Those are just off the top of my head.
Maui said:
"Pick up that can."

"Now, put it in the trash can"

That was just an incredible scene. I loved it so much; it just set the mood so well for the rest of the game. Well, it would have been better if I didn't just pick it up and throw it at his head, resulting in a severe beating in the corner :D

I agree it's small things like this that add to Half-Life 2's greatness. I think aswell the first time i saw a gunship shoot down my rocket, that was cool
The "goo" in the Citadel. Its cool watch a combine go trough the goo slowmo and hit the core and vaporize. Or going trough the other side.
I could write an extremely long post, but I won't. Overall it had to be forgetting to breath when I emerged from the sewer in Our Benefactors.
My house shook the first time a strider fired its cannon. That sound effect is so freakin' cool.
petey said:
Dog's sequence at the start of Anti-Citizen One.

hell yeah. I was just gonna say the same thing. That was awesome. I loved the whole vibe that was going on when you come out of that building. There's just this....feeling of hope and resistance in the air. And seeing Dog throw the huge van at the soldiers was awesome.

Kickin' ass and takin' names, motherfo!

It seriously did evoke an emotional response from me, which videogames don't do to me often.
its not a very big thing in the game, but when your in nova prospekt and you look out into that big room were they keep all the prisners, that was amazing.

also in nova prospekt your in this very dark hallway and all of a sudden a lot of combine soliders pop out and throw alot of red tracers. that was also awesome.
you too /

smoke said:
the first time i steped out into the plaza and saw the citadel, i was taken back by the sheer magnitude of it.

now i just pot shot it lol

Hehe i do that too. what made me say coooool however was shooting down the helicopter in Water Hazard. Oh and Alyx , yes I have no life.