What make of card will you play HL2 on?

What Card you gonna use for HL2

  • ATI - newer card (XT)

    Votes: 46 41.1%
  • ATI - older card

    Votes: 36 32.1%
  • NVIDIA - newer card (FX)

    Votes: 9 8.0%
  • NVIDIA - older card

    Votes: 19 17.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
ATI 9800 pro 128mb
have been cruising with it since the week it was released, still amazed by the performance I have.

I always used to be one of those guys who would "wish" they had a computer that could run things like "they should be run" and now I am one of the dirty, snooty lil bastards who casually remark about their system specs (lol)
naw I aint that bad
*cough* godlike computer owns you *cough*
Originally posted by crabcakes66
I dont give a damn about what technologys they use gorgon....thats my whole point......HL2 just looks better.

There's no point in arguing with people who insist that HL2 looks dated, that the stolen build is all VALVe has, or that D3 will be better than HL2.

It's sad how many people insist that their opinion is fact these days =(
9700 Pro, personally. Strange how no one mentions it any more, its still a sweet card. Ive had it since Feb. and have been satisfied. Is there really any extream differance between it and the 9800 Pro/XT?


The only way housework could be done in this place was with a shovel or, for preference, a match.
-- (Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad):flame:
Yah, the jump from a 9700 to a 9800 wasn't that big. The reason not many people talk about it is cause it didn't have a very long shelf life. Most companies discontinued it after the 9800 came out, and then ATi started pushing the 9600 as the budget card. Still a great card though.
just jumped from a geforce2ultra to 9800pro

dont care if HL2 comes out in a year (well i do), this card will play anything at the moment, and for the far enough future to be worth it.

im not rich, cant keep buying the newset latest and greatest, I work for a living, so when i bought the 9800pro, it was an investment, in gameing today and for the future.
Ati Radeon 9500pro (oc'ed) will be what I use....should work just fine in my book. I, like many people, just don't have the cash to keep upgrading every time a card comes out.
I'll be playing with an older Nvidia card (a GeForce 4 Ti4200, to be exact) primarily because I don't have the money for a new card. But even if I did get a new card, I'd stick with nVidia because they have excellent Linux support.
i'll be playing on an ATI All-In-Wonder Radeon 9700 Pro...that card rocks. im not gonna upgrade until ATI releases a HUGE upgrade....the 9800-XT isn't enought of a performance upgrade for the price...
W00T!! :cheers:

many more people have voted that they will play hl2 on ATI cards than nVidia cards


ATI > nVidia

glad i could put that one to rest. you're welcome.
I am looking at getting the 9600 AIW Pro it overclocks like crazy because of the better memory and memory bandwidth
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
[bad statistics]
more people have voted that they will play hl2 on ATI cards than nVidia cards


ATI > nVidia
[/bad statistics]

glad i could put that one to rest. you're welcome.

I don't study statistics (not yet anyway), but I do know this:

Correlation doesn't imply causality.

More people voted ATI; this could mean that:
a. ATI owners are more driven to disparage nVidia owners than vice versa.
b. There are more ATI owners here
c. People have heard what people say about ATI cards being better suited to HL2 than nVidia and have decided to upgrade to ATI.
d. any other situation that could be explained by the statement "more people voted ati than nvidia"

"Correlation does not imply causality - repeat ad nauseum", as my maths teacher used to say. Sarcastic git that he was.
78% of all statistics are made up.

Sorry it's just that ive always wanted to say that :P
ATI 9700 AIW Pro. Bought in February. Based on benchmarks on 9600 Pro and 9800 Pro, it still holds its own.
If the price gets lowered and I can afford to buy a ATI Radeon 9800 XT, then I will get that one.

If not, then I will try to get a ATI Radeon 9800 Pro.
or, jonbob (if that is your real name..), it could be that

ATI > nVidia

Occam's razor do be cuttin' soooo deep!
ATM i have a Ti4200 128Mb. If HL2 comes out sometime this yr, than i'l stick with it, but if HL2 comes out around April next yr, than i will prob get a ATI9800 Pro.
Lil' Timmy does have a point. I'd agree with him. People just don't seem to want to realize that ATI (at this point in time at least) are doing better than nVidia in the whole marketing and sales department. Who knows what the future for both of the companies will hold, though.
I just got my Radeon 9800 128mb installed 2 days ago, and I must say I would buy it again; it's worth every fuggin' penny I payed for it ($260.00 USD... err, 26,000 pennies ;))

I used to have an nVidia Ti4200 128mb w/AGP8x, which I must say I was quite impressed with using. It's a pretty damned decent little card.

Just felt like sayin' that the Ti4200 was (and still is in many cases) a pretty decent little card.
thanks for acknowledging my inherent brilliance nspire, but i was actually making a somewhat obtuse joke. i can't say i'm surprised that some people take me seriously though, i'm very good looking.
Wow, those poll results are shocking. And strangely funny. :D I used to be an nVidia guy, too, but I was "converted" quite by accident. My dad was getting a new system and he needed a video card, so I gave him my old GeForce2 and just bought what was the best card out at the time - the Radeon 9700 Pro. And boy am I glad I did. :E Even if nVidia's next chipset somehow kicks ass, I don't quite trust them enough to go that route again. Not anymore.
Congrats on your card, NSPIRE :)

I'm running a lowly ol' Radeon 9700.. atleast I got it OCed to pro, that makes me a happy camper :)
Heh, thanks Shuzer. I was seriously considering buying a 9700 or a 9700 Pro, too. The only reason that I think I actually went with the 9800 was 'cause I actually had enough money to buy one (I must have miscounted the first time).

Oh yeah... Timmy, I wasn't referring to your last post. I was referring to this one...

many more people have voted that they will play hl2 on ATI cards than nVidia cards


ATI > nVidia

glad i could put that one to rest. you're welcome.
Originally posted by Lecram25
XGI Volari V8 Duo over here :cool:

hehe.... reports i've read were saying that it really doesn't score much higher than the 9800XT in benchs.....even though it's larger and hotter....
When HL2 ships I will own a GeForce FX 6800 Ultra to play through it...
Originally posted by Faravid
GF4 Ti4200 64MB here, I don't even need all the eye candy, DirectX 8 can provide enough.
hey thats wut i have! I got it last christmas :x
Your poll is flawed.........and your previous Nvidia's were pants to say the least MMX lol

I use a ATI 9800 pro 256 btw
Ati Mobility Radeon 9000 64mb. Used it to play Max Payne 2, so it should be good enough for HL2...I reckon.
Originally posted by VBN
Ati Mobility Radeon 9000 64mb. Used it to play Max Payne 2, so it should be good enough for HL2...I reckon.

too bad that MP2 is a DX8.1 game and your Radeon just a DX8.1 part...

HL2 will run pretty bad with your card... time to upgrade to at least a 9600
I voted older Nvidia card,I'm gonna use a Geforce2 mx400 till i get money for a nicer one...hahahah that sounds so pathetic
Woah. Thread resurrection...

Is it old enough to sing the "Hail to the Gravedigger" song?
Brian Damage said:
Woah. Thread resurrection...

Is it old enough to sing the "Hail to the Gravedigger" song?

come mr tally man tally me bannanna

daylight come an' me wan' go home.

day... missy day missy day missy daaayo

daylight come an' me wan' go home.