What modeling software do you use.


May 18, 2003
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Im curious to know what software everyone uses.

im experienced in max and am learning lightwave right now. really enjoying lw at the moment.

what does everyone else use ?!
can also use:

MAYA (hate the thing! GRR!)
Lightwave (on the amiga hehe)

and will learn to use SOFTIMAGE XSI when I've finial "brought" XP
I currently use max 4.2 but I will move on to XSI when I get my new pc. I hope in 2 weeks!
Maya 5.0 :)
Will probably look into the Softimage XSI Experience version soon though.
i'd use XSI, but you ahve to use that tiny resolution and you can't use big fonts, so it's pretty much gay. I have heard good things about it though....
1280x1024 or whatever you ahs to use. it makes all the text small.
1600 x 1200 for me.. hmm.. that sucks then.. ahhwel... it wont stop me.
i like havin my res that big.. you can do alot more on the screen. you get used to it after a while.. seems to make my eyes better to ;D
is 3dsmax worth getting into ?, its still a powerfull tool right ?
all the tools are powerful if you know how to use them correctly. Some are easier to learn then others. Upto you. d/l gmax and try it see how you like it. before purchasing it or ehem getting it elsware ;)
yuip. all of them are powerful. i personally love 3dsMax, but i also like lightwave. they all seem to cater to different types of modeling
I find the modeling in max annoying.. i always select more then 1 pixel when i select one pixel even when i have bacface selection thingy off. so it would block all thing that are in the bacground. but still i seem to select orher vertexes and so i totally **** it up. in maya you select a vertex and then only THAT vertex stays selected. you have to deklick it to deselect it. so its more controlled. i have no experience in XSI so i cant comment on that. i hope it will be 1337
if you know how to use

if you know a major 3D application, you basicly will have no problem transfereing to another program. The only thing is to get used to the new interface.

Its all about personall taste, I havent tested XSI but im more comfortable with 3D Studio Max than Lightwave and Maya
You took the words I was trying to put down onto this, onto this thanks Chris :p
What is the site of this XSI ? And where to d-load free trail ?
You guys mean that I can use Milkshape 3D to make Half-life 2 models?

Is there coming update in milkshape or do I need model converter from Milkshape to XSI?
I'm using :

- Poser 5
- Kaydara Motionbuilder 4
- Brazil Rendering System 1.0
I use 3D Studio Max 5, and I tried using Brazil but it always crashed Max, probably because I needed to update. So I uninstalled Brazil because I can do more with the Max 5 default lighting than I can with Brazil. I used to use Lightwave, it's great for poly-by-poly modelling because it's easy as hell. It also has an excellent rendering system, albeit slow. Of course I will try XSI and Maya sometime, but not now.
haha and who of you claiming to use XSI actually have it, legally, and paid for? YEah I didn't think so...:dozey:
isn't all of this software really expensive tho? some of it in the thousands of pounds range??
there is something called a student liscense that most software can be bought as.. it's just like the full software, only you cant use it for commercial use.. ioa you cant make any money with it. But its a great way to learn the program an show off your skills. Also there are free versions of most programs, only with watermarks and other limits.
Originally posted by Beldor
there is something called a student liscense that most software can be bought as.. it's just like the full software, only you cant use it for commercial use.. ioa you cant make any money with it. But its a great way to learn the program an show off your skills. Also there are free versions of most programs, only with watermarks and other limits.

I am aware of this as I own student version myself! But it is still expensive for like 14 year olds.
well, then get gmax from discreet. The poly modeling part of it works just like 3dsmax and its free :)
i never made my own model so i want to try it out, do u guys know if i can get a free 3dsmax? or maybe a demo of it (that lets u make models even in demo).
I'm sorry did someone say Pay for software...

/me walks of nodding his head and tutting to self....

I'll get a proper version of MAX when i save up enough money to do so...because me is poor ;(