What mods should be ported to HL2?

Team Fortress with vehicle support however....*stares off into space while drooling*
Have Counter-Strike 2 and Day of Defeat 2 even been officially confirmed by the developers?
Argyll said:
Have Counter-Strike 2 and Day of Defeat 2 even been officially confirmed by the developers?
CS2 think so. DoD2 I think its assumed they have.
Man, Wolf I know what you mean. Its a great concept and its executed pretty damned well concidering the engine they have to deal with. Imagine like actually being able to snipe someone accurately from a distance, or even picking off somone pretty far away with a colt :).

Imagine shooting off someones wing in a plane and watching them spiral to the floor in a flaming wreck. maybe burn down some trees while its down. It seems like its a dream though, seeing the developers of the game have a contract with DICE for some future game.
I hate in the BF games when I am laying prone with a sniper rifle and taking careful aim at the enemy, only to have the shots not even register due to the netcode. A BF-style game within Source would be amazing, I just don't know how well that engine is suited for handling a massive vehicular FPS like that.
cs with vehicle support would ruin it.

No, it really wouldn't. Would it ruin "serious" maps and their gameplay; most likely. Would it ruin fun, custom maps? No, not at all. Vehicle support should atleast be put into the mapping FGD itself, so that mappers can input it into their maps if they desire to. CS1 supports vehicle formats, but you do not see them in official maps, because they both suck and don't work well gameplay wise. With fun custom based maps, like GI JOE CARS.bsp, they were great fun to play with your friends/etc. The same would go for CS2.
I LOVED GI Joe cars, also CarsNRobots. The best though was MegaCrazyCar, alot of people hated that map but I thought it was hilarious. The Counter-Terrorists started at the top of this extremely, seriously high vehicle and they could take like 20 sets of stairs down, or they could do it the easy way and jump all the way off into the water below where they wouldn't be damaged. What I used to do is be on the Terrorist side (they started at the bottom next to the tall vehicle) and I would look up and try to position myself directly below a falling Counter-Terrorist so they would crater on me :) good times, good times...
svencoop 2 all the way.

I think that mod would benefit most of all from source/hl2
Soundwave said:
I hate in the BF games when I am laying prone with a sniper rifle and taking careful aim at the enemy, only to have the shots not even register due to the netcode. A BF-style game within Source would be amazing, I just don't know how well that engine is suited for handling a massive vehicular FPS like that.

You have to lead shots. Anyway.. since the introduction of BF 1.6 I don't notice the bad netcode anymore, If I calculate well enough the shot of a sniper, it will hit him. If I don't, it's not because of the netcode.
Oh I know about leading, I play Halo PC constantly and you have to lead to get anywhere in that game as well. I'm talking about a stationary target not being hit when I am carefully letting off shots at him (particularly with that useless Engineer scopeless rifle). I haven't played BF1942 in a long time though so perhaps the netcode has been slightly improved since then. I do know that BF: Vietnam had improved infantry combat, it was actually fun in that game.
I think that NS could truly be amazing on a new engine.
Either a remake or sequal to Poke 646. With Source's city building capabilities it should be awesome. A Wasteland remake would be cool too.
The Mullinator said:
/me drools over thought of playing The Specialists mod on Source.

I'm fairly sure they aren't going to make The Specialists for Source. I remember talking to some of the developers of it a wile ago. They are real jerk offs.
In the last update for TS, they made it so Superjump couldn't be always on. And they said they took it out because "everyone started using it". Then yelled at me for saying I liked it and wanted it back in.

I'll just wait for the mod that the guys who made Action Half-Life to come out. That one is going to ROCK!

Super action like in the movies......it will rock.
The coder (hi phantom!) wants to do a HL2 version. I've got the design pretty much locked down (along with some of the modelling work). It's just a question of time - I don't have any. So unless there's someone else that can take over from me (and that I trust), it'll be a while yet.
Yes, I agree that Sven co-op would benefit the most from the Source engine. With the character AI and all. The rest will just use the physics and better graphics. Natural-Selection is also one of my favourite mods. Though the older versions of NS were more fun than 3.0x(i.e NS:Combat and faster gameplay is a bad thing), we should wait for future versions to find out.
Well, i would like to see some mods ported to the HL2 engine ie:

- Natural Selection. Great mod. It's amazing what they still can do with the HL1 engine. I played some CO_ levels last week and the gfx are outstanding when you compare those one with HL1 levels

- Sven Coop. Played is yesterday, great mod. I would like to see better AI and better tactics amoung the teammates

- The specialists. - Great matrix style mod :)

- TF2. Do I need to say more? :p

- CS2. Do I need to say more? :p
I'm quite interested in seeing Natural-Selection on the Source engine. All I want from the Sven Co-op team at the moment is a Linux dedicated server :p
Onions said:
Natural Selection would be cool, they could do some very nice stuff in hl2, but personally i'll be crossing my fingers for Science & Industry :)

NS2 indeed.

Just think about the onos in ns with hl2 physics, holy **** that would rock!
ironpooch said:
If you ask me, Desert Combat would be amazing. The vehicles are fun, gameplay is decent if it werent for the ground combat, which we all know Halflife excels in. If the vehicle physics are good, I think this would make the next CS. Hopefully without the cheaters / l33t t4lk3r5 :-/

desert combat is known to many as "the next CS", in that its the most popular and well known mod for bf1942, its simple (doesnt require much stratagy to play, and zero learning curve), and full of morons...

Forgotten Hope is your real bag :cheese:
Well, i hope that CS2 will be fun again, al they did since beta 6 was ****ing it up, sc 1.6 is ridicilous, but well CS2 will be much different i guess :) :D
They Hunger series
USS Darkstar
Todesangst series

(unfortunately there were not that many successful SP games)


Thats about it really, I think I'd prefer something new tho :)
Mods I want to see in source:

The Specialists
Sven Co-Op
TF2 (Goes without saying really)

And thats about all I can think of.

Seriously though. NS with the source engine would be absolutely amazing. :afro:
CS is a great game, it just suffers from having the worst community ever. Well, it and Diablo 2.
For me Frontline Force, Erads ( :p ) and possibly ns .... if they can make it sleek enough .. I just see ns getting a little carried away on source and losing what fluency there is
Half-life(1) (not a mod, but still)

Day of Defeat
Natural Selection
Fire Arms
I would like something original. Have never been experienced before.

Is there any original (EXCELLENT) mods coming for HL2 ?
Well that's the thing. There might be, but how on earth would we know yet? No one was expecting CS I'm sure but it just came out of nowhere and took everyone by suprise. There most certainly WILL be excellent original stuff, but there's no way of us to know about it yet because it hasn't released.
G0rgon said:
I would like something original. Have never been experienced before.

Is there any original (EXCELLENT) mods coming for HL2 ?

Dunno, but on HL1 you could try Half-Quake. We'll have to wait and see. However most mods are quite ambitious.

Also I'd like to say that NS could at most be ported to Source, but NS 2 will be a standalone game.

Look here.

There IS a possibility that NS 2 will be made on Source. I know that it isn't clearly stated that NS 2 will be a standalone game, but I think it's pretty obvious. Possibly due to the following:

"Investors - If you are interested in investing in Unknown Worlds Entertainment, we would like to talk to you. We're looking for serious, long-term "angel" investors only, preferably ones who are also passionate gamers and want to be involved in something special. We are finalizing our business plan, and will send it to you after you've signed an NDA. Write us if you want to receive our business plan once it's complete.

Publishers - Please contact Sales (below) if you are interested in potentially publishing our next-generation title. We'll send you a product proposal, talk with you about our project ideas, and give you any other information you need to make your decision. We are also readily available for phone meetings and/or on-site demos. If you're at GDC or E3, drop us a line (even last minute) and we'll try to meet with you."
G0rgon said:
I would like something original. Have never been experienced before.

Is there any original (EXCELLENT) mods coming for HL2 ?

yes, off limits :afro:
With all of the excitement I hold over other mods/games, I haven't even given much thought to how mind-numbingly awesome Sven Coop 2 is gonna be. I hadn't even given Sven Coop a chance until a month or two ago and I loved it. It's definately one of the coolest mods ever, and I'm talking about just the custom missions made for it, not the actual HL campaign which I didn't get to try in co-op mode.

I don't think even we realize how good we are gonna have it gaming-wise over the next year or so. So many awesome games are out and coming out, it's a heaven for FPS gamers.