What monitos Do you use


Oct 7, 2003
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Hey guys I want to buy a new monitor but im not sure what brand. Im thinking about getting a NEC or LG. Should i get a 17" or a 19". CRT not LCD Any suggestions
LCD's are better overall, last longer, look sharper, well there just better ^.^ dont put them down right away.
I heard LCDs were pretty poor for games
Sony makes the best monitors.

Whatever you do, make sure the screen is flat (not curved in any direction)
Originally posted by Pendragon
LCDs famous for "ghosting," or the replication of an image that appears when using them for fast-paced action games (and others, but. . .). However, recent advances in technology have mostly defeated that in high-quality LCDs.

For any monitor, I'd recommend getting a larger screen acreage, as this gives you more viewing area--simple as that.

I agree about the larger area, but don't sarifice the flatness in order to get it.
Ya but still what monitor should i get for gaming. Sony is too exspensive. Is there a good monitor that isnt more then $350 candian ($260 american) I dont want to spend to much on a monitor i would rather save the money and buy a radeon 9800 xt. What are the best brands?
Samsung seems to be OK, but I'm not sure how expensive it is compared to Sony.

And yes, flatness is good for monitors, bad for other things. I think I got my point across. :cheese:
I don't know anything about NEC other than that we had some old ones in my high school 6 years ago.
I thought everyone new about them. Whatever. Every store and web site i have been to sells NEC. If a monitor is .25 dpi is it good or does it suck
.25 dpi is good if it's the diagnol pitch.
If it's .25 dpi horizontal, chances are it'll be around .28 dpi diagnol

NEC is a decent brand, not sure about monitors, but they make quality DVD drives, I can tell you that much

Edit: In short, look for a dpi that's atleast .25 diagnol (keep in mind, lower is better), otherwise the image won't be as crisp
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
I agree about the larger area, but don't sarifice the flatness in order to get it.


You took the words right outta' my mouth... err, fingers, that is.
A viewsonic G91FSB or A90FSB or an NEC FE990 are excellent.

Those are all around $260
The only flatpanels (LCD) I would even consider is 17" as they have the best specs. Not any 17", check your stuff.
But they still have motion blur just not as much and maybe not as noticable.
CRTs are still for performance displays.
Sony is great but $$
Samsung and Viewsonic are awesome aswell and are better priced.
I have (2) Viewsonic P75f+ B model. This sucker does above 1600x1200 and at 1600x can do 85Hertz. It's massive.
It is only a 17" but it has an apature grill and has no flicker at all at any res.
Nec is great too but it seemed I would have to pay more for similar or less performance as this Viewsonic.
If I didn't get dual monitor I for sure would have a 19" CRT. Check em out.
I think you would be best going with a Samsung/Viewsonic as they give you the same or better performance at the same or less price.

With my VS P75f+ B paired with my 9800Pro 128mb I game at 1280x1024 @ 85Hertz Vsync enabled 2xAA/4xAF
atm I'm using my trusty 19" AOC 7KLR (Dead cheap and a great picture), but I'm "upgrading" to a 17" LG L1710B.

I'll miss working at 1600*1200, but I won't miss adjusting the monitor as it warms up, the comparitively fuzzy picture and the awful headaches that are a result of sitting in front of a CRT for 14 hours a day.

Thankfully we're getting expensive LCD panels at work too :)
Most of the new LCDs with 16ms response times function well in any type of game, except first person shooters, on account of fpses generally having the fastest animation.

BTW, has anyone else had that experience when looking at a flatscreen CRT after years using a convex screen, where the flatscreen feels slightly concave?
I have a 21" samsung flatscreen CRT .

Ive tried everything...from trintron/diamondtron to lcds and projectors.....

Nothing like a quality CRT...... the lines in the screen of an apature grill monitor(trinitron) are incredibly annoying....i wouldnt recomend one.

sonys monitors(or any sony product) are overpriced by the way....they may have a minimum quality standard sure but they are definatly not the best.

A good lcd is prohibitivly expensive........anything i could afford is not something i would want to buy.......

im not going to spend 2000$ on a good LCD.......when i can spend 400$ on a good CRT.
I don't notice the 2 lines on my screen.
Every once in awhile I will spot them as I look at something right were they are on a white background but otherwise they are faint. They help more than they hurt, like Registered DDR. ;)
Originally posted by Asus
I don't notice the 2 lines on my screen.
Every once in awhile I will spot them as I look at something right were they are on a white background but otherwise they are faint. They help more than they hurt, like Registered DDR. ;)

i looked at one in a store for 5 minutes and it drove me nuts.....theres no way id buy one .....i guess it doesnt bother most people.