What movie villian are you?

Recoil said:
Still ze only O-Ren? (Hooray!) :D

I bet I'm just the only one that choose 70's rock :D

I chose 70's rock. Even though I'm not particularly into it it's the closest thing to what I like. I would've chosen Metal but they put it with Rap...
I chose 70's rock too...and I got the guy with a small penis. I took it again and got Norman Bates...
Shuzer said:
Agent Smith!

Bet you wish they had Sadako. Maybe they were gonna, but under "How would you kill your enemies" they couldn't fit the "create a video that triggers a phonecall which gives you a week before I crawl from your television set and kill you with my eye" option.
and kill you with my eye


Could you explain this to me? I didn't see at least half of that film because I was too scared to look ;(

(was the Ring btw, not the original)
Bad^Hat said:
Bet you wish they had Sadako. Maybe they were gonna, but under "How would you kill your enemies" they couldn't fit the "create a video that triggers a phonecall which gives you a week before I crawl from your television set and kill you with my eye" option.

lol, nah, Sadako isn't exactly a villain in my book.. sure, she's evil, but.. doesn't fit in a poll like that ;)
Recoil said:

Could you explain this to me? I didn't see at least half of that film because I was too scared to look ;(

(was the Ring btw, not the original)

She throws her eye at them, and the eye is really a grenade, and it blows up but just smoke comes out and while they're distracted she throws the TV at their head. Or something.

...while that sounds kind of... funny? :D
Recoil said:

...while that sounds kind of... funny? :D

He was being sarcastic.. lol

She's just demonic, she doesn't physically harm people to kill them
Shuzer said:
she doesn't physically harm people to kill them

Oooh, really? I was gonna reply with more sarcasm but now I'm intrigued :)
i got gollum, yah, cuz i like lord of the rings...and living to be 500...and stuff

uhhh yea vader
Thats funny...I tried it 4 times with the same answers and got vader...I think it is a real quiz
anyway another funny thing is If I got to pick a villian I'd be a Stormtrooper...
Thats what I am in SWG
:x Yeah, I tried to copt the IMG thingy, but it still doesn't show any images.
Vader will always be the number one villain for me. He reminds me of the G-Man, they have sort of the same kind of mystery surrounding them. :)
I'd rather not be a movie "villain" per se (well, none that are in that test). I'd either be one of the guys from Reservior Dogs or Boondock Saints... or maybe a combination of the two... like, the look of the guys in Reservoir Dogs but with the motive and skills of the guys in Boondock Saints.

If I'm forced to pick from the ones on that quiz I'll go with Agent Smith.
skills of the guys in Boondock Saints.

Skills? What skills? They're just lucky all the time :D

I'd either be one of the guys from Reservior Dogs...

Mr Blonde for sure :>

He reminds me of the G-Man, they have sort of the same kind of mystery surrounding them.

But Vader's more powerful by far :p
I'm Agent Smith. Even though the description of him doesn't coincide with what I chose, I think there is a virus in that quiz (It is called Man-Kind)
Recoil said:
Skills? What skills? They're just lucky all the time :D
David Della Rocco (Roc/Funny Man) is the one that has no skill in that movie. The MacManus brothers and their father are very good with guns (except, for some reason, when they fight each other), pretty damn strong/tough (one ripped the toilet out of the floor/wall and jumped off the roof), and good in hand to hand combat (bar fight).

... and who can forget the court scene:

Now you will receive us.
We do not ask for your poor, or your hungry.
We do not want your tired and sick.
It is your corrupt we claim.
It is your evil that will be sought by us.
With every breath, we shall hunt them down.
Each day we will spill their blood, 'til it rains down from the skies.
Do not kill. Do not rape. Do not steal.
These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace.
These are not polite suggestions, these are codes of behavior, and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost.
There are varying degrees of evil.
We urge you lesser forms of filth, not to push the bounds and cross over, in to true corruption, into our domain.
For if you do, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three, and on that day you will reap it.
And we will send you to whatever god you wish.