What Next Gen System Will Be Best?

What Next Gen Console Will Be Best

  • PS3

    Votes: 19 15.6%
  • Xbox 360

    Votes: 21 17.2%
  • Wii

    Votes: 46 37.7%
  • I am a Computer gamer so i dont care

    Votes: 36 29.5%

  • Total voters
I'm %100 PC, so I don't really care, but if I had to pick one I'd go with the 360, followed by Wii, with PS3 last.
I really hope all systems do well. The reason for that is because it provides for a competitve market. I currently have a 360 and I'll be getting a Wii on the day it launches but I think I might hold off on the PS3 until something truely stunning is released. As for the PC side of gaming, I'll be upgrading when Windows Vista launches. :thumbs:
I really really want to see the PS3 flop.

I voted as a pc gamer who doesnt care, because I dont really. But if I had to choose I would say Wii will be best.

PS3: Bunch of shit nobody wants (blu-ray), copied a lot of their "innovative" tech (wii-like controller) and cost. That said, it probably will have the largest supply of games, which usually (not always) means it will have more "a-list" games than the other systems.

X360: Decent system, some good games, but it could hardly be considered next gen, since it really doesnt improve on much besides graphics capability.

Wii: Will get its Nintendo games which are almost always good. Very innovative gameplay making it more next gen than the other systems. 3rd Party support hasnt been good to nintendo after the GC, but it looks like there is a lot of interest in the Wii from developers, so hopefully we see some really good titles.

I wont be getting any of them for awhile though since as I said, I am a pc gamer. I may get a Wii eventually, after some nice games are out, and I see how the control scheme fares amongst gamers. The xb360 and ps3 games will all probably be ported / developed for pc also, so I can get them on my compy which will always be able to handle the graphics. I am always upgrading my pc for work related reasons, so I will be able to match/beat those console's in their graphics category.
Yeah because hearing it from a guy on the internet who heard it from a guy he knows is definately more believable than the official nintendo magazine who quotes Yoshihiro Miro the Senior Managing Director of Nintendo.
Joule, Nintendo has been claiming a very low price tag since well.. they announced it.

They have stated it will not be more than $250. In Japan I believe the current figure everyones been looking around is $170(Converted from yen). This will probably end be up being rounded to $200 here in America.
I have decided in the midst of all this craziness that a new DX10 GPU is going to be my next big purchase. These consoles can wait til some ace software becomes available (read: 2007).

(After seeing the multiplayer vids of Crysis and how incomprehensibly beautiful it looks I realize that I must have that game and realize it in all of its glory on my good old PC!)
Pretty vague question.

What do you mean by best? Best price? Best games? Best hardware?
I have decided in the midst of all this craziness that a new DX10 GPU is going to be my next big purchase. These consoles can wait til some ace software becomes available (read: 2007).
Dx10 GPU and Wii are mine.
PC and Wii FTW!!!
I have decided in the midst of all this craziness that a new DX10 GPU is going to be my next big purchase.

I think you will regret that purchase in the end. It's likely that there won't be any dx10 games at release - perhaps a very small number of dx9 titles with a few dx10 extras (Crysis), but nothing that will make much difference visually. Vista will also set you back a few hundred £. By the time 'proper' dx10 games are around (a year or so later) you'll be able to get better cards for cheaper. It was the same with dx9 - the people who bought the first batch of cards basically got ripped off (dx9 has only really come into its own recently - long after the release of the frist cards)

Having said all this, I may still pick up a dx10 card, but only if they perform better at dx9 than previous cards - that imo is the only worthwhile reason to consider one.
Having said all this, I may still pick up a dx10 card, but only if they perform better at dx9 than previous cards - that imo is the only worthwhile reason to consider one.
Yeah, that will be a deciding factor too. Man, there is just going to be too much to buy in 2007!:(
A console and graphics card is only 2 things lol.
Depends on the user, so null vote.

This man/woman/thing speaks the truth. :thumbs:

For me, although i don't spend much time gaming anymore, the 360 is a really cool system, especially if you use it to it's full potential (in terms of features). e.g. i have mine connected to my media center PC so i can stream anything from my music library while i'm playing games, i also use the 360 as a media extender to wirelessly stream movies / music to other rooms in the house......show me where the Wii or PS3 can compete with that!! :D
k every i am sorry that the thread was here LOL...But yes the PS3 will b in some ways "a computer" which will offer constant upgrades...turning most casual system gamers off. but...eff em!
Just read on gamespot that hd cables for high def gaming will be sold separately from the box. Meaning not only will you have to fork over 500 bones for the system, you'll also have to shell out another 30-60 clams for the cables. GG sony. Source
I'm mainly a PC gamer but i've recently gotten into my 360 a lot. Also i think the Wii will be great fun.

Screw the PS3 :)
PC gamer, but I think Wii will rawk.

I'm definately picking up a Wii when it's released. It'll be affordable to a mere uni student such as myself and it offers something truely new. It looks so fun to play :) For pretty games I have my PC.
I too am an avid pc gamer, and I find my 360 to be a very good console. There are experiences on it( IE burnout revenge, Dead rising, GRAW) that just can't be found on the PC. Plus it has a kick ass online component. The wii looks to kick ass as well, so PCWii60 for the win.
to the original thread making guy ...I hate your name ..no offense it's just that it's a bunch of squiggles and I'm not going to bother deciphering it ..I'll just call you Squiggles

anyways this poll is kinda pre-mature dont ya think? we cant compare any of them ...besides the games make the console
Me = PC Gamer.

But Wii looks probably the best.
I'm a pc game,but imo XBox 360 will be the best...
Weeeeell, the 360 is currently in the lead, with more than zero. But seriously, I am suspicious of the Wii controller. I had enough trouble adapting from a controller to a keyboard. And the PS3 is like double the cost of the other systems. The 360 seems to be more "old-fashioned" in that it uses a normal controller, and sane cost. And humans love old-fashioned.
You know what the really sad thing is? Sony couldn't f*ck up the PS3's launch more if they tried, and yet it's still going to sell millions because idiots think it's the coolest console. I know a guy who said he only wanted the PS3 for the new Fifa!
You know what the really sad thing is? Sony couldn't f*ck up the PS3's launch more if they tried, and yet it's still going to sell millions because idiots think it's the coolest console. I know a guy who said he only wanted the PS3 for the new Fifa!

Yeah, sony will win because it is the playstation. If microsoft is ever going to win the console war its not going to be an overnight thing.
Yeah, sony will win because it is the playstation. If microsoft is ever going to win the console war its not going to be an overnight thing.

They're going about it the right way. I've been pleasantly suprised with the 360 and Xbox Live - and this is before the real good lookng games have come out.
They're going about it the right way. I've been pleasantly suprised with the 360 and Xbox Live - and this is before the real good lookng games have come out.
As have I. there is something about the 360 that just screams style. Maybe it's the sharp picture, maybe its the sleek design; but whatever it is it's got it.
You know what the really sad thing is? Sony couldn't f*ck up the PS3's launch more if they tried, and yet it's still going to sell millions because idiots think it's the coolest console. I know a guy who said he only wanted the PS3 for the new Fifa!
But because they will spend all their cash on the console and two games, they will starve to death. GG darwin.
Argh, I want to vote for all three options. I have about 450 pounds, enough for any console, but...

My burning desire is for a PS3, as it has MGS4 and all the great japanese RPGs/ action games... but the console will cost over 400 quid, money that I'm reluctant to hand over just for MGS4. The Xbox360 is far more reasonably priced, and has some solid games such as Dead Rising, Splinter Cell, Halo 3 and others, but its major flaw is that IT DOESN'T HAVE MGS4 (and to a lesser extent FFXIII). Then there's the Wii, which is cheap and looks fun to play, but has zero games that I actually want (the new Zelda comes out on the Gamecube, too). Oh, and to top it all off, I have a great PC already so I don't actually need any of these consoles.

ARGH I think I'm just going to blow my it all on a prostitute or something.