What? no black characters?

There amphibion racists! I dun sees them!
There homosexual haters! I don't see any homosexuals in cs that look gay, and even say gay stuff after each kill. they dun even have a special ass rape ability.
God valve is sooo hatred.
I dont see any women or lezbians in it either! I dont see any crabs, I DONT SEE ME IN IT THEY HATE ME.

You know those who can point out racisim are technically somewhat racist. You see, south park actually comes to mind here. 1 episode where Chef wants to get the flag chaned but the children see no reason to. Thats becuz Chef saw it as a black person being hung by white people. The children just seen it as a person being hung they didn't notice it was black or that there was white people around because they wern't racist.
Anyone get my point? I Guess its kind of a hard point to get but its perfectly logical. Racism comes in all forms, you may be racist without knowing it. Those who never notice it are those who arn't racist.

Ahh the wierd mind of Minerel..
So you would rather have it with one black model and one white model and turn CS into a black vs white firefight? Let's keep "equal rights" out of a video game, eh?
The current terrorist models looks kinda .. arabian.

In 1.6 you could be a black CT, or am I wrong? :) :D