What Nvidia Driver to you find work the best?


May 11, 2004
Reaction score
The 70.90 Forceware Beta's have been released and while not OMG this pwn's impressive it is a decent improvment and I think I will try them out.

Right now im using the 66.93 which I havent had a problem with other then it didnt recognize my monitor.

The link above is early performance comparisons.
Howevor I noticed that they are using 6xAA which is bogus unless they enabled it using another program or something I have never heard of. Actually it might be possible with riva tunner but im not sure.

The forums seem to be getting more half life 2 performance out of these drivers then others at the moment.

So anyway what drivers do you guys find are working the best?
Yeah, that's confusing. Nvidia does not have a 6xAA setting. HL2 does in the menu but only ATI cards can do 6xAA.
Nvidia can do 2x, 4x, 2xQ, and 8xS.
The tests, whether actually valid or not, look interesting but a marginal improvement. That 6x might have been a typo as all they are testing is NVidia, not ATI.

I can only say what I'm going to do, which is nothing, wait until it becomes official. I run 66.93 on a 6800GT and my wife runs it on a Ti4200. Absolutely no problems. Besides beta testing can be not fun :|