What Object does the above person remind you of? (ZTidea)

Every time I see your name I think of Lazers.
Some old redneck guy I knew, he was about 50 maybe 60 years old, who sat on his porch with a cooler full of sixpacks and stuff. Cool guy.

He was damn awesome too. Poor bastard shot himself with his own boomstick by accident.
An icecream truck with many fat kids chasing but the icecream truck doesn't stop and the little fat children die of exhaustion. The streets are scattered with dead or almost dead fat children and the Icecream man is laughing maniacally because he is necrophiliac.
An urn filled with the ashes of Hitler, which falls onto the floor in a museum with a multitude of artistic snobs. The smoke that comes from the broken urn seeps out and the artistic snobs start choking, they develop lesions, puss starts pouring out from them, until the museum is covered with a sludge of human remains. The janitor walks in, sees the mess, and immediately pulls out a gun and shoots himself.

EDIT: oooh Hitler post on the 420th reply in the thread.
Here's four tubs of gal:


Um... warning to you all... don't Google Image "Fat Girl"... :x
I Have to now. I just have to.

Oh god. Oh god. But I lol'd at "fat girls give the best head because they're HUNGRY"
A username that would go well with my avatar.
And a vagina.
Some guy simultaneously getting a heart operation WHILE getting a tattoo on his heart.. sweet.
An imitation of the book, Where's Waldo. The first page we can see him hiding inside a tollbooth, the next page, under the labia of a woman.
lets jump back to Dog because his avatar has tits

so it reminds me of tits
You remind me of Alien or the ash-slaves from Morrowind (they have no face), just because of the no-lips thing. Tis quite the oddity.