What Object does the above person remind you of? (ZTidea)

Veggie: Kittens and sunshine.

And a dead person wearing a santa hat, disguised as the sun.

Wanted Bob: A personals ad. "Wanted, Bob, GSOH"
Do I?

Oh god I do!

A big hole in the son of God's hand, and a thumb in the arse.
A (word association) football.

Qonfy, smokypipe or waterpipe?

A (word association) football.

Qonfy, smokypipe or waterpipe?


That one Transformer from the movie that turned into a Jet.

EDIT: **** YOU STIGGY! We are even now.
Don't turn this around Stig, I told you that first. But would you listen? NO.
Uh... first thing that comes to mind is a furby... sounds similar.
We're just going round in circles now :p

Probably the best way to direct my knowlege of pesmerga into an object is... a spork. Yes, you're a spork.
Your avatar reminds me of the following objects:

A plate
A bike helmet
A soft gel
A snowboard

Shit, can't think of anything else.

an oddly textured domokun listening to the pixies and being all zen
Ok... there's a balloon fetish apparently...

Was trying to find the name of the balloon you bounce on. That's what smoke reminds me of. Just with a shark face plastered on the front.

Edit: Grr Sam! And Pesh. I now think of Pesh whenever I see you. Can't assign you to an object, sorry.