What play I should?


Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
So my XBOX 360 broke recently and now I have nothing to play, so I thought I'd get back to PC gaming while my 360 is in for repairs. I don't know what to play though.

Some games that I have but have not beat yet.

F.E.A.R - Bought it but it runs so slow on my PC so never played it.

Matrix Path Of Neo - Played few hours but got to buggy so I removed it.

Silent Hill - Got it, played 5 minutes but got to scary. I'm a huge fan of Silent Hill 2,3,4 and have beat all except the last one where I cheated to the end after a while.

I really want to play through Silent Hill but it's sick scary and ugly :>

What should I play?
Don't play Matrix: Path Of Neo.
FEAR... if your computer's changed at all.
xlucidx it's a AMD 3200+ X800XL, 1GB Ram but it still runs really slow and not enjoyable
FEAR is a whole world of overrated, don't bother.

Path of Neo is shit.

Grow some balls and play Silent Hill. Its awesome.
FEAR is a whole world of overrated, don't bother.

Path of Neo is shit.

Grow some balls and play Silent Hill. Its awesome.

I think so too, even if it's not great graphics is dead scary. I died in the very beginning, those teddy bear monsters killed me :O The controls are really hard to use on PC too.
Well, I've never played it on PC so yeah, I can imagine it being a pain.
Play Silent Hill on the PS1 instead.(I think that's what the original was on? Never played it. :X)
Man, those are some crap choices. Are those your only options? Sorry for you if that's the case. Maybe play Minesweeper....
Can't imagine Silent Hill being THAT scary now that the graphic's are so outdated, I'd say go for FEAR and try lowering some more settings?
Rome: Total War may be a few years old but it is still insanely addictive and fun.
F.E.A.R. is one of the worst optimized games ever created, don't bother with it if you don't have an decent enough computer to run it.

I haven't played Neo so I can't comment on that.

Silent Hill, well I've only played the demo on the PSX a few years ago. It's good though, I would probably play this if I were you. Try to get used to the controls, you'll get hang of it sooner or later.
Couldn't get Silent Hill to work properly anymore. And yes it's THAT scary, I'm actually a horror game fan and usually no game scare me that much but Silent Hill does, the graphics are bad but it feels like the whole game is a jelly. Can't explain why but it feels like you're drunk when you play it.

Tell me one good reason why I should beat F.E.A.R?
Fear sucks. Path of Neo sucks (the alternate ending WTF?) so I'd say Silent Hill. And remember, Teddy's are cool.