What proper planning looks like.


Sep 24, 2003
Reaction score
Check out http://www.dxinvisiblewar.com/

This is an example (hopefully) of a properly planned and executed release. They are just now beginning a heavy print campaign supported by gamesite interviews and the interactive website.

This just seems to be a much better planning strategy that what happened is happening with half-life 2.

There were no add campaigns prior to 9/30 for HL2 the Valve/Sierra/Vivendi websites have little to no information on the product. Forcing future consumers to find a well run fan site (of which this is one but there are few others.)

I do support Valve and I do understand that Valve has had to deal with publisher issues, being hacked, and a rabid fan community whose knee jerk reaction seem to always be 'THEY LIED TO US' but I hope they understand how much more polished they can be and how proper planning and presentation can really help them.

I appreciate the Valves dedication to the Fan sites but there is no reason not to release news first through the fan sites but also have an well updated informative FAQ or website of their own that gets news posted a few days or a week after the fansites.

I hope Valve realizes they have a lot of room for growth in this area.
I'm buyin' it for PC or XBOX... either way, they're gettin' my money. Game looks visually stunning, gameplay looks solid, new, and inventive... should be an all-around great game from what I've seen and read.
Well, is Deus Ex 2 such a great example? Eidos makes it come out in Europe not earlier than february/april 2004 while it comes out this december in the US.
LOL, DX2 wasn't hacked and leaked, so it hardly consitutes the 'right' way given the circumstances are utterly different.
Stryyder's point, I believe, is that companies like Ion Storm have a good launch campaign planned. HL2 just seems as though it's strictly hush hush and won't have anything special to show near launch.