what resolution will you be playing at.

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Originally posted by Ti133700N
1024x768, High Details, Geforce4TI4200

It will be a slideshow, but a nice one :-)

THe Ti4600 has gotten ~43 FPS w/ full detail, no AA or AF, w/ a rez of 1024x768.

That said, you should be able to OC your card to Ti4600 speeds, and thus get a higher FPS.
TheSMJ what are you smoking? There arent even any benchmarks out for the Ti4600...
I plan on 800x600, probably 1024x768 (I've been playing HL in 800x600 ever since I got my new monitor, couldn't get adjusted to 1024)
2x FSAA and 8x AF (maybe 16x depending on framerate) with max settings
Originally posted by coolio2man
omfg why are u even thinking 38-45fps.........omfg u know it will run smoothly dont worry god damnit bastard :P
Compared to mine 2.2gighz Radeon 7500, 5200rpm 40gig HD, 512 RAm Cable internet. Ok i am medicore pc probably, 60fps with medium quailty and no ff or aa so at least i have something to cry about, unlike those Radeon 9800xt bitches, o man i hope i can run with u3b0r l337 comp. Comon how stupid are u

I mean that when the xt comes out im going to buy the older version for cheaper. Actually im running a 7500 myself lol. i dont see what was so stupid about it. The 7500 actually doesnt fair too bad on most games...
Originally posted by TheWall421

Anyone who thinks AA or Anistropy are worthless, obvisouley have an Nvidia card :-). Don't be a hater, I used to have one too.

I'll second that. I have had every nvidia card made...and nothing compares to the ATi 9700/9800 series with fsaa/af on at any level.

We are talking smooth and beautiful.

BTW: If you have a 9700, you really NEED to run the omega drivers with 9800 hack...it makes a HUGE difference in visual quality and frame rate...huge. (ATi's driver cripples the 9700 to make it look less attractive than it can be so you buy the 9800 instead)

BTW: I just gave away a FX 5600 I won at quakecon...and have no regrets (other than feeling sorry for the guy who got it from me :D ).
What ever allows my 9800 pro, 3000+, and gig of DDR 3200 to run it at full settings.
I'll be running at 1680x1050... widescreen-y goodness. Just got a mail from Gabe to say that HL2 will support widescreen properly.
Ok, first off you guys are retards. And the ones that go "wowowow mom check out these coolz0rz graph1cs kekekeke." I for one wont be playing High-Detail if it goes anything less than 100fps @ 1153x864 which is the same as the refresh rate on my monitor. Graphics arent as important to me as gameplay, sheesh. You guys are talking about playing at 25 - 40fps on high rofl, good luck.

Turn the settings down dicknuts. When I play UT, I always used to turn details to low. Now I got a Rad 9600Pro I can play it with over 150fps high details. It's all about frames, frames, frames. **** details. You think tetris became so popular because it had coolz0rz grap0rix? No, because it had good gameplay. If this game turns out to be nothing more than eye candy, because thats what all you nerds here make it out to be. Then I'll say BAH!, and go play tetris.
You comments aren't appreciated KamiKid. Try a different approach next time.
Nice job of being an ignorant asshole, kami. Graphics are important to some people.
As I'm unable to determine the difference between 60 and 70 fps, and as I am not affected greatly by resolution increases over 1024, I shall be playing at 1024 and adjusting the details accordingly.

However, I will also be making sure I upgrade so that I can run at 1024 (no AA no AF) at 60 fps.
Kami, to me graphics aren't the most important element of a game either, but I don't start flaming those to whom they are. After all, a lot of these posters have forked out a few hundred dollars / pounds etc. for a Radeon 9800 Pro, so why shouldn't they be interested in getting HL2 running at max details? Once I've saved up enough to buy one for myself I'll also expect to get the best out of the game.
And another thing Kami, everyone on these boards will still enjoy playing HL1 today, even though it's on the Quake engine. I wanna play HL2 on max with full AA and AF, but I'd still enjoy HL1 in software mode.
I hope my original Radeon 64MB DDR VIVO can churn out enough frames, so as to delay my pricey upgrade. :afro:
BigAl, does that card even run directx 6?
Hopefully 1280x1024 with 4x Aniso and no AA

My System:

Amd Athlon Xp 1600+
1 gig pc2700 ddr333
Ati Radeon 9700 Pro @324/311(soft-mod 9500 ;) )
Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Ed.
running is not the same as being DX 9 compliant. A voodoo 1 could run under DX 9 but you won't get any benefits or effects because it's not DX 9 compliant.
ermm i want you to tell me the highest resulotion that my pc get take :)
i got p4 1.7g
can i play on 1600-1200 ? :)
Yes nof, you probably can. Your processor is getting a bit dated now but everything else seems to be in order.
Well, I prefer to play in 10x7.

But I will try all res
personally, i'm just gonna stick all settings really low, play a couple of seconds, then ease them up slowly, until i notice real slowdown or it's so good it can't possibly get any better. (slowdown is more likely to happen first, I only have a GeForce 4 Ti4200). If I don't like what I see though i'm going to overclock my card as much as possible. Anyone know what GeForce 4's are like for overclocking?
1024x768, I like the res. And I have a 15inch flatpanel, so it's not like I can go higher.
Originally posted by jabberwock95
(slowdown is more likely to happen first, I only have a GeForce 4 Ti4200).

The GF4 ti4200 is a decent card what you need to also take into account is your CPU. You could have a Radeon 9800 pro but if you are running it on a P3 1 gig it isn't going to perform as it should.

Back to the GF4 card, it should run fine, you may have to turn down some detail but you should be quite satisfied with performance.
640 by 400 cuz i have a geforce2 mx 210 32 meg, and no fsaa or af. i need playable framerates..and i might not even get those with those kond of specs. 1.4 ghz p4, 128 megs of ram, but a 7200 rpm 80 gig hd.
Originally posted by HeadcrabOnMyAss
640 by 400 cuz i have a geforce2 mx 210 32 meg, and no fsaa or af. i need playable framerates..and i might not even get those with those kond of specs. 1.4 ghz p4, 128 megs of ram, but a 7200 rpm 80 gig hd.

You need to donate plasma to get a quick $50 and get yourself another card there! Maybe rob a few old ladies too, lol j/k
Originally posted by Wahad
800x600 or 1024x768
i have radeon 9000pro
consider 680x640 to 800x600 w/ medium settings and no fsaa/aniso if you're a radeon9000pro'er.
OK.Huh i must get new video card before 30th.
9600pro or 9800pro or funny GF FX 5900ultra
Originally posted by droper
me personally
1024X768 at least 2XAA and AF X4 or X8 i don't really care

radeon 9500 pro OC i expect 30-35 at worsed.

im probably gonna run the same but i wanna see if my chaintech apogee will support a 9800pro256meg.

if not then its the mutch cheaper 9700.

800x600 (or 1024x768 depending on how it runs) with the geforce MX-440. I really don't care if I don't get full details/features right now. I think it should run fast enough at that resolution since it only has to do DX7 stuff.

I bought Half Life about 4 years ago, and I still enjoy playing it off and on. I have not bought another game since then. In a few years, maybe I'll get a 9800 pro, for about $50, and I will enjoy all the details and shit then. I refuse to pay $400 for something that will be "outdated", and thus 1/10 the price in 2 years. I'd rather wait the 2 years and keep my $400, all the while enjoying HL2.

Furthermore, I have no idea what AA and AF are. I've gotten along just fine up until now without AA and AF, so I don't think I need to spend a shitload of money to have it.

I guess if I had $400, and I had everything in the world that I could buy for $400 that I think is more important than a video card, I would buy one. If that's your situation, then more power to ya.
I have been trying out resolutions greater than 800x600 and most of my games run nicely in 1024x768 so I think I will now see how HL2 handles that.............HL looks excellent at that res, just like the bink vids.