What sensitivity do you use?


The Freeman
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Just curious to see what mouse sensitivity you guys are using. I have mine set to 9 but I think it may be a bit fast, Do you have it lower, so more realistic to human movement or fast?
I have the Deathadder mouse and have it turned up all the way. And by the way, it's one of those On-the-fly sensitvity change.
i have mine at 8.1, with a cheapo mouse from my school lol. 400dpi i think.
getting my deathadder for christmas, any good headcrab pie?
I was thinking of turning mine down a bit, when i look at all the gameplay demos at E3 it looks like they are looking around quite slowly, but it looks more natural and realistic.
I just use the default, which is...3 i think?
i don't remember what I used...I don't have the game installed at the moment. I think I used 2 because I don't like sensitive mouse
I keep mine turned up all the way, for maximum pleasure.

(The default works fine)
I alternate between 3 and 5, but mostly 5. My mouse itself is also set to 3.
Got my windows sensitivity turned down 2 notches and use a sensitivity of 1 to 1.5

$10 Microsoft wired optical mouse, running at default sensitivity for WinXP, running at default sensitivity for Source games (which is 3).

My roommate turns it up to about 15 when he plays on my machine, and then I take two steps, move the mouse half an inch, and do a 360. It's pretty ridiculous.

Meanwhile, one of my friends used to play CS in Cal-im (I think that's what it's called), and he's always telling me I need to turn it WAY down, and turn off mouse acceleration in Windows, so that I get more headshots.
10-11ish in all Source games, slightly less in GoldSrc games (I think they're different, at least).
1800dpi (deathadder), windows 5/11 (where everyone should put it, it's a devider algorithm, the center is 1:1), sourcegames 0.7.

But it doesn't matter since my sensitivity is set to my mouse.
Relatively fast compared to some. But that's my mouse. I don't bother altering the sensitivity of the mouse in-game, I set it externally.
I generally dislike sensitive mice, because my hands are so shaky.

I have very still hand and I only move my mouse small distances so I have put my Windows one up aswell.
3.0 for my old mouse, I'm still playing around with settings with my new mouse (currently 4.7).