What sets HL2 apart from all else...

Sep 29, 2003
Reaction score
I have read a lot of posts, and some threads, that talk about how half life 2 isn't even worth waiting for. Or that it lost all of it's thunder, and people are questioning what makes it so great now anyway with all these new games out with same graphics?

Well, prove me wrong, but what do you think makes the original 3 star wars movies so great? Why is it that you can watch them over and over and have it still be great. Just like HL1, never gets old. Always great.

Sure, the game play and all the cool technology, but its not just that, its what hooks you. Everyone that has just talked sh*t about HL2 knows they are going to be the first to get it when the game releases that is obvious... just talkin crap!!

I'm using star wars to help back my opinion, a counter part. Star wars is TIMELESS, its memoriable, the emotions of star wars characters were our emotions...

This is what happend with half life. The game became Timeless, its a priceless edition to the gaming communitee. This is what will drive everyone to HL2 when it is released, this is why nothing else deep inside feals like it can even compare. It's the priceless experience that sets this game apart.

Just thought I would share that.
Not a good analogy. The Phantom Menance was rubbish. Just because the original Trilogy was good doesn't make the new Trilogy good. Likewise, just because Half-Life was the best game evar, doesn't mean Half-Life 2 will be good.

My interest in Half-Life 2 has died because I'm not impressed by the e3 movies anymore, I've watched them too much. A new video will impress me a lot.
What will set HL2 apart from the rest is the subtle use of technology, Valve aren't overdoing the game with tons of fancy features, if something needs a special effect it'll have it, otherwise it wont, most games will stick as much as they can in to show off. Valve just don't seem to be doing that atall. Which is a good thing in my book, They make a city, and if something isn't supposed to be there, its not going to go in just for making things look flashy.

It's going to look very realistic and the characters will probably have more depth, I wouldn't be surprised if players start cursing the enemy if certain people are killed that they've got used to having around. Thats quite an impressive extra which will really set it above the others. Then there's the physics, ok everything and its grandmother has that now but HL2 seems to be the only one getting it just right, or atleast the best that can be done in realtime at the moment anyway.

Also of course, the storyline which I imagine is hinted at in detail during HL1, we just don't know what exactly. But definately a lot of thought will have gone into it. It's going to be one hell of a good game when its finally done, I don't see anyone being disapointed. Though we'll all be begging for HL3 in no time to find out how things end. All we need to do is stand outside Valve's offices dressed as characters from the game and we'd be just like Star Wars and Trek fans, a terrible thought ;)
I baggsy the Gordon Freeman costume!

I still think HL2 is going to rock when it comes out.
Brian Damage said:
I baggsy the Gordon Freeman costume!

I still think HL2 is going to rock when it comes out.
I'd want to go as a Garg, who's gonna complain if you cut the line with flame throwers for hands and when you stamp your feet you shoot M&M's at people. :E
Shooting M&Ms at people...

Fenric, your mind would be an interesting place to go for a holiday, but I wouldn't want to live there :rolling: :E...

I know a little dude we call "The Gnome". We could dress him up as a headcrab :naughty: ...
Don't forget that HL2 is one of the only games that uses physics to enhance gameplay, and not just as a side "coolness" effect.
not much is gona set it apart. you can compare it to several other "alien invasion" style games. AlienvsPred, Halo, etc. only this will have pretty grafix that a majority of people wont be able to run.
Eh, sorry that I have to point this out but its most noticable feature so far has been that a large chunk of the source-code has leaked.

Other then that, we all know that it will sell a ton of copy's on the reputation of its predecessor alone. Only after that will we be able to make any informed judgement as to its quality.

In other words, why dont you guys wait untill the game appears on the shelves ??
chewysplace said:
not much is gona set it apart. you can compare it to several other "alien invasion" style games. AlienvsPred, Halo, etc. only this will have pretty grafix that a majority of people wont be able to run.

I wish you'd actually demonstrate some actual knowledge of the game and its history when you post.

The minimum specs for the game is an average DX6-DX7 machine. It will run TNT2 cards and above and anything over 733MHz with 64mb RAM.

OK, you won't have all the fancy graphics, but it'll run and you could still enjoy it because it will have the gameplay.

And you can't really say it won't because it has software written by the same developers as HL1, a story line written by the same author of HL1 and staff that made HL1 what it was. They wouldn't settle for anything less than what it did before.

If HL1 doesn't get scores that equal or exceed what it did in it's original reviews then I'll eat your ass with a spoon.
Ok, point taken chewy :) This is a fanboy place after all. And most of these guys just cant wait. But I still consider it silly to discuss 'the most noticeble features' when we won't see it untill april.

Oh, and if you are really asking me what I think, I guesstimate that the level editor and general mod support of this one is going to be second to none :)
Chris_D said:
I wish you'd actually demonstrate some actual knowledge of the game and its history when you post.

The minimum specs for the game is an average DX6-DX7 machine. It will run TNT2 cards and above and anything over 733MHz with 64mb RAM.

OK, you won't have all the fancy graphics, but it'll run and you could still enjoy it because it will have the gameplay.

And you can't really say it won't because it has software written by the same developers as HL1, a story line written by the same author of HL1 and staff that made HL1 what it was. They wouldn't settle for anything less than what it did before.

If HL1 doesn't get scores that equal or exceed what it did in it's original reviews then I'll eat your ass with a spoon.

you miss the point. they advertise these amazing grafix. but what they dont tell the average joe who buys it is that he'll need a grafix card upgrade.
that was the point.
chewysplace said:
you miss the point. they advertise these amazing grafix. but what they dont tell the average joe who buys it is that he'll need a grafix card upgrade.
that was the point.
You'll be able to run it and see a pretty damn fine quality game without upgrading. I'll put money on it running on my old Geforce4MX, granted without the DX9 shaders but for the most part it will be entirely playable and very high quality on any card (not including really old ones obviously, that would just be silly)
The point I was making is that no one that plays the game necessarily needs to buy a new graphics card.

It would just be bad marketing for them to promise the game is scalable down to DX6 and then ensure that nothing below a DX8 can play it.

It's like walking into a shop and paying £800 on a new suit with trousers, jacket and matching shirt/tie; getting it home and then finding it only has the trousers.
yeah but the average consumer doesnt know what either you 2 know. Fenric and Crhis.
but it is their fault for not knowing i say.
H-52 said:
This is a fanboy place after all.

smart comment batman, what did you expect from a HL2 fansite? Everyone hating HL2 and Valve and worshipping some other game? :rolleyes:
chewysplace said:
yeah but the average consumer doesnt know what either you 2 know. Fenric and Crhis.
but it is their fault for not knowing i say.
So the average consumer is now incapable of reading the minimum requirements on the box or the site before purchasing?
Anyone that upgrades will consider the option of staying with their current card before buying a new one.
Ehm, according to that Maximum PC article the game wont be looking too pretty on a DirectX7 card and will be downright ugly on a DirectX6 one. Matter of fact, does anyone know of any realeased screenshots that used these kinds of hardware? Has anyone outside Valve ever seen it in action running on these kinds of vid-cards. I have no doubt that it will actually run on these things but I'd really like to know how it's going to look. After all, John Carmack has also published some system specs on DIII- something like 1Ghs 256 MB and a geforce 1- that leaves me scratching my head.

Oh, and Fenric, my comment was meant to be sardonic and was not to be taken literally.
H-52 said:
Ehm, according to that Maximum PC article the game wont be looking too pretty on a DirectX7 card and will be downright ugly on a DirectX6 one. Matter of fact, does anyone know of any realeased screenshots that used these kinds of hardware? Has anyone outside Valve ever seen it in action running on these kinds of vid-cards. I have no doubt that it will actually run on these things but I'd really like to know how it's going to look. After all, John Carmack has also published some system specs on DIII- something like 1Ghs 256 MB and a geforce 1- that leaves me scratching my head.

Oh, and Fenric, my comment was meant to be sardonic and was not to be taken literally.

It's highly unlikely Valve will show off their new game on low end systems, since people will think thats all there is. The game apparantly runs well on low end systems, DIII probably will too, though they will both be lacking in the extra effects, but as Chris has said, its still based, pretty much on the HL1 engine, so yeah, it wont look as pretty but Valve have never claimed it will, they said it would run and be playable, they wont have said it would look as good as the full version. So if someone buys it, chances are they will be able to play it well, it just wont look as nice, in which case they upgrade, which goes for most things these days.

Edit: oh Chris.. I'd reply to that PM, but erm... yeah that just scared the hell of out me lol
How many games do you know that look good on a DX6 or 7 card?

The game is very scalable. It has LOD changes so maybe if you're using a DX7 card, instead of seeing a 12000 poly model you'll see a 800 poly model.
I agrre with Fenric that it would be pretty unwise of Valve to release any screenshots that have actually been taken. The publicity impact of such a thing would be great and probaly rather negative especially since the general public doesnt know and doesnt care about the difference in DirectX7 and 9 hardware.

Edit: This does of course mean that by the time the game comes out there are going to be a lot of people who complain that the game doesnt look as good as the screenshots on their hardware. The teenagers, they tend to be the ones with the lower end hardware, are going to be rather vocal on this. A large number of them will show up on this forum. Brace yourself folks.

Games that look good on DirectX7? Eh, how about Returm to Castle Wolfenstein, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault and Battlefield 1942 ?? All those game looked pretty mighty good on DirectX7 hardware and BTW they still do.
H-52 said:
Ehm, according to that Maximum PC article the game wont be looking too pretty on a DirectX7 card and will be downright ugly on a DirectX6 one. Matter of fact, does anyone know of any realeased screenshots that used these kinds of hardware? Has anyone outside Valve ever seen it in action running on these kinds of vid-cards. I have no doubt that it will actually run on these things but I'd really like to know how it's going to look. After all, John Carmack has also published some system specs on DIII- something like 1Ghs 256 MB and a geforce 1- that leaves me scratching my head.

Oh, and Fenric, my comment was meant to be sardonic and was not to be taken literally.

If i had it my way it wouldn't run on anything below DX8 leaveing more developement time for newer tech.
mrchimp said:
If i had it my way it wouldn't run on anything below DX8 leaveing more developement time for newer tech.

Same here, but at the same time I admire them thinking of the users out there without the new hardware. Sure, they probably only did it for profit reasons. But its good they thought about the little guy. Same goes for websites that remember just cause the webmaster might have a new cable modem, doesn't mean everyone else has cable and many will still be on dialup. I know this can't last forever, eventually it will be time to say goodbye to pre DX9 compatible software, but until then its nice their thinking about those users.
I love HL2 and no one on earth can make me believe the opposite.
what if i were to give you... 1 million dollars to believe the opposite!
The teenagers, they tend to be the ones with the lower end hardware, are going to be rather vocal on this. A large number of them will show up on this forum. Brace yourself folks.
Heck no, Im 16 myself, and know a great deal about Comp hardware. I have many many friends that know what their running, and what will run and what wont. So please, dont point fingers. But anyhow, I think the main people that will buy H-L 2 will atleast know a little of what hardware they have and why it wont run well and what not...most people that play high-quality PC games atleast knoew SOME. But in the end, there will always be people that dont know whats in there comp, nor care. All they want is a comp and a game to play. That is probably why Valve made H-L 2 to be able to atleast be played on a 733 mhz machine, with a DX6 card. :cheers:

and no, I am not a "nerd" lol :cheers:
LOL, dont take it personal dude. When I speak of teenagers I mean 13-14 year olds. A 16 year old is rather mature by comparison with the kiddies. And those were the ones I spoke of. And believe me when I say that they are going to cause a riot when the game doent looke like the screenies they have seen.
H-52: there going to cause a riot regardless, if there's just one thing wrong with the game the forum will be full of threads pointing it out. I'v never actually seen people complaining about a game not looking as good as the screens but I'v heard alot of complaints about performance and they normally come from the people with half deceant machines expecting more speed than there getting.

Also Valve are the only company to actually release demo videos from last generation hardware so I don't see how you can complain about this to them. Some game companys release screen shots that have full AF and AA on for a scene that could never be run at an acceptable rate on any current desktop computer.
HL2 is aged the time it comes out they say, but let's look back at HL shall we?
HL made an impressive E3 entry, just like HL2. It was delayed, just like HL2. Did it have awesome graphics that blew away the competition like Unreal when it came out? No.
Did it incorporate some fancy lighting system? No. Was it in any way technically much more superior than the competition? No. Did it shock the gaming community when it came out and leaving it's traces in how games are made 5 years later? YES!
And even though the graphics of HL2 aren't that special when it releases like they seemed at E3 this year, it still has stuff other competing engines don't have, such as HDR and amazing use of shaders.
T'was the night before christmas, when hundreds upon hundreds of Half-Life 2 fans cried themselfes to sleep knowing that the game they had been waiting for forever would not come that night on saint nicks sled.

But during the night, Munro crying in his bead was awoken by the shattering of glas and chewing of biscuits, he headed downstairs and behold! he saw saint nick carrying a bag full of presents, all in the shape of the holies upon holy, a game box.
Munro asked saint nick "What might there be inside that golden wrapper?" Saint nick answered "That is for you to find out, ho ho ho!" and he then dissapered into the teleporter.
Munro took a quick glance at the clock, noticing that it was already past midnight, so he carefully sneaked passed the shattered glas, over the bisquit crumbs to his tree.
He took the holy present in his hands and began to open it.

When he got the paper open he saw that it contained...
H-52 said:
LOL, dont take it personal dude. When I speak of teenagers I mean 13-14 year olds. A 16 year old is rather mature by comparison with the kiddies. And those were the ones I spoke of. And believe me when I say that they are going to cause a riot when the game doent looke like the screenies they have seen.
Ayo! What is all of this about 13 year olds being immature? I am 13 and I am a mature dude.
What made HL2 look cool to me was all the physics involved in the game and the vast levels. If they just had it come out on time they wouldev had the upperhand on things, but sence Max Payne 2 and Need For Speed : Underground(to name a few) came out with the same physics engine, HL2's physics arnt that impressive anymore. However im still a little impressed on the level of detail they put into that game but its keeps dwendling everyday. So when HL2 comes out it will be "Just another game" IMO
ray_MAN said:
Ayo! What is all of this about 13 year olds being immature? I am 13 and I am a mature dude.

Thats debatable, but you do keep up a good appearance.