What should I do?


May 20, 2003
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Me and a friend of mine is thinking of making a mod to HL2 as it's been said to be so much easier then other games. We are thinking of a melee mod where you only use melee weapons (like swords, clubs, maces, varius mechanic's tools and maybe som random stuff you can pick up; chairs, iron pipes etc.) We find this idea appealing as the crowbar is an object going thru air and being physicly stimulated. This is going to be a MP mod and we've currently got a few gametype ideas in the making;

-we have a "fight the giant" mode, where a giant is AI controlled and the players must work together to bring him down. You can decide the number of giants to match the number of players if you want.

-we have a "be the giant" mode where one player is the giant and the other ones have to team up against him.
(The giant I'm refering to is somewhat the size of the Giant in Dungeon Keeper 2, someone might know what I'm talking about. He would have a BIG club wich could knock the player thru a window, smash a wooden wall, crack the ground and just generaly creating mayhem)

-A "interracial battle" where different kind of warriors would fight. Vikings vs Samurai, Knights vs Arabs etc. etc.

-and some others we're pondering on

The thing is that we have no modding experience what so ever. We need to code some, make models and get some mapping done. Now what should we do? Has anyone got any ideas to some programs we could get some practise in? tutorials? Like I said, we are completely newbies when it comes to modding so any help is appreciated.

btw. do you think this could be done? I mean with severly limited talent and all that....
well...considering that Time Travel is considered possible...this mod is very possible.

Modding experience isn't required to make a mod, you just have to have a good work ethic, the willingness to learn, and some artistic capability (be it imagination, or the ability to draw..doesn't matter).

I'm not sure about tutorials, mindless_modder has tons of modeling tuts...but as for the rest, google should suffice.