What should i get ?


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Im gonna be crazy !!
what should i get Geforce 6800 Ultra OR ATI X800 XT !?
What engines do most of the games you play most often run on?
after i saw the doom 3 benchmarks
i thought i should get Geforce 6 ..what do u think guys ?..
If it was up to me, I'd grab the GF 6800 Ultra.
However, they're both very decent cards, and are pretty much evenly matched..
6800 Ultra but thares non in stock right now lol....they both come close and they both pass echutha by like 5F on games :) get the 6800 ultra its definatly a better deal... even thow its 600$ and atis only 500... never EVER had a problem with any Nvidia chip/card except that TNT2 (sucked and was slo0W) you need like a 3.6 Ghz on the FX6800 or both cards or ANT!!! it bottle necks
I got the X800XT PE because I knew I'd be playing HL2 and its mods more than anything else. It all depends on what games you're playing.
Trinityxero said:
6800 Ultra but thares non in stock right now lol....they both come close and they both pass echutha by like 5F on games :) get the 6800 ultra its definatly a better deal... even thow its 600$ and atis only 500... never EVER had a problem with any Nvidia chip/card except that TNT2 (sucked and was slo0W) you need like a 3.6 Ghz on the FX6800 or both cards or ANT!!! it bottle necks
i had problems with geforce FX :P
it sux
anyway u right i never had a problem with nvidia ( except Geforce FX 5200 :P )
When i got my ATI 9700 i had many problems with steam and other games..
To be honest the 6800 and the x800s are so close in benchmarks and at 1600x1200 and 4xAA and 8xAF you really dont care about 5-10 fps difference because its jaw dropping!! The Era of High Definition Gaming! Id say the 6800 is looking damn nice!

But i want to see how well it performs with HL2 benchmarks... if ist so close e.g.3-5 fps then id say go for the 6800 as its Open Gl is amazing (Nvidia did say that they created the 6800 specifically for Doom3 tho)
