What should i make for my first model?


Jul 31, 2003
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What should I attempt to make for my first model? I am going to be using Softimage XSI... This is like my first model, EVER. So tell me what I shuold try to make!

Make flyable Apache Helicopter. That Would Be Sweet!
Or you could make that flying machine from T3. The One that got shoot down by john wiht an AK47.
Or you could make a Tall Alien like creature like the Strider. Only taller and more comlex. Something that would attack the Strider in HL2 and Would totaly kick its ass.
I suggest really learning the basics of the program before you attempt to create a specific object. Play around with the tools and learn modeling fundamentals. If you want to just dive in, start small and simple and don't expect to be a great 3D artist overnight. Try modeling some objects on your desk and get a feel for shape and form before moving on to weapons and characters. Everyone has to start from the bottom.
merc, if u havn't already go to www.3dbuzz.com sign up and login. You will know noticeu can access the downlaods section. Open the downloads section and agree to the terms (basiclly saying u are not aloud to make money from there tutorials) and then go down to the XSI section. They have just started with the XSI VTM's and all of them are very very basic, from the overview view ports. Also where u can find everything. They will be a bit tedious but after doing them all u will have skipped about 2 mounths of trying to learn all by your self. It worked for me with 3dsmax and I created this within about 1 moutnh. Maybe less:

A wee tip for those just starting off in modelling...

NEVER NEVER NEVER model without some sort of reference. You will get lost, frustrated, and annoyed before you know what hit you. Only the most practiced and those with a really clear picture in their mind can do this. Everyone else (including most of the geniuses at ILM and Pixar etc.) models from references.

The more detailed and more pictures you have of your reference, the better.

If you want to start off on something a bit more interesting, but dont want to get bogged down, I suggest getting out your old plastic model kit instruction pages. Or go buy a supa cheap plastic model kit, then use the model kit instructions as references, scan them in if you want and have a scanner. Then build each piece at a time and put it all together. That way you wont get lost, you can work on a small bit at a time, as your skills get better, you can replace older bits you dont like, etc. Most of all, you can build something cool and have a bit of fun doing it right away, while learning the tools and playing around with them...

just start small and u be fine but like spin said learn the basics first!
I made a box for my first, and last model.