What skill or moves you use in Deathmatch?



I straff bullets when a opponent tries to shoot the crap out of me out of me.
Then if an opponents not very close to me I throw a grenade on the weakest parts of the body. Also I love doing a surpise attacks, for example when everythings quiet i scare the hell out of them with a loud ear poping shot. INSTANTLY they are dead on the floor!
when everythings quiet i scare the hell out of them with a loud ear poping shot. INSTANTLY they are dead on the floor!
you kill people with loud noises? I call hax! :p
How in the name of God do you do that thing where you throw a grenade, grab it with the gravity gun, and then fire it at someone? Is there something I'm missing, because when I try this the grenade bounces away, and when I get it it explodes on me! But it's so effective, I've been killed loads by it. Any tips or anything appreciated much.
Superman said:
How in the name of God do you do that thing where you throw a grenade, grab it with the gravity gun, and then fire it at someone? Is there something I'm missing, because when I try this the grenade bounces away, and when I get it it explodes on me! But it's so effective, I've been killed loads by it. Any tips or anything appreciated much.
The grenades have two firing modes, try the secondary mode, then you just kinda let it down on the ground (if you sit and do this, it slides nicely after the ground), then it's much easier to catch it iwth the gravity gun. Just scondary-fire the grenade, switch to the gravity gun as fast as you can (a normal mistake is to switch too fast, so the grenade won't get thrown first), then just grab with the gravity gun. After a while you'll get used to how long you need to wait before you throw it to get it to detonate where you want it to. Also, when you pick up a ticking grenade, it restarts its timer so you get the full countdown on pickup.
Thanks a million:thumbs: No more getting killed by my own grenades!
Hehe, I predict you will :) well, at least I do with mine from time to time ;) keep grabbing other stuff when it's in a crowded area etc ;)
I aim before i shoot.( but don't tell anyone else, this is just our little secret)
I used to hate nade cooking...cuz I sucked at it. Refused to learn how to do it I was so frustrated.

Finally I decided if I wanted to keep up, I was going to have to learn. I watched some vids done by much better players and tried to pick up as many tips as I could, then I just practiced like crazy. Now nade cooking is second nature. I do it without even thinking about it. I think it's upped my frags by 15%!

I think it's a must skill to learn and refine. BTW, Netrex' video is one I learned a lot from. *bows repeatedly to the master*
There should be some hl2dm school, soo many players don't have a clue on how to do anything.

All of 'em :D

I like HL2DM. Takes more skill then CS:S, I don't care what people say. A bunch of CS:S noobs visited our clans server. It was hilarious...two of them were crouching in the corner, three shot bursts with their SMGs. I cook a nade, chuck it, slap em in the face and get a multikill.

I think if a CS:S noob goes against a CS:S pro, and a HL2DM noob goes against a CS:S pro, the CS:S noob will get more kills then the HL2DM noob. That says a lot about the game...
Polar_Bear said:
There should be some hl2dm school, soo many players don't have a clue on how to do anything.

I had the same thought, so I've began work on a video tutorial series. One covering generic MP tips, one weapon specific, one for advanced techniques, a few covering specific maps, etc.
I have already gathered videos from some well known clan players as well as my own. Progress is slow atm because I'm overhauling my entire system. Editing all that video footage broke my last one, lol.

I am always open to ideas and contributions. I've posted here before looking for footage and or help but didn't get much of a response.
one strategy i have is to make sure that my last weapon used button will toggle between weapons that compliment each other

for example magnum and shotty, magnum to drop a fresh opponent down to 25 health and finish him with a shotty blast

or shotty and pulse rifle, shotty to nail down to low health and if i run out, finish off with pulse rifle

Another tactic is that if being chased, alt fire nades at my feet as i run, or place slams on walls as i run.

when fighting people with rocket launchers, fight from behind lots of phys props so that they are likely to explode on them rather than you, OR try to get close to them before they can fire that way if they try to take you out, they die too.

place slams as close to the ground as you can, alternatively, as close to eyebdrow level as you can. As most people concentrate on the middle area, they will not notice until too late.

don't forget you can hide slams under props. Place a slam on the floor, then quick drop an object over it before the slam arms itself. You have to be fast. Now if anyone so much as bumps into that object, WAM

This can allow you to do some interesting tricks

for example, in runoff. deploy a remote detonated slam behind a box by one of the inner entrances and deply slam underneath objects all along hallway towards the big gate. When you know people are running in, detonate and you'll chain reaction the slams killing a whole bunch of enemy players
I advice not using last weapon used bind. Rather just bind a button to every button so any weapons is a push of a button away.
If We See A ****ing Noob In Deathmatch We Should Exterminate It With A Weapon Cause' I Can't Stand Them, They Don't Know How To Survive In Any Match!!!!
Without noobs there wouldn't be any players in the game.

Think about that.

As for GotMilk, CS:S takes more skill to play than a crazy-fragfest game like HL2:DM.

In CS:S, you actually have to aim! :O
Same with HL2DM! :O


My movement guide (bunnyhop, whatever you want to call it):

The whole movement!

1.) Hold sprint
2.) Do a W + A or W + D movement, which is forward and a strafe key
(left or right)
3.) Jump
4.) You’re mid-air, holding W + A – let go of EVERYTHING, and just hold crouch, and the opposite strafe key (D in this case) and arc your mouse into it. The key here is to let go of W and A and hold D BEFORE you arc your mouse, otherwise you lose speed.
5.) Hold crouch (if you haven’t already, can do it before or after step #4, doesn’t matter much, but doing it BEFORE step #4 gives you more time before you hit the ground. (I prefer doing it before step #4)
6.) OK, now you’re mid-air, crouching, when you hit the ground, jump again. This is the hardest part of this type of movement, as the timings on your jumps can keep your speed the same, or it can completely stop you.
7.) Alright, so – you’re not going in a straight line. You’re either going to the right a little bit or the left. Alternate between each little “hop” on the ground, A and D. So, You hit the ground with a D jump, now let go of D, curve your mouse like a VERY tiny amount to the left (so you don’t lose speed) and hold A, and repeat. You’ll go in a straight line, or VERY close to it.

How to turn a corner!

So, you’re coming across a corner. Hopefully not a tight one. Here’s your options:

1.) You can just repeat the ENTIRE jumping technique over once you get near the corner in the new direction (fastest, but really sprint-consuming)
2.) OR, when you’re hopping on the ground, you can jump hold whichever strafe key you’re turning! Example: You see a corner on your right, and you’re hopping with sprint key A. Just switch over to D (that’s where the alternating skill comes in from step #7) and curve your mouse into the corner and keep jumping with that strafe key. So, you let go of A, you curve to your right a little bit and with each hop, mid-air you curve a little bit. You’ll turn the corner (as long as it isn’t a realllyy tight one) and with any luck, you maintained your speed! :D

If anyone finds an error lemme know, I wrote it sorta late at night. :p

Here's a demo for comparing your movements to mine: http://files.filefront.com/Strafejumping/;5104084;;/fileinfo.html
yeah it is, but try it and you'll fly :p It's really hard to put in words :(
Sudano skills:

Cindablock or anyother small heavy object
Good Aim
Fast reflexes
Sudano Skill
hl2 dm spawn model

i can spaw modle in hl2 dm like zombie ant guard and other if u like to see demorecorder just mail me .dem and more
hl2 dm spawn model

i can spaw modle in hl2 dm like zombie ant guard and other if u like to see demorecorder just mail me .dem and more


  • demo5.zip
    98 KB · Views: 89
A really good surprise attack method is place a SLAM underneath objects, like a locker or a box or something, or a desk.

If someone walks past it (if they're close enough) they'll get fried, or if they try and pick up that object, then they'll be fried also.

Another good SLAM technique is PUT SLAMS ACROSS THE STAIRCASE!!

Reason: People will see the red line while walking up the stairs(most people don't actually, which is surprising) but they never see the red line if they're running down the stairs, and most of the time you'll get em.

The only bad thing about SLAMS is that your own teammates ruin them(if you're playing TEAM DEATHMATCH).
I've been playing DM for a long time. I used to play CSS but found it to be utterly boring. Anyway, my home is dm_overwatch. I pretty much refuse to play on any other map. This is because it's my favorite and I know every inch of it by heart; spawn points, weapon locations, all the little nooks and crannies. One of the key things that makes you a good player is knowing your map, I believe. If you think I'm just making excuses for being too much of a pussy to try different maps, well, I have tried different maps and I'm just as good on those. It's just that for my top-notch/best playing ability, dm_overwatch is the playground.
A poster once said that to consider yourself pro, you don't even think about playing.... you just play. And that's exactly what I do. I may not have elite aim with the magnum or crossbow; meaning that I get instant kills 100% of the time with those weapons. I don't. Sometimes it takes me 2 shots or even 3. rarely 4. Depends on my mood, if my hands are shaking due to high-intensity moments/adrenaline, etc. But, I use my surroundings, improvise, get innovative. The grav-nade trick is easy. I practiced. Sometimes I screw up, but most times it's easy. My favorite weapon is the crossbow.
I'd say I'm as close to being pro as you can get without actually being pro. Think I'm bragging too much? Why? How good are you?
I have fun and use the gravity gun ALL the time you get killed alot but it's so much fun plus with every kill you get the toilet symbol. SWEET!
D.L said:
I have fun and use the gravity gun ALL the time you get killed alot but it's so much fun plus with every kill you get the toilet symbol. SWEET!
Yeah, I use the gravity gun sometimes, but only either as a last resort, or when there's a lot of objects around me and the person/people I'm trying to kill. Oh, and, I HATE Rocket Campers. You know what I do when I get the rocket launcher on the top floor of dm_overwatch? I jump down and fight like I always do. I only stay up there sometimes, depends on my mood. But some people rely on it entirely to get kill points. To me, they are immature punk kids too retarded to actually use skillz and get experience the hard way.
Jeremyofmany, rocket campers rule! It always tests out your skill when you find different ways to get rid of them. For example, dm_lego. Once one team gets control of the top of the castle, they start rocket whoring the hell outta my team. But if you're skilled, you;d find a good sniping point and take control over the tower, or nade-launch their asses. So, I welcome rocket campers because they always test out my skill in different ways.
AKIRA said:
Jeremyofmany, rocket campers rule! It always tests out your skill when you find different ways to get rid of them. For example, dm_lego. Once one team gets control of the top of the castle, they start rocket whoring the hell outta my team. But if you're skilled, you;d find a good sniping point and take control over the tower, or nade-launch their asses. So, I welcome rocket campers because they always test out my skill in different ways.

agree. have no problem with campers, they're easy enough to take out. it gets a little bit more annoying in TDM but still nothing too much IMO.