What stage are you on? (Acceptance)


Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
1. Denial - No, Halflife 2 WILL be released today!
2. Anxiety - But, but, they said, THEY SAID!
3. Depression - I'll never play Half Life 2...not ever.
5. Guilt - I called Valve a bastard, my karma, my karma!
6. Acceptance - Oh well

For anyone familiar with the various stages of acceptance, it is an understanding of the inner workings of people on a whole in how they accept/reject ideas, concepts, and things in their world.

So where do you stand on Half Life 2...how far along have you come in the past week....two weeks?
0. Amnesia - Half-Life 2 is delayed?! :)
I plan on staying there a while...
Actually I accepted it the day they said it was delayed but I never got angry at valve.
Acceptance, i didn't even know there was denial. HL2 is coming out september 30th and i'm not in denial because IT IS!!! (coming out that is)
I'm on Stage 7 (knew HL2 would be delayed since mid August and was planning on it, and thus isn't disappointed)
Anger and depression. (But not depression where I wouldn't play it. I still want to play it).
I was never really angry for the delay, more angered in the mismanagement and lack of information from valve. I know they like to let fan sites bring their news, but when they aren't communicative about things, it makes broken promises all the harder to swallow.
I'm pretty close to blind indifference. As long as I'm getting a bug-free game, valve can delay all they want (within a half-year limit, of course).

The only thing that would make me all angry and/or sad about the release would be if a bunch of people got it right now and I had to wait for a few months. ;(
Stage 10 could care less... delays are normal
I don't mind the game being pushed back for a little while--this is gonna let me concentrate on my school-work.
Stage 6-

Life's too damn short to be pissed about something so small.
Originally posted by Zraisfury
Stage 9: Drunk and wearing no Pants

Bring on Lalf-Hife 2!


me = stage 6, who cares? we get mp2 soon.
I do not conform to your communistic ideas. I am going about it in my own way. I am PLAYING HL2. Gabe promised us it would be here. Why do you think it wouldn't. Guys, the opening part where the little devils mosh against the screen telling you to kill your family and burn the place down is AWESOME.
Stage 6. Was stuck on stage 1 up till the 30th though. Pretty quickly went through all the other stages.
I am continually going from 1 to 6 and back again..
Gotta be out any second from now. YOU JUST WAIT AND SEE!!
those bastards