What target fps & reswill satisfy fyour needs in HL2?



I want to be running HL2 at at least 60 frames per second and at 1280x1024 with at least 2x AA with DX9

P.S. Check out my reply to the training thread, see what u think.
i need at least 60fps as well. and 1280x1024, i guess similar to use, except i wont be using AA, but 16x AF
30fps steady, 1024x768. I want it to look better on my hardware than any other game on my hardware :D

I think you should change your signature... :D
Originally posted by |CC|Hudson
good ****ing luck poseyjmac......

i dont suppose you want to know what my specs are before assuming that i can't pull it off?
you know in the benchmarks with a p4 and radeon 9800pro, they got 60fps on full detail 1024x768. that was WITHOUT fsaa or af. 50fps in 1600x1200? hardly.
yeah good luck with that! hey how u do u put an icon under your name?
nice, very nice. your gonna have quite a HL2 experience i must say
Good framerate (hopefully) at 1024x768 with 9800pro and all shiz maxed.

doesn't sound like too much to ask.
I'll be getting about .000005 fps on HL 2 with my 1.3 GHZ and Radeon 8500....woot...
lol with this speed you'll be able to finish HL-2 in 20years of you play non-stop :D
a minimum of at LEAST 40 ( i am pretty sure i will get 60 though ) with no FPS problems whatsoever, and then i will be in HL 2 for days, hell i already lost sleep over the game
I'm thinking 3200x2400 with 16x AA and 32x AF, hopefully running at least 200 fps, below that is like a slide-show.

oh yeah, and 128 bit color. 64-bit hurts my eyes.
Mmm, you people are spoiled. The minimum that I'll play happily at is 640x480 at 20 fps. 640x480 is the resolution I usually play at in most games. I've pulled off top of the server in games at 8 fps and all visuals rock bottom. I would die a happy man to play HL2 out of the box at 1024x768 at 60 fps.
As long as i get above 30 constant ill be happy :) but i imagine ill get much more (have 9800)
as long as i get over 50 im fine... i got my 9800 pro and amd athlon 2500 so i should bet set
1024x768, some AA and AF (probably 2x), 25 FPS is rock bottom expectations for me.
enough frames to get a vertical sync

because thats all that matters

anything more is just wank value
800x600, 60 FPS, max settings. (I like the lower resolutions.)
On my system if i can get 30fps at 800x600 at low detail i'll be happy.
As long as I don't fall under 15 FPS at 1024x768... I'm good...
40 fps @ 1280x1024 would be enough for me.
i have a GF4 Ti4200 and an AMD 1800+...
i hope my pc can handle it. :eek:
At least 60fps, with 1024x768.. even if I have to lower some details
Computer broke

Unfortunetly, my (New) computer broke down, and now I have to go back to my old 500MHz Celeron, Geforce 2, and 191 mb of RAM. Actually, that things a beast....I can play Desert Combat with 100 view distance (texture quality, graphics at 1280x960 2xAF) for exactly 14m 26s at 18FPS before I have to alt+tab to get out and use maxmem. That makes me feel very confident about Half-Life 2 at 1024x768 high quality settings. Except the physics, which i'll most likely get around 19 FPS with. It's really not that choppy.
I'm not sure if I am pushing my luck or not but with my:

Athlon XP 2800+ (2.08 ghz)
512 DDR Ram
TI 4200 128 4x

I am hopeing to get 60 FPS @ 1024 with most of the bells and whistles turned on (in game, not FSAA or any of that bull-crap)
I want to get a good 60 FPS with 90 percent of the stuff on (full when I get my 9800 pro)

But I will be content as long as it never dips below 30 in the high action scenes.