What target fps & reswill satisfy fyour needs in HL2?

Originally posted by CyberGeek
Mmm, you people are spoiled. The minimum that I'll play happily at is 640x480 at 20 fps. 640x480 is the resolution I usually play at in most games. I've pulled off top of the server in games at 8 fps and all visuals rock bottom. I would die a happy man to play HL2 out of the box at 1024x768 at 60 fps.

spoiled? nah. i dont know about you. but i bought my system with money i earned from a job. it aint expensive to get more than 20fps at 640x480 lol
I'm going to try playing it at 1024x768 with 4x AA and 16x AF (Heard AF barely hurts performance) at max or close to max settings.
50fps at 1024x764, with my p4 2.66 and 9600pro. Reasonable right? Theres benchmarks gettin 50 fps at 1280x1024 with a 9600pro, that would kick ass.
Originally posted by Baal
I'm not sure if I am pushing my luck or not but with my:

Athlon XP 2800+ (2.08 ghz)
512 DDR Ram
TI 4200 128 4x

I am hopeing to get 60 FPS @ 1024 with most of the bells and whistles turned on (in game, not FSAA or any of that bull-crap)

can someone tell me if this is reasonable?
40fps @ 1024x768 w/ maxed (or almost maxed) fx. My Radeon 9700 and P4 2.53 w/ 1gig DDR should be able to do this for me, if I get more than 40 I'll turn on 2-4x FSAA.
are we talking fullest detail? if a 733 with a TNT2 can get decent framerate, then even a mid range system could acheive 70fps at the proper detail level
Originally posted by Baal
can someone tell me if this is reasonable?

Some bells and whistles are impossible with a GF4 because it isn't DirectX 9 hardware. But the Ti4200 is a good card. With your good processor, I think you'll be ok.
im going to borrow by dads 9200 pro till I get a new card ... its 8x 128mb dx9 you think I will get 50 60 fps my specs are below.
edit: not sure if its pro
I get 18k 3DMarks, so hopefully 1280x1024x32 w/ 4xAA and 16x AF, atleast 45FPS. I can deal w/o AF if need be.
At least 125
With 1600x1200x32 Bit Colour
Highest Everything turned n
Anistropic Filtering
...Wait, I don't have a God computer.
hopefully 60fps max details, low res

ti4200 64, p4 2.53 gig ddr
ok then....

55fps - 60fps
AA x 4
AF x 4
Everything on High or Ultra High
1280x1024 - 32bit
30 fps, vsync on, 1024x768

(Or, rather... whatever fps 85 hz evens out to when vsync is on. It's probably not 30.)

I don't yet know if I really want to be playing with the full DX9 path. If that tech demo movie was representitive of the final game, I'm not sure I can handle all the *shiny* and *bumpy*.

what do you think my comp will play like?

athlon 1800 1.5ghz
GF4 mx 440
512DDR ram
1280x1024 30-50 fps 2xAA 8xAF max everything OMG I hope it plays well

2.53ghz 533fbs
1024mb 266ddr ram
40+ fps @1600x1200 2xAA 4xAF

or worst case

50+ fps @1280x1024 4xAA 8xAF
Originally posted by Robson
30 fps, vsync on, 1024x768
(Or, rather... whatever fps 85 hz evens out to when vsync is on. It's probably not 30.)

Hey Robson, could you tell us a little more about vsync and fps and how they work together?

I have a little knowledge of it but you seem to know your stuff.

Cheers man

Well I want mine to run well but I'd like to take advantage of DX9 capabilities so I may just buy a new card to go with my system. I'll sure the game will run well but I'd like to enjoy it as much as possible if I can do so.

- Jason
i got a 3.2GHz p4 and a souped up 9800pro

both overclocked a good bit, i should be able to get 50+fps with everything mizaxed fo sho
Originally posted by Robson
30 fps, vsync on, 1024x768
(Or, rather... whatever fps 85 hz evens out to when vsync is on. It's probably not 30.)

Hey Robson, could you tell us a little more about vsync and fps and how they work together?

I have a little knowledge of it but you seem to know your stuff.

Cheers man

Unless I'm mistaken if you have Vsync enabled then your fps's are capped to whatever your monitor's refresh rate is.

- Jason
Originally posted by willy1ka
Hey Robson, could you tell us a little more about vsync and fps and how they work together?

I have a little knowledge of it but you seem to know your stuff.

Cheers man

what vsync does is it caps your framerate at whatever your current HZ at a specified resolution is so that no visual tearing will occur. cause u know that if you are at 85 hz then your monitor is refreshing 85 times a second, if you have vsync off, at are getting 100 fps while running at 85 hz, your monitor wont be able to update that fast thus those extra frames cause the tearing.

the vsync algorithm though is not flawless, so it will cost performance with varying fps loss depending on the engine. its a tradeoff you will have to decide on, some people can't notice the tearing, if this is the case, leave vsync off.

i did a test to prove that vsync costs fps to have on. i ran 2 timedemos in the unreal tournament 2003 demo. one with vsync one without. my readouts told me my minimum framerate, avg, and highest.

at 85hz with vsync on, mY MINIMUM framerate dipped 10fps, while of course my highest stayed at 85. while when it was off, my minimum framerate(the lowest framerate that my system achieved throughout the demo) was 10fps higher. the avg framerate and highest framerate are pretty much irrelevant to proving this. so i could only conclude that vsync algorithm costs cycles. this is the unreal engine now. it could be different with the source engine. so we will just have to run some benchmarks and find out.
1024x768 all the bells and whistles, everything max.. I'd be happy with 30fps +. If I managed above 40 I'll try the AA and AF.
As high as it can go in detail, and while keeping a decent framerate (i.e. Not too much choppiness) I will be happy.
some of you people make me laugh with your very fast PCs thinking you wont get good FPS with them, its so stupid.
THE MINIMUM! for HL2 is:
some other crap

Originally posted by Burnout
1024x768 all the bells and whistles, everything max.. I'd be happy with 30fps +. If I managed above 40 I'll try the AA and AF.

Man, with that PC you could get 1600x1200 fine.
Am i the only one with a Geforce 3 :/ . Hope nothing will be wrong with my specs -

MSI Geforce 3 ti500
1.5 gb ddr ram

whats avrg fps will i be getting?

Originally posted by Gordon'sFreeman
some of you people make me laugh with your very fast PCs thinking you wont get good FPS with them, its so stupid.
THE MINIMUM! for HL2 is:
some other crap

Man, with that PC you could get 1600x1200 fine.

Well, I've played games with the minimum reccomendations, and they weren't very playable. As for not getting good FPS, we'll see when the benchmark is released. And I don't really like anything above 1024x768, I've still got an older 17 inch monitor. Hell, I don't think it even goes as high as 1600x1200.
Theres your problem then, snap it, and get a new one, because your PC is better than mine, and i run every game uber high 1280x1024 - 32bit and i get 60 - 100fps all games :)
35-40fps @ 1028x768, everything on max, maybe a little AF

Radeon 9700
AMD 2700+
1 gig 2700 DDR

Those people who think they are gonna get 4xAA and 16xAF on, everything on max, and a high resolution are in a bit of a dream world.
lol. I wish I could, but I spent all the money on the computer. :D Got it back in June. Before that, I was running an Athlon 600mhz, 128 Meg PC100 Ram, GeForce256, 20 Gig HD, and a SoundBlaster Live! Anyway, 1024x768 works perfect for me. I'll probably try higher resolutions. In fact, just checked - the highest my monitor goes is 1280x1024.
1024x768, some AA and AF, around 50fps all the time.
Then I am happy.

xp2400+ at stock (right now), it goes up to 2250Mhz if I crank up some fans and make it a bit noisy.
radeon 9800 pro
i remember hl1, minimum settings so i could get some 15 fps out of it
30fps at 1152x864.

and there is no such thing as steady fps. your fps will vary greatly. certain scenes it will rocket up to over 100fps (assuming high spec system) like in basic hallways. other places like large oudoor scenes with striders, hover-vehicles and shit, your fps will plummet.
Here, how about this. If I can get it to look as good and play as smoothly as the E3 Demo did, I'll be happy. :cheese:
Originally posted by Burnout
Here, how about this. If I can get it to look as good and play as smoothly as the E3 Demo did, I'll be happy. :cheese:

Your PC is a lot faster than the one they used in the E3, trust me.
Originally posted by Gordon'sFreeman
Your PC is a lot faster than the one they used in the E3, trust me.

I still think the guy with the water cooled system takes the cake.
Since my monitor wont do 85hz in anything over 10x7 I'll go with that rez. As for FPS anything over 30 will do nicely although 60 would be nice.