what the combine is shooting?


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
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in one of the new screenshots appear a combine shoting in the water
and I dont think the combine is testing the MP7 to see if hav bullets
what do you think is shooting?
looks like a litle boat right?


  • boat.JPG
    74.2 KB · Views: 613
yeh i was thinking that, but who is in the boat? if its gordon, then why is the screenshot behind the combines back! wierdness!
Interesting question that.... I can see something I think... allthough I am very tired. Wonder what it is....
<RJMC> said:
I dont think gordon is in the boat

Maybe Gordon is like Michael Jackson.....no, no, no, i don't mean sleeps with kids, i mean like in 'Moonwalker' when he turns into the space ship....but this time Gordon turns into a dinghy!

oh i see it now....it looks like a ladder is'nt ?
There is something there.But I think its just ment to show off the character models and that they got the 3rd person MP7 model into the game now.

EDIT: Did ya notce he has something cliped to his belt AND are they new textures for the combine?
Looks like a hover craft of sorts from what I can make out.
Could it be an object that the combine "shot" into the water?

those splashes are a tad big for sub machine gun rounds....
i think its a bullsquid

^nothing related to the beta/leaked version
its possible that it could be one of those little flying senntinels or something cuz the two gray things right above the splash could be the trails it leaves, not sure though
laz545 said:
i think its a bullsquid

^nothing related to the beta/leaked version

I have one word for you and ComradeBadger.

Theres more mods than just comrade badger
Oh come on, it's obvious he's just fishing the redneck way with military grade weapondry!
Dougy said:
Could it be an object that the combine "shot" into the water?

those splashes are a tad big for sub machine gun rounds....

Have you ever shot a gun before? A small .38 round will make a decent size splash. And since most SMGs are chambered for 9mm rounds, I'd say the splash is dead on.
may be the combine's shooting at a icthyosaur or however you spell those crazy water dwellling things
If I'd have to guess, it's a shot being taken from the combines point of view and the combine is shooting at Gordon swimming/riding a boat of some sort. I mean, it's a frigging river thingie and I don't think Combines like killing Ichtysaurs that way, unless they like fishing :D
the MP7 PDW dosent use 9mm submachine gun ammo. i think it uses a special type of ammo created for the weapon specifically, which techincally make it a submachine gun, but provides armor penetration and range that rival a rifle.
Lets put our thinking caps on for a second...

There IS something there, but im not 100% sure its a boat. It looks like it could be a platform of some kind.

If it is a boat, which is what im leaning twoards, its positioned in the corner but I dont think thats a case of plain bad driving, I think its there waiting for someone. If you notice, those holes in the walls might be used to flood what I think is a dam so that would make them floodgates. So the boat is sitting right in front of the last floodgate in the wall.

So my conclusion is that it IS a boat, waiting for someone or maybe parked there waiting for the driver to come back, which may be Gordan. But remember, this aint your average FPS, you can now shoot the boat...and the boat will sink! So not only would you have to watch your own ass, but make sure when you leave, they dont light ya boat up like the 4th of July! That might explain why you cant see a person there, but hes still shooting.

You COULD be looking out the eyes of Gordan, while the gaurd shoots at Alyx! You gonna protect your girl Gordan? Doesnt look like it...cap that gaurd already!...or vice versa.

Anyone see it like I see it?
amneziac85 said:
Anyone see it like I see it?

I do... sort of.

Hmmm... anyone notice the little flying blob right next to the tower in the background? Now I would like to know what that is! :D
Also, the angle of which the combine is shooting looks weird. Like he's not shooting the water.
Hmmm... anyone notice the little flying blob right next to the tower in the background? Now I would like to know what that is!
It's a sattelite or microwave dish on the side of the tower.
Dsty2001 said:
Have you ever shot a gun before? A small .38 round will make a decent size splash. And since most SMGs are chambered for 9mm rounds, I'd say the splash is dead on.

yes i have fired a gun before and you must have seen some funky rounds becuase 9mm bullets do not splash anything like that.
or maybe it's gordon disguised as a combine shooting down at that thing in the water in a 3rd person view!!!!?????

I am believen about the splahs are not from the MP7
cuz I dont think a litle bullet will make so big splahs,even is shooted whit great power

look like he shoot some creature and when the creature is hited by the bullet the crature just go under the water
(simple explanation)
the combine is shooting something!
I tried to zoom on the "thing" and sharpen it.
It's still not as clear and obvious as I would like it to be, yet it really looks like a dingy like in Farcry.
I can be awefully wrong, of course... it's just hard to see clearly.
dont you come the idea of that looks like a litle inflabe boat?
also the splash look in a lined order
so maybe something under the water is making that splash
Could this be an explanation behind that shot?

Just a guess and judging by 2 of the latest screenshots


The combine in the pic IS Freeman. Check out these two shots and look at his glove. Notice the white stripe on it and also theres no HEV suit info, just regular health.

I think we'll get to dress up as a Combine soldier. :naughty:
G.Freeman said:
Could this be an explanation behind that shot?

Just a guess and judging by 2 of the latest screenshots


The combine in the pic IS Freeman. Check out these two shots and look at his glove. Notice the white stripe on it and also theres no HEV suit info, just regular health.

I think we'll get to dress up as a Combine soldier. :naughty:
Woah, I think you've got a point there man!
Although, you can see a little orange in the second screenie.

But, guys, for Pete's sake, Valve is probably laughing their arses off that we are paying attention and fussing about these TINY litttle details!

H00 KareS!??!11??//

And what you posted was not a spoiler if you ask me, it was NOTHING BUT speculation, an idea.
i think its a jet ski... well actually its probably bigger then that... maybe one of those air boat thingys, with the big fan in the back.
G.Freeman said:
Could this be an explanation behind that shot?

Just a guess and judging by 2 of the latest screenshots


The combine in the pic IS Freeman. Check out these two shots and look at his glove. Notice the white stripe on it and also theres no HEV suit info, just regular health.

I think we'll get to dress up as a Combine soldier. :naughty:

that would be cool, and its a nice idea... but I doubt it.
both gloves are the same, and the white is simply overbrightening of the texture due to the muzzle flash light source. (at different frames)

probably just a combine setup in a promo shot... maybe it is (as was suggested) a boat or something and Gordon/npc was in (there will be other driveable vehicles besides the buggy Im sure)
its probly a prowler or a fish and the combines just haveing fun
I reckon the Prowlers are Combine units... it's aaaalllllllll in the uberbad face masks...