What the **** did you guys do?

Tollbooth Willie

The Freeman
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
I leave for a weekend and you guys pull this shit? I want an explanation for this bullshit.
It's the zombie apocalypse

Bring Psyducks
You know I generally am not fond of mods, but thanks for clearing the crap.
But seriously, why are there over 375i256y2i3u locked threads in offtopic, the ******s in HL2.net Steam Chat are failing to thoroughly explain to me. Also, I want every god damn newbie lined up for a pistol stomping.
Dont worry Willie , i too am confused. We can be like little confused bros who end up going insane in a shopping mall that is filled with zombies. Also there are chainsaws.
I'm seriously considering making a "Basic Grammar and Punctuation Thread".
It's entirely Riomhaire's fault.
I looked at the topic list and said tl,dr.

So what did I miss.
Due to many recent changes in forum setup Riomhaire made a "HL2.net Conservative Party" thread which listed a set of policies that their party embodied. Ace copied him, but with differing opinions. Then Pi made the "Benevolent Dictatorship" party. Then we all put on our spamming caps and got to work.
All hail our generous moderator overlords!
Like Jacinto you fagnuts. GET THE REFERENCE.
They had a giant gay orgy. It was ****ing disgusting. Queers all of them.
Give me lizerty or give me death!
:rolleyes:Everybody is pissed off that I didnt invite them to my 4chan club. That is all.
I didn't do anything at all....for once :O
He didn't even plug EVO GAMER BLOG for all of your EVO GAMER BLOG needs. :O
