What the hell does everyone have against Condition Zero?

Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
I'm gonna buy it. It looks freaking awesome. A bunch of new weapons and updated models and stuff. Not just that, it has SINGLE PLAYER! I've been dreaming about CS SINGLE PLAYER for YEARS!! It will also have new multi-maps AND it'll be extremely cheap.

I find it weird how CS is the most popular game ever (just about) and noone wants the expansion for it. It boggles the mind.

Anyways, I just wanna know what you all have against it.

ps.If you were TRUE CS/HL fans you'd buy the game.
Who cares if it's outdated?! You people are just graphics whores. What if HL2 didn't have a the good graphics but the same engine? Would you buy it? I'm disgusted. And this is a half-life forum.
What? Well, how about it will be lame tactical shooter, that will try to copy success of it's multiplayer game (which isn't that great either). Raven Shield anyone? I am a true HL fan, not CS. CS just like drugs, for last year playing it, I found nothing fun in it, but just mindless playing. Thanks god our clan moved on, some to play SWG, others waiting for HL2.
What forum is this? I don't know how I got here...

edit: thanks carloschingarlo, I didn't see your post. So... this is a Half-life forum...
condition zero should be scaped and cs2 retail/mod should be started
CZ is a cash in to support Gabe's eating habit

If you buy CZ in two year's time Gabe Newell will be too fat to program and, indeed, breathe

No Half life 3 guys :(
I swear, Soldier of Fortune II is better!
Edit: And Fat-Boy Gabe(Fat@as$) lay of Gabe, he's in better shape than you!
gabe gets women... hes married you just sit on your fatass socializeing with retards in forums all day
CS was OK when it came out. Now games like BF: 1942 outclass it in every way.
Originally posted by carloschingarlo

I find it weird how CS is the most popular game ever (just about) and noone wants the expansion for it. It boggles the mind.

Actaully, it's pretty far down on the list.
The Sims is the most popular, followed by Myst.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
What? Well, how about it will be lame tactical shooter, that will try to copy success of it's multiplayer game (which isn't that great either).

If its not great why are there 23,000+ servers?
personally i can't wait for the release of CS:CZ. all the cal-o/im scrubs will drop out of cal and go play that :\

and you can't possibly say that "TRUE CS FANS WILL BUY THE GAME UNF UNF UNFUNFASDV"

i've played cs since the late betas, currently i'm cal-m. i have no intention of buying the game anymore. (maybe if they released it back in may when they had a chance?)
because, you wouldn't believe how stupid the majority of the people on earth actually are

sheep, absolute sheep
I can't stand BF1942.

Plays too much like Tribes (a game that sucks in every way imaginable) but with a WW2 setting instead of a sci-fi setting. And its made by EA, one of the worst companies in the industry.
if im going to spend a lot of ****ing money on hardware, I dont want to play ****** ass games that dont use todays technology.
It doesnt have a chance...even the new weapons are already in CS 1.6!

If you are still on 56k, but CZ
Originally posted by carloschingarlo
Not just that, it has SINGLE PLAYER! I've been dreaming about CS SINGLE PLAYER for YEARS!!

Obviously you are to blind to see that CS already had bots that allowed you to play CS in Singleplayer mode.. one of the best being Podbot by CountFloyd. I played CS with those bots so much I started waypointing custom maps so I could play lots of maps other then just those that came with CS.
Funny how hardly ANY of you have given a valid reason. You flame it by saying it's too late or something like that. You bitch about the technology too. Noone answered my question either.

If HL2 had outdated technology would you buy it? If you say YES you're a fan, if you say NO than **** you.

ps.BF1942 ****ing sucks. Medal Of Honor:AA ****ing OWNS it to hell. You don't need stupid vehicles to play. It's true WW2 combats. I might add that the weapon/character models suck hard dick too.
Your really mature carloschingaylo... Bf1942 ownz MOHAA in a huge way.. MOHAA online is boring as hell compared to Desert Combat mod for Bf1942.. Single play in MOH rox big time, but that's the only thing that does..
tierd of waiting for all those games maby?
And this hole CS thing is kinda old now... :)
WE WANT WE WANT CS 2 | TF2 | NS 2 :)
Well looks like im a **** then because I wouldn't play HL2 if it was still running on the outdated technology. New tech doesn't just mean graphics, it's all about using that technology to create greater interactivity and previously impossible gameplay (gravity gun) etc.

Don't you feel cheated that CS:CZ is using technology from over 5 years ago? That game would have been great on the source engine or the Unreal Torny engine (liptek or something?!) and would have added so much more depth to the game.

I used to play CS all the time but lost intrest around the time they slowed down jumping (not bunny hopping - just generally) and I used to want CS:CZ but now it just looks like another addon to HL like blueshift/Op-force/Gunman and I wouldn't pay bugger all for that.
My opinion about CS; After beta 7 there was no public servers with only serious players. And when 1.0 was released... holy shit, all the new things ruined the whole game, and so many retards on all public servers. After 1.0 there was no fun playing CS. And after all, HL1 engine is pretty old these days. The whole thing about CS is to play with your friends, not with bots. :|

becuase HL2 has multiplayer and its very ****ing enought for playing online.
Well, you would have to explain to me what you mean by technology... If you meant it to be graphics only, then it would not matter to me THAT much. But if you meant the physics, character technology and AI then i would not get the game.

Does that mean i am not a fan of Half-life? No i am a fan because Hl was a great game and it deserved everything it got. If Half-life 2 is nothing more then crap (which it will not be), then why should i be a fan to it since it sucked? I will only be a "fan" to something if it has the quality to back the game up and anything otherwise is blind devotion. You are only cheating yourself if you know the game will be bad and buy it anyway.

CZ does not have this (quality). In fact, i was waiting for the game last summer, when it was supposed to be released... Back then, the game was still decent in a sense that it was going to add new weapons and equipment to the community (multiplayer). Now, Ritual Cs will give nothing back to Cs except new graphics and a SP mode which is already in 1.6

Singleplayer will only last so long, even if it is good. Once you completed the missions, you'll probably go back to 1.6 with absolutely nothing to show for your money spent except graphics which are already bad to begin with.

I find no reason to spend 40$ on a game that includes nothing for multiplayer, which is the reason Cs is so popular. Please don't make me explain the importance of multiplayer...

And last but not least, Hl2 is coming out on the same timeframe as Cz and Cs2 is already being worked on by Gooseman. That would be the end of my rant.
My feelings on CZ are just that I'm not going to buy it. I was never a real big CS fan and never played it consistently, so chances are CZ won't exactly tickle my fancy. I've also never made fun of CZ, and if you like CS I'm willing to bet CZ would be a blast.
As for BF1942 and Tribes: They're my two biggest online addictions ever. Either you like that gameplay style or not. In comparison I can't stand MOHAA's multiplayer, but that doesn't mean its bad.
I was tired of Counter-Strike 2 years ago, everyone still plays it at LANs and Pay to Play places, I'm just sick of it, so many great games have come out since then that are much better, everything about it is old and outdated. It was a great game when it first came out, I was with it since the very first public build but I've moved on to more exciting games since. They should have put it out 2 years ago when CS was at its prime, they've lost the oppurtunity now and are trying to polish a turd. Don't get me wrong I used to love CS but this game is SOOO late coming they should have just scrapped it and started with the Source Engine.
well if CS:CZ is a gd game hen i'll fkn buy it.... who cares about the graphics..... ok HL2 looks amazing but really i just want the game not the graphics. fs, i dont even think CS looks that bad because unlike some fkers that are so shite they are walys dead, i am alive and dont have time to float around a look at the graphics because im stuck in a fire fight trying to find a way to not get my ass blown off.

kam your are realy a joke. why?

becuase CZ has nothing of the latest weapons techno, or the special multi that HL2 will have.
Ok, personally from what I've heard the enemies in single player CZ have the same AI as the bots in 1.6, if so they are retarded, they can't shoot on ladders, that kind of stuff, furthermore it adds nothing new expect player models cuz everything else you can download anyway, next battlefield 1942 is crappy as well, if I type too fast it doesn't record what I'm typing (which i've emailed them countless times over and they still don't fix it) so I have to type real slow at like 50 wpm for it to record letters, or during periods of intense lag i basically have to peck at it, its lame as hell, i'm sorry but if i shoot a rocket next to your foot you aren't going to fly in the air, pull a parachute and shoot me in the face while then landing, no sir ee, i mean a parachute couldn't even open in that time frame, you would be disoriented and aside from that dead, no server is EVER under 90 ping (i'm on cable) i'm sorry but I can find HL servers wiht 40 ping, why is it always 90 on bf1942? Oh yea thats right its because their netcode sucks ass.