What the hell does everyone have against Condition Zero?

This is by far the dumbest f***ing thread i have seen in these forums. why don't you people realize where you are? what does it say at the top of the webpage? Counter-Strike: CZ General Discussion?! F**K NO!! It says "Half-Life 2 Forums" Thats right! Counter-Strike related topics have nothing to do with "Half-Life 2 Genernal Discusion" You know why? BECAUSE HALF-LIFE 2 ISN'T F***ING RELATED TO COUNTER-STRIKE! ITS NOT EVEN THE SAME ENGINE NOR GAMEPLAY TYPE. When Counter-Strike 2 is offically announced, then it will somewhat have relation to these forums! please stop with these stupid f***ing threads. this should be posted on www.counter-strike.net forums, because most of the people here are looking for information on Half-Life 2. Not some lame a$$ add-on that should have been release years ago.

Let the CS fanboy flame wars comence!

sorry for the caps :)
Lord this thread got stupid quick.
And just because I can't stand to hear that much misinformation in a single post, I'm going to have to defend BF42. An anti tank rocket will not blast a man upwards,within the last patch or two they can't pull the parachute open that quickly, and I find several dozen servers with under 90 pings even single time I log on, and I have a relatively modest cable line. The "chat-lag" bug does exist, but I've never encountered it and the devs have been trying to squash it forever. If you have lag in BF on a good server it is 90% of the time hardware-related and can be fixed with toned down settings.
And for the love of God, some people need to try spelling well enough so it doesn't give others a headache.
This has been a public service announcement.
BattleField 1942 is great. Even though EA pub. it, they are doing a decent job on keeping it popular with patches and Addons. also looking forward to Battlefield: Vietnam.
Originally posted by TAZ
Your really mature carloschingaylo... Bf1942 ownz MOHAA in a huge way.. MOHAA online is boring as hell compared to Desert Combat mod for Bf1942.. Single play in MOH rox big time, but that's the only thing that does..
What? MOHAA is H3lla better than BF1942. All you do in BF is touch flags!
Yeah! Mohaa owns BF1942!!

And I meant the graphics. Is HL2 had same graphics but the new technology would you buy it?

Ps.If you think Half-Life was SO good why wouldn't you buy an HL2 with the same graphics but it had new things? Such as different guns, different story, different characters, different enemies, different setting?!

Since half-life is so great, I'd love the sequel as long as the GAMEPLAY is as good. Same to condition zero.
Originally posted by carloschingarlo
Yeah! Mohaa owns BF1942!!

And I meant the graphics. Is HL2 had same graphics but the new technology would you buy it?

Ps.If you think Half-Life was SO good why wouldn't you buy an HL2 with the same graphics but it had new things? Such as different guns, different story, different characters, different enemies, different setting?!

Since half-life is so great, I'd love the sequel as long as the GAMEPLAY is as good. Same to condition zero.
Not only CZ has the same graphics, theres nothing new, just single player, the MP is just plant the friggin' bomb and kill everyone but your teammates...thats why...if HL2 had the same graphics, we'd buy cuz it has more innovative gameplay:cheers:
Yeah but i mean come on. You people cant just say. I buy games for gameplay alone, Every Single Time. Surely not :p

But yeah. CZ does seem to be getting a insanely bad rep for no reason. meh. I just dont like it cos CS is starting to piss me off with all the cheaters and the "noobs" etc. I cant wait till NS2.0. Then i will be happy once more............
Ummm... i believe that i said that graphics did not matter to me that much, which in other words means i would get the game if everything else was great. You misread my post.

As for the gameplay, even if it is good, i'm sure Half-life 2's will be better along with good graphics and a whole new multiplayer too. I see no purpose for getting the Cz unless you have too much money and would wanna get both of them.

This is also considering that the gameplay is good in the first place which i highly doubt.
I have nothing against Condition Zero, I'm actually looking forward to it. CS gameplay is good, and singleplayer removes the assholes from the game. As long as the AI is good, the game'll be good.
CZ would be great on the new hl engine. But no. It's still going to have bodies falling half way through walls when killed and the enemies won't notice when you kill their friend right in front of their face. They say there will be some stealth gameplay put into the game, but I doubt stealth can be implemented in the HL1 engine.

What I hate about the HL1 engine was that you could shoot someone off a ledge but they wouldn't fall off (unless they were barely even on the ledge at all, then they would slide down off when killed). They would lay completely straight over the air and the only thing that will be keeping them suspended in the air, is that their foot is barely touching the end of the ledge.

CZ is most likely to be CS with bots instead of players and new maps. If you dream of CS singleplayer, just play Raven Shield. It has singleplayer and it's actually pretty good.
CZ sp doesnt even have a story, its just training basically. I do plan on getting it for the xboxt ho. only because then It wont die out as quick because it will be the only hl game on the xbox (besides hl2, lol)
Originally posted by 2ltben
I have nothing against Condition Zero, I'm actually looking forward to it. CS gameplay is good, and singleplayer removes the assholes from the game. As long as the AI is good, the game'll be good.

FINALLY! SOMEONE SANE!! And by the way. Who CARES if they didn't do it on Source! They eventually will! For now, it's the old engine. Get over it.
Originally posted by Zeus
It's still going to have bodies falling half way through walls when killed and the enemies won't notice when you kill their friend right in front of their face.
What I hate about the HL1 engine was that you could shoot someone off a ledge but they wouldn't fall off (unless they were barely even on the ledge at all, then they would slide down off when killed). They would lay completely straight over the air and the only thing that will be keeping them suspended in the air, is that their foot is barely touching the end of the ledge.


You people are sad if this is what bugs you. I never even MINDED the clipping in HL or any game for that matter until you mentioned it. I do NOT think of these things when I play a good game. Maybe if it's an awful game I'll notice. But it's Half-Life. Come on.
Seriously. Play for the gameplay, not for the clipping technology.
Originally posted by 2ltben
I have nothing against Condition Zero, I'm actually looking forward to it. CS gameplay is good, and singleplayer removes the assholes from the game. As long as the AI is good, the game'll be good.
And as long as the gameplay is all about planting freakin' bombs and killing ppl, then it'll suck!:bounce:
Sounds good to me either way. I know I'll enjoy it thoroughly no matter what it's like. I know they'll give me quality.
Finally someone sane? Just because they do not share the same opinion as you, that automatically makes them retarted? I find that a severely biased comment...

Who cares if they did not do it on Source? I care. Although they probably did not have a choice in this matter, the fact that the engine is not used does not help Cz. Source is capable of so much more then the old Hl engine, not including Graphics. Advanced physics, vehicles and the other features of Source would add several new tactical elements to Cs.

So in other words, why do i care that Source is not added? This goes back to my original post... if Cz adds nothing significant to the real game (multiplayer), I see no real reason to buy it.

One more thing... i am somewhat tired of people mentioning that they want to play botmatches on Cz when it is already free and available on 1.6
Guys, BF1942 owns CS in all ways.

The only reson to still play CS is if you have a crap comp.
cs is mad boring even tho is multiplayer. u think the single players gona help it in neway? it was suppose to come out a few freaken years ago and cs has the stupidest storylines ever. ... nvm, it doesnt even have a storyline, u jus run around a kill ppl. theres no gameplay, theres only idiots trying to get more kills then everyone else. theres only mockin the noobs. the ppl on the radios jus try to annoy the shit outta everyone else. the only time i like cs is wen i extremely bored or i am realy pissed so kill ppl online.

cscz is jus the single player version of the multiplayer. the ppl r gona be relaced by bots and all u do is disarm the bomb or save some stupid hostages.. ooo, sounds like fun to me...

CS is the most popular game ever made. Just because you don't enjoy CS does not mean it is a boring game.

CS is very fun for me, and many of my friends. Nothing compares to playing against real people. The fact that CS does not have the best graphics yet still holds the most player base proves it is a well made game.

As far as CZ goes I can't see myself trying to play CS as a single player. The new CZ maps will probably be available for the non CZ version. CS 1.6 has the new weapons and many upgraded maps. (the shield is unbalanced!!!) If you download STEAM you can play 1.6 now.
is there a certain release date for CZ yet?

anyways, i still play CS alot and even though its not as fun as it used to be, i still enjoy it. i tried other games like ravenshield, bf1942, ET,etc,etc...but i like the fast pace gameplayof CS, unlike raven shield (which is also fun). bf1942, actually i dont play, but i do play desert combat, cause i like games with modern day weapons. anyone try eve of destruction? is it any good?
I've heard somewhere that the supposed release date for CZ is September 1st, I'm not sure I believe it though.....