What the hell is wrong with Paramount?


Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
Is it just me or has Enterprise sunk to a new low? Now normally - having been numbed somewhat by the low quality of Voyager - wouldnt be bother much by this but the episode I just saw; Nazis? Again? Does every ship in the history of the Federation somehow get to battle Nazi aliens? What the hell is it with the producers of Star Trek and Nazi's.

TOS: Nazi aliens
TNG: No Nazi aliens as far as I remeber
DS9: The Cardassians were like Nazis to the bajorans.
VOY: NAZIS off the port bow captian!
ENT: Yes, now there are Nazi aliens on Enterprise too!

When will it end? I'd like anothe cliche please.
What? You don't like to see different people beat the crap out of Nazi's over and over again?

The Nazi's provide such a great deal of content, thats why. Its just too juicy of a fruit to leave alone.
Yea, I was like WTF?!?!?! Stukas with photonic torpedos??
I don't watch those, but I do remember seeing Voyager Nazi episode. And then I saw a preview for the enterprise nazi thing. Talk about lack of new ideas!
Thats cause nazis are the only politically correct thing to kill. Terrorists have a family, the undead are hallowed, aliens are out for the good of humankind, and nazis want us all to suffer!
The Mullinator said:
What? You don't like to see different people beat the crap out of Nazi's over and over again?

It's not a matter of whether I like to see Nazi's have the crap beaten out of them or not, it's a matter of do I want to see the same thing over and over or not.

Beating the Nazis is good, but lack of variety is bad.

The Mullinator said:
The Nazi's provide such a great deal of content, thats why. Its just too juicy of a fruit to leave alone.

Try eating 10kg of mangos. Sure, mangos rule, but after 10kg, you'll be begging for something else.
Well I don't know if I can comment on the show because I don't watch it a whole lot. Ever since I learned that Enterprise was going to take place about 200 years before everything else I lost interest.

I mean, seriously, who's bright idea was it to make the show a freaking prequel? I don't understand why they couldn't just continue after Voyager.

I would like to pole t'pol.



Throwing fruit is unnesessary.
Yeah, enterprise is the only star trek that's had CGI good enough to make it realistic. It shouldn't be wasted on another hackneyed time-travel plot.
Stop freaking time-travelling!
yeah, the nazis kinda suck, but enterprise is much better than voyager was, in terms of acting and plots. i'll suffer through some time-travel nostalgia as long as it keeps janeway away.
DoctorGordon said:
Might i ask what Nazis have to do with the star trek universe?

The producers of Star Trek keep making episodes where the crew has to fight Nazi aliens.
ductonius said:
Is it just me or has Enterprise sunk to a new low? Now normally - having been numbed somewhat by the low quality of Voyager - wouldnt be bother much by this but the episode I just saw; Nazis? Again? Does every ship in the history of the Federation somehow get to battle Nazi aliens? What the hell is it with the producers of Star Trek and Nazi's.

TOS: Nazi aliens
TNG: No Nazi aliens as far as I remeber
DS9: The Cardassians were like Nazis to the bajorans.
VOY: NAZIS off the port bow captian!
ENT: Yes, now there are Nazi aliens on Enterprise too!

When will it end? I'd like anothe cliche please.

Low quality of voyager, voyager and deep space nine episodes where the best star trek episodes ever, the first st was just captain kirk hitting on every bigboobed, short skirt wearing alien, the next generation was soooooooooooo BOOOOOOORRRRRRINNNGGGGGG. Deep Space Nine was at first boring and than it had intersting intergalactic political intrigues( how I love the section 31 episodes), and voyager had the best and most original stories and was by far the most exiting and coolest.
Star Trek Original was the best. It was very philosophical overall.
It just goes to show you that nazis are universal... Theres a pun in there somewhere.

The idea of alien nazis works because it plays on two fears, unkown and communist military dictatorships.... I mean come one, isn't it painfully obvious that the tribbles were nazis as well.
Innervision961 said:
It just goes to show you that nazis are universal... Theres a pun in there somewhere.

The idea of alien nazis works because it plays on two fears, unkown and communist military dictatorships.... I mean come one, isn't it painfully obvious that the tribbles were nazis as well.

You do know that the communists are far left and communists are far right, right. Or are people in the U.S. beeing tought that Karl Marx was a wife beater, and tell me is it true that you folks have to every day salute to the flag and sing the national song at school, cause that just scares me, it reminds me of the Stalin Soviet Union.
I like to see Nazis killed...and in enterprise not only are Nazis killed, but you see some world war two technology pitted against Enterprise tech.

Maybe its just me.

I really do rather like Enterprise though, and I can't wait for them to show the new series. (Last one I saw was the one where they try to land a shuttle in San Francisco during world war two. They get intercepted by two American planes. I'm not sure what type there were...mustangs perhaps. It was a while back now.
Grey Fox said:
You do know that the communists are far left and communists are far right, right. Or are people in the U.S. beeing tought that Karl Marx was a wife beater, and tell me is it true that you folks have to every day salute to the flag and sing the national song at school, cause that just scares me, it reminds me of the Stalin Soviet Union.
Thats only ideologically, in practice there are many parallels that can be drawn between how Stalin's Soviet Union did things and how the Nazi's did things.

I also feel the same way as Farrow, I actually like it.
The Mullinator said:
Thats only ideologically, in practice there are many parallels that can be drawn between how Stalin's Soviet Union did things and how the Nazi's did things.

I also feel the same way as Farrow, I actually like it.

Stalins soviet union wasn't communistic, it was just totalitarian, it might help if you Americans actally would know what communism is, all totalitarien countries share more things in common with capitalism than communism( simply because communism is humanly impossible now, our nature tends to be more capitalistic), but that doesn't mean that you go compare every capitalistic nation with the nazis, and could you pleaze awnser my other questions about the U.S.
Grey Fox said:
Low quality of voyager, voyager and deep space nine episodes where the best star trek episodes ever, the first st was just captain kirk hitting on every bigboobed, short skirt wearing alien,the next generation was soooooooooooo BOOOOOOORRRRRRINNNGGGGGG. Deep Space Nine was at first boring and than it had intersting intergalactic political intrigues( how I love the section 31 episodes), and voyager had the best and most original stories and was by far the most exiting and coolest.

If I may make an observation:
|            |    TOS    |    TNG   | DS9 start | DS9 end  |  VOY  |
|Graphics    |   poor    |    poor  |    poor   |  avg.    |  high |
|Story       |   good    |    good  |    good   |  avg.    |  poor |
|Your opinon |   poor    |    poor  |    poor   |  high    |  high |

I would rate the series almost ecactally opposite since the stories on Voyager were very much inferior to those of the first four series. The writers got hung up on the fact that they could use fancy graphics and forgot about the characters. On the first three series they couldnt show much of the outside of the ships due to the limited technology, so many of the battles were fought showing the bridge, enineering or whatnot. The characters had to relate what was going on through thier actions and what they said so there was a much larger opportunity for the characters to show what they were made of, so to speak. On voyager, they could show the outside of the ship in battle so there was more of that and less character interactions.

The plots were also mostly self-contained which was exactally the wrong choice for a show of that nature. Babylon 5 had a continuous plot just like Voyager but at least half of the sub-plots arched between episodes. The other half were contained wholely in the episodes. This meant that the characters made more than just passing refrence to events in the previous episodes since those events had not yet resolved themselves and were ongoing.

In voyager, the show would make reference to events but no issues brought up in an episode - to pick a random number - five back would ever be dealt with.

DS9 is also a good example of the right way to do an overall plot, at least in the last seasons. Though they didnt do it as well as B5 did.
TNG was to me just boring, really unrealistic( to idealistic), the good thing about the first star trek had the most original and wackey monsters but the rest of it was not really any good, DS9 was bad at first but tha last seasons were great, but voyager wa just damn good, the pact between the maquis and federation, the fact that they were on their own in the delta quadrent, it was exiting, had good special effects and exellent stories, the characters were great and id evolve great, Just look at the EMH, seven of nine, those other borg kids, the ocampa, neelix, wonderfull, and how harry kim evlolved, jut compare him in the last episodes to the first, species 8472, wodnerfull, I mean I remeber the episodes where Voyagere was desintegrating slovly in to a metal and at the end it seemed the whole crew of that voyager were all just copies, the episode where they where in orbit of a planet with the tetryon core, where time passed a lot fatser the ntheirs, Voyager had the best stories and the best action, it hit the delicat balance between ass kicking and good story, it was to the other episodes what Star Trek VI was compared to the other movies.
Grey Fox said:
Stalins soviet union wasn't communistic, it was just totalitarian, it might help if you Americans actally would know what communism is, all totalitarien countries share more things in common with capitalism than communism( simply because communism is humanly impossible now, our nature tends to be more capitalistic), but that doesn't mean that you go compare every capitalistic nation with the nazis, and could you pleaze awnser my other questions about the U.S.
err... I realize that, I was saying that under Stalin's rule Soviet Russia drew many parallels with the Nazi's method of doing things with its people. I am also pretty certain that is what Innervision961 meant as well.

It was still a communist society, you can have a totalitarianism as a form of government with a communism ideology for the economy. That was what it was with Stalin I believe. Same way Nazi Germany was a Capitalist society with a totalitarianism rule.

Also just so you know I am not American I am Canadian and even if I was American you should really learn to not insult them simply because you disagree with them. It just makes yourself look bad.
I don't get, how did I insult somebody, if you think me asking about the school think was meant as an insult i apologize but it was a genuine questions, and about the thing that they should learn more about communism, well if he is saying that the nazis where a communists dictatorship the he deserved that remark, its just incredible how much times i read that on these forums, either the people are joking, or they are stupid, or US schoolboks are still from the Cold War era, wich really scares me, and people who say those things generally say also stupid things about canada.
Grey Fox said:
I don't get, how did I insult somebody, if you think me asking about the school think was meant as an insult i apologize but it was a genuine questions, and about the thing that they should learn more about communism, well if he is saying that the nazis where a communists dictatorship the he deserved that remark, its just incredible how much times i read that on these forums, either the people are joking, or they are stupid, or US schoolboks are still from the Cold War era, wich really scares me, and people who say those things generally say also stupid things about canada.
it might help if you Americans actally would know what communism is
99% of the time phrases like that are meant as insults. Also why not call them Communist dictators? The country had communism at the time and they were dictators, hence they are communist dictators. No one was saying that communism itself is bad, just that the leaders were bad.
The Mullinator said:
99% of the time phrases like that are meant as insults. Also why not call them Communist dictators? The country had communism at the time and they were dictators, hence they are communist dictators. No one was saying that communism itself is bad, just that the leaders were bad.

look he called nazi germany a communist dictatorship, sorry but then you're asking for it.