What the hell?

I dont see what's so hard to understand, really. I always thought Doom 3 could work really well as a console fps. And judged as a console fps, I wouldn't be suprised if it turns out to be brilliant.

But then again, a lot of magazines tend to overrate the big releases. We'll just have to wait for more verdicts.
What? Hmm...i really dont know what to say, like Kage said we'll have to wait, either that or try it myself.
Does the XBox version have co-op?
It does tempt me to rent it - if only out of interests sake. The single player game did nothing for me on the pc, and I doubt that an extra player will make much of a difference to the Xbox version.

(much of the game is very cramped and herds you in a single direction - uless some changes are made to the level design I doubt there will be many opportunities to cover each other and get tactical on the demons.

It'll also have some serious competition against Halo 2 in co-op, which is superb)
The reader reviews are 8.2 avrage, why is evryone here so hyped. Only xbn gave it a 10, so what they are xbox only mag, they are not trustworthy.
I didnt played doom3 but there should be a good reason that the xbox version hav more score that the PC version considering the low reviews it got
maybe it hav a lot of extras?