What the leak!?



My question is simple, does the source engine operate in the same as the Half-Life1 engine, that if there is a 1 pixel leak, that things will not render?

I guess it's simple really, i just want to know what kind of flexibility i'm working with here, i was reading that the surrounding visual of the map is now created differently... with a skybox scaled version of another map... wtfluke

alright i'm ranting, the medicine must be wearing off.
i believe tht it dus recognise a 1 pixel leak as a leak and will not render properly. Ive heard of a tool which you can use after u compile the bsp which points out where the leak is.
As far as I recall, Quake had a console command to show where the hole is. I think it was:
The VIS tool generates a pointfile when it detects a hole - I think this hadn't changed much since the Quake based Half-Life engine.
if you have the message ***leaked*** in your compile log then close it, keep your map open in Hammer and go to Map > Load Pointfile

A red line will show you your leak.