what the most annoying thing ever?


Nov 17, 2003
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In my past (and current) experiences I think that the most annoying thing is sitting on the toilet and I reach to grab some toliet paper and...it's gone! No more toliet paper! Now I have to bend my poop stained ass at such an angle that I don't smear it all over my butt cheeks and then proceed to look for an extra roll of toliet paper. And by the time you get some (perhaps from a family member) the poop on your hole is beginning to dry and it takes an extra round of toliet paper to clean up the mess!

I only bring this up because this experience just happened to me...yet again

Anyone else experience this or is it just me?
csmighty1 said:
In my past (and current) experiences I think that the most annoying thing is sitting on the toilet and I reach to grab some toliet paper and...it's gone! No more toliet paper! Now I have to bend my poop stained ass at such an angle that I don't smear it all over my butt cheeks and then proceed to look for an extra roll of toliet paper. And by the time you get some (perhaps from a family member) the poop on your hole is beginning to dry and it takes an extra round of toliet paper to clean up the mess!

I only bring this up because this experience just happened to me...yet again

Anyone else experience this or is it just me?

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But not to look like a rude guy, the worst thing that will ever happen to me will be my own death
use water, it's much cleaner. also, you could've checked the roll before you let the bombs fall you know.

there are too many things i find annoying, i could write a book about them.
Sprafa said:
This is stupid. Mods close this.

i don't think it's your place to be passing judgment on threads. and i also don't think it's your place to start bashing new people. chances are he won't come back very often because of what you've said.
Dedalus said:
i don't think it's your place to be passing judgment on threads. and i also don't think it's your place to start bashing new people. chances are he won't come back very often because of what you've said.

I edited it out in 5 secs after I posted it.

I'm a little impulsive driven sometimes but I usually correct myself.
there is such a thing as too much information you know, just a tip for the future.
Thanks A lot..... now I cant eat my biscuits and gravy I just bought.... :( You should put a warning in the title if your gonna get that discriptive!!!
qckbeam said:
there is such a thing as too much information you know, just a tip for the future.

What I find annoying, is spending a huge amount of money on hardware, and building two PCs, monster ones, and then finding the HD from your year old computer won't work, it's corrupted, and now you're facing a close to £300 bill for repairing it.

Trying to send people your "art" and trying to compress it to 100kb by making it smaller and smaller and smaller then destroying the picture in the process :p I waste my time too much
something that pisses me off is when people keep saying "dont get angry!" and yur not angry but being accused of it when yur not only makes u angry which then strengthens their argument.
That what I do! Its funny cos then they get more pissed off a try and hit you :p
BlackWolfdrk said:
when your trying to roll a joint and the roach falls out

yur whole life seems to revolve around mary jane. I dont think i've seen u post a single reply yet that didn't relate to marijuana.... interesting....
JonTheCanuck said:
something that pisses me off is when people keep saying "dont get angry!" and yur not angry but being accused of it when yur not only makes u angry which then strengthens their argument.

Yeah...it was worst at school. I remember there were people who always tried to "take the high point" and look down on you. They would do so much to provoke you and you would simply answer them calmly. So many times would people say things like "woah...Take a chill pill. I was only joking when i said i think your work looks like crap, your parents are retards and the teacher is going to get you thrown out. Man, you always get angry."
I guess the most annoying thing as of late is having to buy a component video cable for 20$. These friggan cable manufacturers must make a killing on these things...
annoying = having sex with 3 girls and the least pretty of the three says , "save it for meh!"

jim carey is a funny funny man.
That's nothing I paid $50 for a cellphone USB cable.

I still can't belive I did that .......
I Hate having to reformat a computer.

It was for the dumbest reason too. Windows Xp said I had registered it to many times and it wouldnt let me on to my account. Then after I reinstalled windows the CD key was just fine. Omg that was so lame and I had everything the way I wanted.
Living in a house which feels too small. I keep bumping into things and tripping over.
...annoying habits. Lately i've really been using bad English, filling my sentences with words and phrases such as "like" "you know what i mean" "Um" "er" "kinda like". Also ive been saying things like "To be honest". It makes it sound like i lie all the time or something.

I always used to say, beware of the man who uses the phrase "To be honest"...Most of the time it means they are actually telling a lie or somehow hiding the truth.
Going to bed, having to go to the loo, 5 minutes later needing the loo again, repeat...
When an awesome game developer makes an awesome game, manages to keep it quite until the release is almost upon us, only to delay it a week before the release date, and then delay it indefinitely....

You knew you had it comeing right? If it wasn't me, it would've been someon else... :p
Waking up with a massive hangover, no memory of the night b4, your trousers on backwards and a sore ass. I hate that :/