WHAT THE ****? My post count Reset???


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Why the hell was my post count re-set. I just hit 100 after being a member for over a month and a half. WHAT THE ****!?!?!
canu point us to some of ur posts?
its odd how u have been a member for months and got a 100 where as ive only beeen here for a few weeks.
Hit SEARCH under my name.. It says I have 3 posts.. There are at least a hundred.

u have exactly 112 posts pls just approach the administrator and talk to him aobut why it only shows 3 it will get fixed not a big deal.
The post count thing is the work of the devil! I hope munro deletes it when he's back from holiday.
Yes, It's the Devil, and I would love if it didn't exsist, but I am a HEADCRAB after being a zombie for only 1 day.
Yes it is a big deal. It shows that I've been here a while, and not a total Newbie. I didn't spam to get it up there. On average I post 3 a day... This is total BULLS@@T.
It wont make any diffrence when munro comes back...the postcounter is history then..
^ Damn right! :D .... and calm down Obi, just calm down and wait for one of the admins to come online.
postcount means nothing....if you have been here for a while then people will know.
See, this is what happens when you spam the General Discussion forum with threads congratulating yourself on reaching x posts ;)
Wow zerimski is well cool he got 65535 he must be 1337!!! oldi1knoby
u suck LOLO"!!!!! u only got 3 posts NOOB!!!! @~!"!!*
SPAMMING???? I made one post. You just have it out for me for some reason, doncha Zerimski?

65535 posts Zerimski? thats 630 a day. Hmm, I'm guessing you have to have a wall removed to go to the hospital for your monthly triple bypass surgery?

This is spamming:

* Zerimski salutes.
Firstly, it was in the General Discussion forum and had absolutely nothing to do with HL2 so yes, it was spam. And no, I don't have something against you at all.

Secondly, thats either 630 posts a day or a quick trip to the Admin CP. Guess which one I chose (take into consideration the fact that if you do a search for all my posts you get 460something (at time of writing) results).

Thirdly, that was relevant to the topic it was posted in, in the Off-Topic forum, therefore not spam.
ONE post is NOT spam. Spam is repeating that OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. That post was OFF-TOpic. I thought I was in OFF TOPIC when I posted that.

Whatever dude, you either have it out for me because of the thread I started against your opinion(which you never responded to, and had locked), or you have a major power trip.
my spider sense tells me that the world is going to be nuked by space pirates in 20min....***N RUN RUN !!!
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
my spider sense tells me that the world is going to be nuked by space pirates in 20min....***N RUN RUN !!!

See, THAT is spam. It has nothing to do with anything.
Spam can be a single article. I'll show you how if you like. Let's just say that you're a very popular person and get several personal e-mails a day. Now let's say that in amongst the e-mails you want, there is one asking you if you would like a larger penis. This e-mail is spam. It is only one e-mail, but it is still spam. Your post was in the General Discussion forum and had nothing to do with HL2, therefore it is spam. Whether or not you thought it was the Off-Topic forum at the time is totally irrelevant as I am not psychic. I saw it was spam and dealt with it as such.

And regarding that thread you started. I never replied because while I was typing up a nice long reply the msblast worm decided to have it's wicked way with my PC. I tried to save my reply in Notepad but wasn't quite quick enough (when you have several documents that you need saving and Word is being a bastard you have to prioritise). After this I went out for the day and most of the night, so by the time I came back the thread had died and was at the bottom of the page, and I really couldn't be bothered to type it all up again. When StarMonkey topped the thread and closed it, I could have replied then but as part of the thread was about me "throwing my weight around" and "not giving others a chance to reply", I thought it would only go further to prove what little point you had. I considered the matter closed and got on with it. In all honesty I had forgotten it was you that started the thread when I came across your thread last night. So no, I really don't have anything against you and I was hoping you would take this whole situation in the joking fashion that it was intended. Obviously I was wrong.

Edit: Yup, that is spam, and is a single post...
/sarcasm on

Oh, so it was a joke. Well then why don't we JOKE with mr.badger who ADMITTEDLY is spamming the off-topic forums(you saluted him in the thread) and put his post count to zero. He is trying to get to 2k by spamming. It'll be fun for the whole family.
/sarcasm off

Yes, I did get the irony, and had a little laugh when I saw the post where I proclaimed my 100 posts erased and my post count zeroed, but after the initial giggle, my new signature seemed useless. I'm not a ZOMBIE any more!

Whatever dude. I gotta go look at porn and then go to bed.

/sleep on
Ok, if you really want to be a Zombie you can be a Zombie...

But zeroing mrBadgers post count wouldn't have the same effect. The only reason I zeroed yours was for the irony of it all, you were congratulating yourself on reaching 100, otherwise I would have just deleted your thread.
wht do u mean munro is reseting it when he comes back?
oldi ur so unkewl coz ur post count is so low it means u have no life and hate hl2
Well, what WOULD be funny is right when he hit 1999 to have it Zero, or Zero it right after he gets 2k. Either way it'd make him angry, but be funny.

wht do u mean munro is reseting it when he comes back?
obi ur so unkewl coz ur post count is so low it means u have no life and hate hl2

Damn you! I love half-life, and I am the coolest guy in my Dungeons and Dragons Gaming clan!(just kidding, haven't played since 9th grade)

Thanks for the laugh.
Originally posted by oldi1knoby
Well, what WOULD be funny is right when he hit 1999 to have it Zero, or Zero it right after he gets 2k. Either way it'd make him angry, but be funny.

Now that's an idea...
WOOT, I am a zombie. /hug Zerimski. It won't change after I hit 200?

Sweet, what does mine say?! Dude, what does mine say?! Sweet, what does mine say?! Dude, what does mine say?! Sweet, what does mine say?! Dude, what does mine say?! Sweet, what does mine say?! Dude, what does mine say?! Sweet, what does mine say?! Dude, what does mine say?! Sweet, what does mine say?! Dude, what does mine say?!
What makes no sense? The Sweet/Dude thing is from Dude, Where's My Car. Was my favorite scene in the movie. They both had tattoos on their backs. One said Sweet, the other said Dude. So they went back and forth for like 5 minutes before the clerk at the store stopped them. Then they both said Sweet/Dude. Was very funny.

Edit: Goodnight. Got some "reading" to do before I sleep.
/me waves goodbye and grabs a discrete bottle that says "Aloe Vera" on the label.
Ooo Zerimski, you better not zero my post count.... or I'll show the whole forum 'that' picture ;) ... :laugh: :laugh: whahahaha... actually, I'm not going to spam my way to 2000, I'm doing it the same way I did my 1000... not spamming, just posting my opinion.... of course it helps my gf being away, so I have more time on here :P
this thread is getting crazy how bout we just ban him i mean whos going to miss him ? ill dispose of the acount .
just put it in the back of my truck.
I found it quite funny :D

I was also going to set your postcount to -50 after reading this thread, but vbulletin just reset it to 0, so I didn't bother.
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead

I think this sums up pretty well the whole "post-count" mentality, not that I think you are a spammer Magnetichead, I understood very well the sarcasm/irony/euphemism whatever it's called lol :)
oooh ure a zombie eh im a prowler:P therefore i am bettter then u . :p. I cant believe u put up such a fuss big deal lol. Reset my post count well i wouldnt care.
lol why do i think admins are getting ideas from this post :(. Lol
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
I think this sums up pretty well the whole "post-count" mentality, not that I think you are a spammer Magnetichead, I understood very well the sarcasm/irony/euphemism whatever it's called lol :)

I think he's a spammer. Does that make me evil?