What the...


The Freeman
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
Okay so I just got a PM from myself...

u r the 1
I am contacting u to tell u that u r the 1!
I will contakt u with furthr info...

Originally posted by Bad^Hat
/you gets a coal for xmas


What? No, hey, I didn't do it, haha...
Originally posted by Bad^Hat
Okay so I just got a PM from myself...


you need a hobby mate :p

no but really, if this is genuine I'd suggest you contact rec or Abom about it and perhaps change your login details too.
DUDE ITS YOU FROM THE FUTURE LMFAO THATS TOO FUNNY I wish i would have done it that would be s f*ckin funny. LMFAO:laugh: sorry i cant help it way too funny whoever did it is a genius!

EDIT: im so putting that in my sig:laugh:
That reminds me of Mr. Bean when he "sends" Christmas cards to himself.
That happened to me once, you know. I was typing an esay at school when I got a mail from myself saying "Hello. I'm you in the future. You have a surprise history test next lesson - revise quickly!" Bewildered, I ignored it but when the lesson came, it was true! SO I sent an e-mail back through time to tell my past self to revise, saying "Hello. I'm you in the future. You have a surprise history test next lesson - revise quickly!".
All I can suggest is that you change your password and e-mail address in the User CP. I'm going to look into this further, though.
Originally posted by Bad^Hat
Okay so I just got a PM from myself...


You're the evil Bad^Hat!...Or possibly teh good one. I mean, your avatar is green and it was blue.