What time is it o'er dar?!

4:39 and I'm feeling fine.

Wait. No I'm not.

Oh well, it's 4:40 now anyway, and I'm feeling neither naughty or haughty.

About to get my shit together and get my ass outta home, but i'm waaay too tired
11:54PM, need to go to bed.

Going to my brother's wedding reception tomorrow, going to be awesome.
This thread, will go on for Generations!

3:35 AM. Bedtime for me. My alarm clock is broken, and I don't know when I'll wake up. Scary thought.
10:33 in the eve and I'm feeling funky. Smell-wise, that is. I hate taking showers this late for some reason...
Time... ...flies.
Time... ...Bandits.
Time... ...wounds all heels.
Time... ...Rosemary and...
Time. Time ends.

06:40 CST and all is well. Well, sorta.
Einstein's soo awesome


11:31 PM
Kinda reminds me of the Gentlemen.


3:10am OHGODWHYAMISTILLUP. Oh yeah, energy drinks. Whee. Also waking up at 2 o'clock can't have helped. HMM WHATTODOWHATTODO.