What to buy what to buy!?


Companion Cube
Jan 6, 2005
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Okay, so my birthday has just passed and I'm 17 years old, my job ended this friday, I'm sitting on 800 euro. Now I have come up with two options.

1. I buy a nice 32" LCD-TV 720p from Samsung for 750 euro.

2. I buy a PS3 with MotorStorm, F1, new vid cable and VGA converter(Also totalling at 750 euro).

I'm sorta split up on my decision, and would like you smart peoples input(I'm looking at people like CptStern and not you young whippersnappers), I mean on one hand, the PS3 is expensive as hell for a console, but it does have Blu-Ray for the future. In the other hand, the HDTV is only 720p, which isn't Full-HD but only HD-Ready, as they brand them over here.

So, people, what would you say is the smartest choice? Note, if I get the HDTV, I probably won't buy a new one for another 3 years or so.

Thanks in advance for all helpful input!
I'd go with the HDTV, if you have a PS2, wait to get a PS3 (if you do)until it actually gets more good games.
At 32" i'd say the benefits of 1080p over 720p are tiny. At normal viewing distances you probably won't notice any difference at all. There's also not much point having a blu-ray player if you don't have a HD set.

In a year we'll be able to pick up relatively cheap blu-ray players that do the job considerably better than the ps3. There's also combi players coming out very soon for those who are interested in BR and HDDVD (which, imo, is the better of the two formats at the moment).
Okay, so my birthday has just passed and I'm 17 years old, my job ended this friday, I'm sitting on 800 euro. Now I have come up with two options.

1. I buy a nice 32" LCD-TV 720p from Samsung for 750 euro.

2. I buy a PS3 with MotorStorm, F1, new vid cable and VGA converter(Also totalling at 750 euro).

I'm sorta split up on my decision, and would like you smart peoples input(I'm looking at people like CptStern and not you young whippersnappers), I mean on one hand, the PS3 is expensive as hell for a console, but it does have Blu-Ray for the future. In the other hand, the HDTV is only 720p, which isn't Full-HD but only HD-Ready, as they brand them over here.

So, people, what would you say is the smartest choice? Note, if I get the HDTV, I probably won't buy a new one for another 3 years or so.

Thanks in advance for all helpful input!

I would avoid the PS3 until they have:
10 times more games
lower prices
better OS
bugs fixed
improved hardware run
A faster, bug-free blue ray drive

You already have an xbox 360 and a game PC.

I'd wait on the monitor as well. After all, you really want something better right?

Save your money. Just think about all the things you can buy. Thats the fun part. You could buy anything. I've got so much money saved up, I don't even bother to cash my paychecks until I have a stack of them. The idea is to put more money in the bank than you spend. I hope I'm not sounding condescending, I am getting pretty old.

For example, you never know when your PC will suddenly stop working, or something else that you will not want to go a day without. If you have money saved up, you can take that opportunity to upgrade your broken PC.

In a week, or two, I bet you come up with some more ideas on what you'd like to spend your money on. It won't hurt to forget you have the money in the bank, and a month or two down the line get the "new new new". Maybe you can save some more money.

If you really feel you must buy something, maybe you should think about getting a Nintendo Wiii

Now I'm starting to want one :P
If you already have a 360 and no HD set then i'd certainly for for the tv.
I still say wait on the TV, because you will just have to buy a better one later, and you will have wasted your money. Also, you don't need HDTV for the 360, since you can use your monitor/VGA cable.

But if you are OK with that, I will say that Samsung kicks some serious ass. My brother got 2 samsung widescreen LCDs for $1800 (i think they are like 30")

I use a samsung dynaflat 19" CRT and it's the clearest picture I've ever seen on a CRT
I still say wait on the TV, because you will just have to buy a better one later

In that case, don't buy anything, because you will eventually have to buy something better :|

In my opinion, get the TV
TY to all for your input, I am considering maybe saving a bit more to just be able to get atleast a 1080p, you made alot of valid points VirusType2 and I particulary appreciated your post and I do agree, wasting 750 euro on a PS3 when I have a 360 and high-end PC is a bit wasteful.
In that case, don't buy anything, because you will eventually have to buy something better :|

In my opinion, get the TV

Try to get the best, or something that there IS no upgrade for in the foresable future.(in his case 1080p)

For example, if I'm going to pay $100 for a PSU, instead, I might as well pay $300 and get one that can do anything. 1000 watt tank. I may have to buy another PSU anyway because my $100 one isn't good enough in the long term, so I end up having to buy a $200 one too, and now I've spent $300 on PSU's cus I bought both, but I still don't have the best one.

Must also consider, is that a waste, will you ever need 1000 watts, and how long will the device last, and then calculate how long will it be before you need this much power. By the time i have a quad core, quad Video card system, they may have freaking warp drive PSUs from star trek.

Just carefully consider all your options. The worst decisions are usually ones that aren't carefully thought out. Thats all.