What to do about a crack.

Write a nice little batch file to delete the offending software and set it to run every hour or so. That should piss him off nicely. If he does buy the game, just delete the file and the auto run :)

Not that that would be mean or anything...

*Edit* Even better idea. I'll be back in a few minutes with a toy for you :)
The Dark Elf said:
Why do all warezkiddies use the same tired excuses

I think he's just saying that 'everyone' breaks the laws in question, just to different degrees, even down to borrowing a vid off a mate which is technically illegal, no-one here can say they've not broken one form of copyright or another which kind of makes us hypocrites when we critisize people for breaching the laws that we feel are most important i.e. software/game theft

I think the on-line gaming community is a huge influence on sales

Best £32.99 I ever spent

...apart from that web cam I bought my girlfriend maybe...

If he doesnt get to play online you shouldn't care.

Also, you should let him be the cheap bastard he is. Then tell any potential future girlfriends of his that the guy can't afford 55 ****ing dollars for a computer game and stress to them not to expect much. That'll teach him. Either way, don't let it take away from your enjoyment.
Buy him a copy for his birthday, then he will have to deal with steam ;0)
wassup said:
Buy him a copy for his birthday, then he will have to deal with steam ;0)

lol, that's a bit harsh isn't it!? can't they just castrate him or give him the death penalty instead
you should praise him like a god because hes so leet and just saved 70$, you can still play dm on legit servers with the vengance release of hl2
Thats actually a good point. Plus Half life 2 is so good, I won't mind valve not releasing half life 4 because everyone pirated HL3, putting valve out of business.
Well, i also not agree with hacking and cracking games.
But it's free choice.I know that, many of you doesn't agree with me.But try to live in Yugoslavia and, try to buy some game
with M Ratings.You need "Personal Card" and more money.
I haven't take crack copy of HL2, so I Bought it on original DVD.
But for other games, i take copy from my brother.
This is what I would do:
Get on his computer.
Get into the HL2 folder.
Do something stupid.
Boot knoppix on his system, then run "echo /dev/urandom > /dev/hda" in console as root. If you feel like working it out, there's also some really fun stuff you can do to the motherboard/videocard/ethernetcard's flash memory, much of it irrepairable. Do one thing at a time, starting with the ethernet card (they're cheap), the BIOS flash (not TOO hard to recreate ;) and so on. He'll buy it preeety quick
Just tell him the truth that HL2 is a "buy game" and it doesnt matter how much u crack it. Bcoz theres always some f*cked up bug in it anyways. and He'll really want to play with the great mods and dm.
does jbmod work with the cracked version? If not, hes gonna miss something
i wasn't kidding with my suggestion. give me his address, i'll.... convince... him.
I got DM.Via Collectors Edition.
Half-Life 2
Half-Life : Source
Counter - Strike : Source
Choscura said:
i wasn't kidding with my suggestion. give me his address, i'll.... convince... him.
Damn straight I'm comin' with. Lets make him an offer he can't refuse...

I bought Gold off of steam, $100 when you include shipping...
luketabor said:
i vote for peeing in his shampoo bottle. either that or putting about 10 packets of clear gelatin in his toilet and leaving a note on the inside of his bathroom door saying "shoulda bought hl2, bitch!"

what the hell does that do ???? :eek:
Basically turns the water into jello, or somethin like that. Clear so you cant tell the difference
You should tell him that you have notified steam athorities, but spell athorities right.
Jesus Lincoln said:
Buy him superman 64

No! Have this dailogue with him-

You- So then, what was your favorite part of SM64?
Teh Haxor- What?
Y- ? Superman 64, you favoirte part?
TH- Ive never played it
Y- Your kiding me
TH- No
Y- Where you living under a rock or something that was one of the gaming greats, better than halflife2 or anything! You had a nintendo 64 didnt you?
TH- Yeh!
Y- Well get it out then, I will give you my coppy, you will need to crack it though after my 64 NY'd
TH- What?
Y- You dont know about the NY NIntendo 64 bug?
TH- Oh yeh of course
Y- Ok I will let you borrow it, have fun!

Run down to the mall, buy a cheap copy from somewhere, smash it against a brick wall for half an hour and give it to him! Good luck on the cracking!
To me, it's a matter of conscience. I wouldn't dictate anything to anyone else, and I would never rat someone out. That's what neighbors did to neighbors in Nazi Germany. No, thank you. There's nothing lower than that.

HL2 throws another fly in the ointment, by the name of Steam. Even though I caved in to it, it's hard for me to argue with people who I know for a fact support the gaming industry (by usually buying their games and asking others to do the same), but absolutely refuse to allow Valve to take control of gaming products on their systems. Groups like the aforementioned Vengeance gave them a choice, an they took it. C'est la vie. Don't have a cow about it. Just enjoy your game.
by hearing this i feel cheated as well...

I think that it is very wrong to do this kind of stuff.
If i were you, i would tie him up to his bed and put a bunch of ants on his belly...
after that if he doesn't stop, try scorpions :LOL:
:devil:THATS HOW WE DO IT ON HELL :devil:
Throw his computer out the window...Then tell him to imagine if he had bought HL2 he would be playing it right now without the need to buy a new comp.
Ask him if he wants to play online. While he's contemplating the validity of the arguement, defecate on his belongings.
You're all (well, most of you) are insane. And I mean that in the fun-loving, yet stay-the-heck-away-from-me way. :)

Seriously though, yeah, inform him of the multiplayer and mods he's missing. Not been able to play them should be torture enough.
Replace the model of alyx with a nude Elton John. Add 'extra bits' to make it more lifelike
Replace all the dialogue with lines from the Smurfs. That'd be so f'kin hilarious! Alyx gets chased by a Combine soldier- "Gordon! Get the smurf outta here! These smurfin smurfers are gonna smurf us all to smurf!"