What to do in a terrorist situation!-LMAO!!!

That reminds me... From the survival manual:

Lister, David ~

Probability of survival if marooned on an alien world: 1%

If surface of said world is covered in molten Khorma: 99.9%
Brian.. Who is Friggy? Some kinda monster that dwells in your house?
CrazyHarij said:
Brian.. Who is Friggy? Some kinda monster that dwells in your house?

It's me...*blushes*...I hide under his bed, and then when his parents go to bed, we start doing some nasty stuff...
That's the most accurate guess yet.

He's a six-inch-tall humanoid... errr... thing (I just call him a Datasprite - he came out of my computer) who seems to have latched onto me (Or my fridge, at least). Well... I can't get him to leave.

Stores his virus collection on my computer, plays nasty tricks on me when I do something that he doesn't like, and is a major reason for my huge food bill...

EDIT: Frank... I'll put it this way: You wouldn't want to go under my bed...