What to I need to know about to get the ball rolling?


Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
I've got a few ideas floating around my head for mods, but i'm not sure where to start.

What version of Half Life 2 do I need to buy to get the full modding suite?

What do i need to know about scripting and coding? (My mod ideas include spacewalks, spangerly telekenetic abilitys and levels with no up direction).

Can you have space suits as a seperate model that is "worn" buy the character (so the head turns but the helmets fixed) or would I have to model the character with a spacesuit?


I think you should start simple, then months later maybe join another mod team before attempting your own like that.
My inital idea was to mod the gravity gun into some kinda jedi force pull/push thing. Just basic changes the model, sound effects and the effect of the weapon. Maybe using the mouse wheel to pull or push something, so you could pull a trooper out over a drop, and let him fall.
That's a lot more work than you think.
Bugger... what would be classed as simple then?
What do you plan on doing... coding, modelling, sound, art..?
Mainly coding, art and design work. I'd like to try modderling but i doubt i'd be good enough, fast enough. Same with mapping and sound really.

My idea is for a space based game, where your part of a boarding action squad. So initially you'd start off in drop ship, then move to the outer hull of the ship where you have to burn your way in. Then once your in you have to take over the ship, sercuring areas, putting down resistance and taking out the ships systems as you go.

One thing this will need is local varibles for gravity, air friction, air pressure etc. Anyone played Halo's Boarding Action map? Like that but if you jump from a ledge you lose gravity until you make it to the other side.