What type of oil does a 1996 Plymoth Breeze take?


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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Can't seem to find it anywhere on the internets!

but in all seriousness, unless its a super-fancy car it probably takes regular or synthetic. Check the manufacturer's website, or go to your local hardware store, where they will probably have a book listing oil, filters and gas intake.
I went through google, got a bunch of crap.

I mean 10-40? 5-40? I figure 5-40..but really no clue.
Oil is oil is oil is oil.

Use dino oil unless it has over 70k miles or 100km, in which case you should use synthetic.

Your best bet is to post this question on a Plymouth (lol.) forum. Synthetic may cause problems with some older engines.


Tell me about your weather and climate where it will be driven and I can give you the correct weight.
Oil is oil is oil is oil.

Use dino oil unless it has over 70k miles or 100km, in which case you should use synthetic.

Your best bet is to post this question on a Plymouth (lol.) forum. Synthetic may cause problems with some older engines.


Tell me about your weather and climate where it will be driven and I can give you the correct weight.

60 at night, 100 during day.

its got 120k miles.
To elaborate on one of the problems for older engines, it's not hugely significant but good to know; dino oil has a tendency to build up crust over a long period of time. For some engines this helps prevent leaks. Switching to a synthetic will some times break up this crust, helping the leaks occur.

So if you smell a burning oil smell, that's what it is.
I mean if it's not leaking profusely already.
If it is, don't bother cleaning it off.
Crud-tasticly burnt oil is a geat insulator.
Fix any leaks, then clean it up. Then use only synthetic from that point.

I think I should also mention the breeze is basically a rebadged Dodge Stratus, if that helps at all.
To elaborate on one of the problems for older engines, it's not hugely significant but good to know; dino oil has a tendency to build up crust over a long period of time. For some engines this helps prevent leaks. Switching to a synthetic will some times break up this crust, helping the leaks occur.

So if you smell a burning oil smell, that's what it is.
I mean if it's not leaking profusely already.
If it is, don't bother cleaning it off.
Crud-tasticly burnt oil is a geat insulator.
Fix any leaks, then clean it up. Then use only synthetic from that point.

I think I should also mention the breeze is basically a rebadged Dodge Stratus, if that helps at all.

Don't worry, we know it's a POS..it was 8 grand though. Yeah, she wasn't thinking completely straight when she bought this car. :( Granted though in 2 years it will be paid, and she will have good credit!
Ever think of going to the local shop and ask someone? Maybe I'm a bit crazy but thats what I would've done first before asking teh intraweb. ;)