What u think is better css or hl2 dm

Counter Strike Source or Halflife 2 Deathmatch, you can only vote once

  • Half Life 2 Deathmatch

    Votes: 66 38.6%
  • Counter Strike Source

    Votes: 83 48.5%
  • Their both the same

    Votes: 22 12.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
cs got my vote...i dont like dm much,i can't think straight when i play it for some odd reason
I think HLDM is better.
CSS uses physics to little and I like killing people with toilets. :farmer:

Looking forward to see more maps though...
"Their both the same"? Don't you mean "They're both the same"?
Like others, I have to stress that I only play Team DM in HL2. I don't like normal DM.

I also like it for the reasons Mecha stated.
Personally,I like CS:S better.Why is everyone saying that CS:S isen't fasted paced?If you want CS:S to be fasted paced,simply go to a server with 40 players,storm to the front and you will be wishing you have time to rest,but by then your dead ^_^.My advice to those who think CS:S kinda sucks because you have to wait a whole round to respawn,:teamwork,playhard.
Sieg said:
Personally,I like CS:S better.Why is everyone saying that CS:S isen't fasted paced?If you want CS:S to be fasted paced,simply go to a server with 40 players,storm to the front and you will be wishing you have time to rest,but by then your dead ^_^.

There's nothing fast-paced about following your teammate around in Freecam.

My advice to those who think CS:S kinda sucks because you have to wait a whole round to respawn,:teamwork,playhard.

...Meaning I can have a good time in 1 out of every 20 servers, seeing as how the CS fanbase is completely made up of immature tards. No thanks. I'll stick to HL2 where I can at least function independently from any idiots I may have on my team.
I know a few servers that REQUIRE to use tactics and defense offense. No swearing, no teamkilling. So you know, all this crap you say about CS:S. IS a unknown myth to me. I mean, DM is only fun for like a few minutes. The action wears off, because there is not much depth after you get by the whole LOL toilet'd. Though it is a good game for a short time of fun. Still, CS:S for me.
Fun for a short time? Speak for yourself. I've kept myself up to 4 in the morning playing HL2DM.

I don't see how CS:S is any more deep than HL2DM, to be honest.
I think they are equal. Each has elements the other doesn't, and some contradicting elements.
I just can't handle CS. The current problem with deathmatch is

a) Lag
b) lack of servers.

As far as i can see.
Anyway it's really hard to coordinate attacks, unless you have a mike or can type really fast.
Both are fairly repetetive.
I guess I prefer CS:S than HL2DM.

The things I don't like about HL2DM:
1) Spawn-killing gets very annoying. I wish I had a dollar for every time I spawned with a filing cabinet flying at my face.

2) Very few maps. HL2DM would have been much more popular if it started with more than two maps.

3) Can't do much without finding the good weapons. Unless you find a crossbow, RPG, etc. quickly you don't last long.

4) Nothing much new. Besides the gravity gun, its almost the same as every other FPS out there. I think the only DM game I really enjoyed is Aliens VS Predator 2, mainly because its so different. It'd be nice if there was more environmental obstacles (like in singleplayer) or different game types. Perhaps an objective or vehicle based multiplayer would work better.

Good thing there are a ton of great mods in the works!
CSS is nice, but DM is for me. It's faster, I get more play time to fix into the work schedule, and I think there are way more things/tricks in DM than CSS. Theres the grav gun (lots of things to do with that), nade cooking, now the SLAM traps, seesaw jumps, etc. People say that the wep in DM are boring but actually they all serve very specific purposes. If anything the weps in CSS are redundant. Don't get me wrong CSS is nice but I like DM much better (plus I'm confident that valve will update gameplay types in the future for those that truly like cooperative play).
yadayada said:
If anything the weps in CSS are redundant.
Thats true, most of the weapons work in a very similar way, just some do what guns do better than others. You don't ever see serious players take a MAC-10 instead of an AK47.

A lot of the weapons in that game aren't used very often really.
CS:S all the way.
I loved Unreal Tournament, my favourite MP game, but Half-life 2 Deathmatch is way to fast paced, atleast UT, you could live 5 seconds ;P
Find a clan in CS:S and play with them, and feel happy, because it is fun to play with people you know, and who listen to your commands.
Still, i have yet to find a clan.
HL2DM is too fast paced. I prefer more realism and I know CS S is far from the most realistic game ever but its better than DM.
Are there bots for dm yet
Badly needed for those of us who lack 24/7 internet
I like CS because I feel that there is a little more depth there. If you wanna play like a mad killer, grab a para and run around with it, if you want to pretend like you are a part in something bigger, camp the bombsite or the hosties.

I'll admit that the CS players are pretty immature.

When they get to me, I just play against bots with knives. There's nothing like running away from the bots with your friend, you look back, and he's stuck in a corner getting stabbed to death.

Also, seeing the blood spill out as you get a head shot makes all of CS's drawbacks disappear. It's terribly addicting for me.
I like HL2DM better than CS:S basically because you can do more crazy stuff in it and I suck at CS. I agree though, HL2DM is missing that certain "something". It's still amazingly fun for short periods but for some reason I can't play it for hours like UT, Halo, or BF: Desert Combat (best MP game out there in my opinion). After maybe an hour playing I just have to stop. After that I usually do something else for a few hours and then come back for an hour. I hope valve keeps the trend and keeps adding more stuff to DM. That new DM map steamlab is freakin awesome with all the traps and stuff and the Slam adds alot of flavor but HL2DM is still lacking something. If Valve did any one of these things, I would be able to play DM for alot longer.

Things to improve HL2DM.

Vehicles (vehicles RoXor, usually my favortie feature in any game that has them. For HL2DM, the BF1942 style of vehicle control would fit in perfectly)

Adding more weapons (Some kind of UT-styled super-weapon would be nice, as would things like mannable turrets)

Assault/Objective Mode (An assault mode would be so sweet for HL2DM. Ex. Rebels storm a combine fortress while the combine team mans turrets outside the fortress to blast away at them.
Ex 2. A re-enactment of that scene in HL2SP where the combine storm that town with the lighthouse with dropships)

AI Enemies and Allies (Ex. bots to practice with. Ex2. Antlion guards run loose on the map while ppl are killing eachother)

A UT inspired invasion mode (Ex. Everyone is on one team and has to defend a building from AI-controlled combine forces. Ex. 2 Random enemies continually respawn and whoever kills the most AI enemies wins the round. Ex. 3 Actual team missions like your team of combine soldiers has to destroy an AI-controlled rebel headquarters)


A BF1942 styled control point gametype with bigger maps and vehicles.

Long-story short, If HL2DM takes alot of elements from the Unreal Tournament games and integrates them into HL2DM gameplay, HL2 would have the perfect multiplayer game.
What sux about DM imo is that its all just SHOOT! SHOOT! SHOOT! SHOOT! SHOOT! SHOOT! SHOOT! SHOOT! SHOOT! And hardly any thinking exept for how to get the next weapon.

In CS and CS S u need to think before almost everykill.