What video card do you guys use for SOURCE

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well i've been having problems playing source and i think it's my video card going out. i have a ati all in wonders 9700 pro, 128 mb. what happens is when i'm playing source the colors on the monitor gets all crazy and i wouldn't be able to see anything.

So i'm looking for a new video card and was wondering what kind of video card you guys are running.

any input would be nice. compare and contrast.

thanks all
Geforce 7900 GT 256

before you duy a new card, update your drivers...if you still have the problem then you might want to shop around for some
I use a 4 year old 9800 pro 128mb :E. Get a nice fps in it too.

You can easily buy a pretty good gfx card now for very little money. I think I saw a few models above the 9800 for about 60 quid.
If you're going on cheapskates, get the 7600GT, otherwise the x1950pro or x1950XT.
Wha- The colors get all crazy?
Anyone else think that might be a heat issue?

Anyway, source runs good on pretty much any card from 2003 and up, as long as you don't set the graphics options too high.

For the best bang for your buck, I couldn't say really, look at most of the cards that have been mentioned in this thread, go to a site like newegg.com or ncix.com and pick whatever suits your wallet. I guess you have an AGP motherboard though so don't pick a PCI-express card...unless you plan to get an new motherboard as well...
eh i got the shittiest card, Intel 82865g graphics controller, which is integrated meaning its crap. I cant play big maps in Source, flashlight dont work, entities disappear from far away, flashbang doesn't have that cool effect, and water textures look like crap. i know i should get a graphics card but i still enjoy playing custom maps.
x1900xtx 512MB

Runs great. 1920x1200 jacked all the way up. No problems so far. Once in a blue moon when i first hop into a server I'll get some purple textures. But that's about it.
x1800XT. I don't think I drop below 100fps ever.
Because I know exactly what is gimped about the card. I guess it burnt to a crisp, hence why he said gimped! If you knew anything about video cards, or the Nvidia line, the GS is a "gimped" version of the normal GT version (read: it's slower), but the 7900GS is still a lot faster than a 7600GT.
X700 Pro. Runs it... But, you get into the teen fps in firefights and the market in Italy. But hey, what can i say. You can get much much much better. We could help better if you tell us how much you are willing to spend.
@OP - Like Naudian said it sounds like you've might have heat issues with that card. Is it overclocked? My friend runs HL2 very solidly off an old 9600.

As for my card - HIS ICEQ3 ATI Radeon x1950 AGP 512Mb
Got it recently to replace an ancient 9800Pro.

This is about the best card you can get if your mobo doesn't have a PCI-e slot but the rest of your system isn't a bottleneck.
I use ATI Radeon 9600XT and i can play on full graphics and full reso (no AA, anastrophic, HDR)
ATI Radeon x800xt. Never had any issues runing at 1680 x 1050, everything on high.
ATI Radeon X740xl can play everything on high with no problems but it stuggles with episode 1.
AGP eVGA 6800 128 mb beast. Hasn't failed me yet! Great bang for your buck if you're AGP and looking for an incredibly cheap card.
Radeon X800 GTO. Plan on upgrading to a Geforce 8800GTS soon however.
NVIDIA GeForce Go 7600 256mb

runs steam beautifully on my laptop, fps are about 70 - 100 when runnin source, hl2 runs at about 50 - 80 fps

Radeon x1800 XL, Never seen anyone else with it in my life... But, it gets the job done very well.
eVGA Geforce 8800GTS 320MB version.
NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500 256mb is not bad i got it for about 65i think!